Would you agree to swap Somaliland for Somali galbeed with Ethiopia?

Would you agree to swap Somaliland for Somali galbeed with Ethiopia?

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Hypothetically speaking if Ethiopia was to offer this deal would you agree or not?Somaliland has a coastline while somali galbeed has a bigger more fertile land with more natural resources. Which area is more important for Somali weyn?


I’m confused, swap as in give them to Ethiopia? Never. Audubilah. I’d rather accept Somaliland’s independence than this ever.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
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mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Hypothetically speaking if Ethiopia was to offer this deal would you agree or not?Somaliland has a coastline while somali galbeed has a bigger more fertile land with more natural resources. Which area is more important for Somali weyn?
How about ethiopia takes over the entire somali penisula and we become the united horn:banderas:
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Ridiculous question they are even more hostile to uniting with Ethiopia than being hostile towards reuniting with us. Like 0% of Landers wants unity with Xabashi


I'd rather let landers get their independence. I'd never surrender fellow Somalis to those xabeshi Jews


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Doesn't even geographically make sense, unless Ethiopia calls it West Ethiopia and East Ethiopia like the former Pakistan had in the 70s
What type of question is this :mjlol:

Why on earth would I want Ethiopia to even get a coastline I would rather have Somaliland and Somali Galbeed both independent then to hand Ethiopia coastline on a silver platter. Not even Boon Siad Barre was that dumb he made sure Ethiopia stays landlocked and armed Eriteria.
Ridiculous question they are even more hostile to uniting with Ethiopia than being hostile towards reuniting with us. Like 0% of Landers wants unity with Xabashi

I disagree. Landers (Isaaq) are very welcoming and submissive towards Ethiopian government and foreigners overall. We might seriously take you on that deal.