Will the new talks be the last opportunity for Somaliland?

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Why would I need your aid or support when you can’t even free Ceelbur with the help of Hawadle, Abgaal, HG, PSF, SNA, Macawiisley, Danab, Gorgor, Turkey, America, Eritrean troops and AMISOM? I don’t need to rely on anyone except my fellow Harti unlike you.

Do you hear yourself, do you think thousands of idoors are dying just so they can raise the blue flag in Hargeisa?
The only power in Waqooyi rn is Harti and this war proved it, Harti clan militias drove SL to use prison wardens, coast guards, fire fighters and civies lol


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Jeegaan would rather join Somalia in a position of strength than lose SSC and be stuck as a triangle Dir state


Standin on bihness
Somaliland have been consistent for last 30 years that Independance is not up for discussion.FGS and somaliland will talk in circles for another 30yrs.

Imo this is last opportunity for Puntland to intervene to help SSC while they have momentum. Somaliland has government coffers and state resources to keep this going for years. Even if they retreat what’s gonna keep somaliland from coming back and leveling city again.
Somaliland waa soo Xarootey heshiish ka dhicdoona Djibouti dhawaan Hassan Sheikh iyo abdikarim Guuleed ayaa koonfur ku matalaya 🤣🤣


Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa diyaarinaya qabashada kulan dhexmara madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo kan Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, sida ay ogaatay QUDUS TV.

Shirkan ayaa waxa uu kusoo beegamaya xilli uu dhawaan madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud uu magacaabay ergayga u qaabilsan arrimaha Somaliland, kaasi oo ah shaqsi aysan xasaasiyad ka qabin Somaliland.

Cabdikariin Guuleed oo ah shaqsiga uu madaxweyne Xasan u magacaabay arrimaha wada-hadalada Somaliland, ayaa waxaa soo dhaweeyay maamulka Muuse Biixi, taasi oo wadada u xaareysa in labada dhinac ay markale iskugu imaadan miiska wada-hadalka, si loo sii ambaqaado wada-hadallada oo sanado hakad ku jiray.

WARIYE: Elmi Ali Warsame


Somaliland waa soo Xarootey heshiish ka dhicdoona Djibouti dhawaan Hassan Sheikh iyo abdikarim Guuleed ayaa koonfur ku matalaya 🤣🤣


Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle ayaa diyaarinaya qabashada kulan dhexmara madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo kan Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, sida ay ogaatay QUDUS TV.

Shirkan ayaa waxa uu kusoo beegamaya xilli uu dhawaan madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud uu magacaabay ergayga u qaabilsan arrimaha Somaliland, kaasi oo ah shaqsi aysan xasaasiyad ka qabin Somaliland.

Cabdikariin Guuleed oo ah shaqsiga uu madaxweyne Xasan u magacaabay arrimaha wada-hadalada Somaliland, ayaa waxaa soo dhaweeyay maamulka Muuse Biixi, taasi oo wadada u xaareysa in labada dhinac ay markale iskugu imaadan miiska wada-hadalka, si loo sii ambaqaado wada-hadallada oo sanado hakad ku jiray.

WARIYE: Elmi Ali Warsame

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Great news sxb.

The deal will based on North and South powersharing where both Mogadishu 1st and Hargeisa 2nd have all the powers in Somalia.

Only losers here will be the Falistiinis throwing stones and their master puntland who will be ignored into oblivion.
Great news sxb.

The deal will based on North and South powersharing where both Mogadishu 1st and Hargeisa 2nd have all the powers in Somalia.

Only losers here will be the Falistiinis throwing stones and their master puntland who will be ignored into oblivion.
You alshabab slaves are beyond delusional, first of all, idoors are serious with their ittiraf project, they will never abandon it to make a deal with hutus who they look down on and despise above all others. Second, hutus don't have the power to implement power-sharing agreements without the input of a federal state like Puntland. And by the 1% chance idoors are serious about engaging Xamar, it's thanks to Dhulbahante.

Idoors are losing the war and they lost 70% of their territory and hutus such as yourself and @The Midlands think it's a good idea to have power sharing with people who are greatly weaken only to spite daroods, I love the cuqdad :ftw9nwa: :mjkkk:
please say hg next time. the rest of hawiye do not care for daroods outside the rare times a darood president comes to Mogadishu and causes annoyance there . hg are the only hawiye that border darood so the anomisty is there and understandable especially with mj/mx. for the rest of us, daroods are barely in close contact with us so they are not our constant enemy per say
Don't say mj only two families of reer mahad of cumar muxamoud interact with these habars


Dadkaan ahay waa Duriyad Saare iyo Dawolad! 👑
If ictiraaf is not up for discussion there will be no discussion aside from the shortages of Khaat that has dwindled since the start of this war on the chosen people of banu hashim.
Muqdisho (Wararka PP) — Madaxweyne Xasan oo dhowaan magacaabay ergeyga wadahadallda Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland ayaa soo bandhigay qorshe uu kaga dhaadhicinayo beesha caalamka in wadahadallada loo galo Koonfur iyo Waqooyi. Hindisihiisan oo aan ku sargo’nayn dhabta siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya wuxuu bannaanka soo dhigay in dowladda federaalka Soomaaliyeed ay is bahaysi beeleed ka doorbidday ilaalinta qarannimada Soomaaliya. Xamar oo weli ah magaalo aan wax ka qaban boobkii iyo barakicintii 1991kii waxay mar kale qaadday waddo si ba’an u kala dhantaali karta midnimada iyo jiritaanka qaranka Soomaaliyeed.

Guddiga 33 ee SSC ayaa hadda ku baraarugay dibindaabyada ay dowladda Xasan Sheekh ku samaysay dadka Laascaanood. “Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo mabda’ is bahaysi beeleed Hargeysa aammisan ayaa doonaya inuu ku doodo in SSC ka mid tahay Somaliland. Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh wax qabta ma leeyahay?“ ayuu yiri nin la taliya guddiga 33 ee SSC. Hoggaanka SSC aya soo dhoweeyay magacaabista Cabdikariim Guuleed, ergeyga wadahadallada Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland, iyagoo ku dooday in dowladda federaalku ku metesho SSC wadahadallada. Maamulka Puntland ayaa soo gudbiyay diidmo qodobaysan oo ku saasan magacaabista ergeyga.

© Puntland Post, 2023

Abdikarim Guleed had made a secret diplomatic tour to Djibouti and Addis Ababa on SL. He was in Djibouti and now in Addis Ababa. "SOMALIA AND SOMALILAND TALKS" to start in Djibouti by the mid of this month.


