Why is it the average/ below average earning men worried about gold diggers

Wanting a provider who is on your level isn’t gold-digging. There is a clear difference with a woman who isn’t attracted to you but simply needs you for a come up and a woman who is educated and in the same social position who simply wants her equal, but also takes other characteristics in account. Example, if she doesn’t have any feelings or attraction towards him, she wouldn’t entertain him, even if she checks her box with regards to provision.

Not the same whatsoever. A gold-digger is a woman who only/mostly wants a man for his financial position.

Example: A young 21 yr old with a portly odey. She’s not attracted to him, but needs him as she doesn’t have qualifications or opportunities to wait and provide for self in the mean time.

It is not the same as a woman let’s say 24 married to a young 26 yr old whom she loves who can also look after her and is making around the same as her or a bit more. She’s not in it for the money. She already can stand on her own two feet.

What’s dishonest is conflating two different scenarios just so that you can score a point. Wanting a man that can provide isn’t the same as gold-digging

I have always preferred a man that is making around my own income or more, but i never went for someone solely for the income. I don’t need to. I work and have always bought my own shit, however a provider is important for the sake of my kids and because i might want to dedicate time for my kids and husband and stay from work for a bit.

Can you not seriously see the difference?
You completely missed my point, in fact you helped further my point as you’re the one who said men are attracted to gold diggers because they show their wealth to women or try to show what they can provide. So tell me then, how is an innocent farax able to distinguish between the upstanding xalimo who just wants love and stability (in terms of income) and a gold digger? That’s where your whole point fails and breaks down.

Clearly the farax needs to show their level of income and ability to provide in some manner to attract the good Xalimo but that makes him someone who’s attracted to gold diggers apparently. Does he need to act broke? Is that the only way that he’s not attracted to gold diggers?
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You completely missed my point, in fact you helped further my point as you’re the one who said men are attracted to gold diggers because they show their wealth to women or try to show what they can provide.

So tell me then, how is an innocent farax able to distinguish between the upstanding xalimo who just wants love and stability (in terms of income) and a gold digger?
Lool, there is a clear difference and YOU know it. I’m sorry but if you’re an unattractive Farax who doesn’t have the best of personalities who has had trouble attracting women who DONT need you for your wealth like in the West for instance, but you go to Africa and all of a sudden all the women are throwing themselves at you, it’s clear to see what is happening.

Men know this. A 50 yr old with a young woman knows that she’s probably not attracted to him. Men aren’t stupid and right now you’re playing stupid. That isn’t to say it’s clear cut, but we’re talking about the averages here and we know this as in societies in which women don’t have to choose based on poverty, they tend to go for men who are a similar age to them.

The vast majority of average Faraxs in the West don’t have an issue with gold-diggers. You’re surrounded by women who have the same as you or maybe even more. Many of the women also out educate you a well, so what issues are we talking about here?
That’s where your whole point fails and breaks down? Clearly the farax needs to show their level of income and ability to provide in some manner to attract the good Xalimo but that’s makes him someone who’s attracted to gold diggers apparently. Does he need to act broke? Is that the only way that he’s not attracted to gold diggers?
Nope, they don’t lead with their wealth. Haven’t you ever spoken to a girl that genuinely likes you? When I saw my husband I Instantly liked his personality and was attracted to him. Then I enquired about his job ect. The initial attraction and interest in YOU needs to be there first and foremost.

Also, the vast majority of Western women do not need a man financially especially the everyday normal men they come across. That is why women have become picker and aren’t settling down as much as other factors matter just as much now. It’s why movements like redpill have become a thing. There is denying that provision is important, but don’t expect a woman to only go for you for that. They simply don’t need to. I’ve seen far too many successful but socially awkward and unattractive Faraxs try to marry and have issues, but if they go to a third world country, they’ll be snapped up.
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Lool, there is a clear difference and YOU know it. I’m sorry but if you’re an unattractive Farax who doesn’t have the best of personalities who has had trouble attracting women who DONT need you for your wealth like in the West for instance, but you go to Africa and all of a sudden all the women are throwing themselves at you, it’s clear to see what is happening.

Men know this. A 50 yr old with a young woman knows that she’s probably not attracted to him. Men aren’t stupid and right now you’re playing stupid. That isn’t to say it’s clear cut, but we’re talking about the averages here and we know this as in societies in which women don’t have to choose based on poverty, they tend to go for men who are a similar age to them.

The vast majority of average Faraxs in the West don’t have an issue with gold-diggers. You’re surrounded by women who have the same as you or maybe even more. Many of the women also out educate you a well, so what issues are we talking about here?

Nope, they don’t lead with their wealth. Haven’t you ever spoken to a girl that genuinely likes you? When I saw my husband I Instantly liked his personality and was attracted to him. Then I enquired about his job ect. The initial attraction and interest in YOU needs to be there first and foremost.

Also, the vast majority of Western women do not need a man financially especially the everyday normal men they come across. That is why women have become picker and aren’t settling down as much as other factors matter just as much now. It’s why movements like redpill have become a thing. There is denying that provision is important, but don’t expect a woman to only go for you for that. They simply don’t need to. I’ve seen far too many socially awkward and unattractive Faraxs try to marry and have issues, but if they go to a third world country, they’ll be snapped up.
You made the claim that men (as a whole, although you may believe there’s outliers) are attracted to gold diggers. It doesn’t matter whether you lead with the money or not, clearly a man must show that they’re financially stable so eventually they’re gonna have to have a conservation about it, so if men know the importance of this they’d might as well (in some instances) show that they have a good income to attract the women THEY LIKE, what about that is attracting gold diggers? Some men may use their looks, others may use their personality to charm, either way men have to make the first move and knowing women they’ll try whatever they have in order to get the girl THEY LIKE, not gold diggers.

you even said your self that your man didn’t lead with money and the quote “haven't you ever spoken to a girl that genuinely likes you?” implies to me that you don’t even believe that men are trying to attract gold diggers as in that statement you presume it’s normal for men and women who like each other will talk to each other before things like finances come into the conversation, you debunk your own claim the more you write.
1- 💯Wallahi its true that men have no probs with gold diggers.
2- That woman they dump when they get rich has a name. She's called "The come up woman" They use "the come up woman" until they get to a pay level where they can get women they didn't have access to before. I warn sisters not to be the "come up woman". DO NOT SETTLE WITH A MAN FOR HIS POTENTIAL. Firstly, you never know if he will reach his potiental. Secondly, you never know if he'll dump you after he reaches his full pointental. Assess a man when he is currently at, regardless of his background/ circumstance. Are you satisfed with where he is curretnly? Will you happy if he stay there forever? If not, then don't settle. Only settle with a man if your satisfied with what he currently has. Become the women that these bastards wish they can get. Have standards, and gold dig. There is nothing shameful about that. HIS POTENTIAL/ FUTURE DOESN'T MATTER. HIS CURRENT QUALITY OF LIFE IS WHAT MATTERS.:ufdup::ufdup::sass2:
Your so right
It doesn’t matter whether you lead with the money or not, clearly a man must show that they’re financially stable so eventually they’re gonna have to have a conservation about it, so if men know the importance of this they’d might as well (in some instances) show that they have a good income to attract the women THEY LIKE, what about that is attracting gold diggers?
Re-think what you wrote. Imagine I said that about women leading/highlighting their beauty/attractiveness above all else?
Some men may use their looks, others may use their personality to charm, either way men have to make the first move and knowing women they’ll try whatever they have in order to get the girl THEY LIKE, not gold diggers.
I’m sorry, but if the only thing you’re using is your wealth to get a woman, then later on don’t complain about golddiggers.

It’s literally akin to a woman using her sexuality/beauty solely and leading with that. Every woman knows that every man has sex on his mind, even a man that wants to marry you, but the difference is that some men value you solely for attraction and others actually find you beautiful BUT also value you and other aspects of your personality.

Do you understand now?

you even said your self that your man didn’t lead with money and the quote “haven't you ever spoken to a girl that genuinely likes you?” implies to me that you don’t even believe that men are trying to attract gold diggers as in that statement you presume it’s normal for men and women who like each other will talk to each other before things like finances come into the conversation, you debunk your own claim the more you write.
1. Many men don’t. But my point is a lot of wealthy men do and go for women they know wouldn’t have given them the time of day.

2. I do believe that a lot of men will bend this if they feel that they have a lot to gain from it.

3. By the way, when I said all men love gold diggers are being sensational, but let’s not forget a very common theme is men whilst average being with women whom they build things with then throwing that down the drain for a woman who wouldn’t have given them the time of day when they were broke. It’s so common.

4. So what does that tell you? Do you believe those men don’t know what’s up? Do you honestly think they’re stupid?
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Re-think what you wrote. Imagine I said that about women leading/highlighting their beauty/attractiveness above all else?

I’m sorry, but if the only thing you’re using is your wealth to get a woman, then later on don’t complain about golddiggers.

It’s literally akin to a woman using her sexuality/beauty solely and leading with that. Every woman knows that every man has sex on his mind, even a man that wants to marry you, but the difference is that some men value you solely for attraction and others actually find you beautiful BUT also value you and other aspects of your personality.

Do you understand now?

1. Many men don’t. But my point is a lot of wealthy men do and go for women they know wouldn’t have given them the time of day.

2. I do believe that a lot of men will bend this if they feel that they have a lot to gain from it.

3. By the way, when I said all men love gold diggers are being sensational, but let’s not forget a very common theme is men whilst average being with women whom they build things with then throwing that down the drain for a woman who wouldn’t have given them the time of day when they were broke. It’s so common.

4. So what does that tell you? Do you believe those men don’t know what’s up? Do you honestly think they’re stupid?
Well now you’re making a very different statement, I wouldn’t have an issue if your initial statement wasn’t so void of nuance. Saying men love gold diggers (which implies men love women taking their money and using their resources) is a very different thing to saying some men will put up with women who only likes them for their money if they genuinely like the women.
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You’re the king of purposely trying to misunderstand people’s post. You know damn well that isn’t what I believe.

Birkan Sokullu Reaction GIF by TRT
@JohnCena made it clear you were just being sensational .

I just read "all men love gold diggers " in caps and "Andrew Tate" & didn't try to reas further. :pachah1:


You’re the king of purposely trying to misunderstand people’s post. You know damn well that isn’t what I believe.

Birkan Sokullu Reaction GIF by TRT
You literally admitted to saying you were being a sensationalist when you made your previous remark LOL

Come on now...

Take that L and move on.


@JohnCena made it clear you were just being sensational .

I just read "all men love gold diggers " in caps and "Andrew Tate" & didn't try to reas further
didn't try to reas further. :pachah1:
That's when I knew I won. When she admitted to saying she was being a sensationalist when making those initial remarks.

It made it even worse for her when she didn't even source any of her claims

That was objectively a 10-7 round for me. gg ez
I think most men like 99% wouid date a younger woman if they could pull this off.. Heck when I'm 50 year old oday I won't be looking for a 50 year old habar.. I hope InshaAllah I'll have a fat pocket that'll give me some good options :rejoice:


I think most men like 99% wouid date a younger woman if they could pull this off.. Heck when I'm 50 year old oday I won't be looking for a 50 year old habar.. I hope InshaAllah I'll have a fat pocket that'll give me some good options :rejoice:
Wealthy men enjoy dating young girls isn't the same as wealthy men enjoy dating gold diggers.

Wealth does attract gold diggers, but that doesn't mean Wealthy Men are actively looking for gold diggers to date.

That was pretty much my whole point .
Wealthy men enjoy dating young girls isn't the same as wealthy men enjoy dating gold diggers.

Wealth does attract gold diggers, but that doesn't mean Wealthy Men are actively looking for gold diggers to date.

That was pretty much my whole point .
Bro all care about is her treating me like a king, what's wealth worth if you can't spend it on your woman anyways.


Bro all care about is her treating me like a king, what's wealth worth if you can't spend it on your woman anyways.
I strongly agree and gold diggers aren't your women, they're parasites that will suck all the wealth away from you.

Find a nice woman who has values that align with yours , keeps herself in good shape and treat her like a queen and vice versa .

There's a lot of good women out there esp Somali women. I've seen Somali women who are 50+ that still look very youthful and are good looking. No need to go the poly route as well.
Wealthy men enjoy dating young girls isn't the same as wealthy men enjoy dating gold diggers.
How does that work when the vast majority of young women only go for men significantly older because of the money? If the man knows that but actively goes for it, then clearly they have no issues with gold diggers?

Oh Yeah Reaction GIF by NBA

Wealth does attract gold diggers, but that doesn't mean Wealthy Men are actively looking for gold diggers to date.

That was pretty much my whole point .
You’re right, but if you’re in your 50s and actively looking for a 20-something you’re asking for it. I’m sorry, most women don’t fantasize about men our abos age.

puke GIF
I think most men like 99% wouid date a younger woman if they could pull this off.. Heck when I'm 50 year old oday I won't be looking for a 50 year old habar.. I hope InshaAllah I'll have a fat pocket that'll give me some good options :rejoice:
How does that work? Are you planning to dump the women you get with now when she gets older and replace her with a younger model? No wonder why you’re @ing me in the DiCaprio thread.


How does that work when the vast majority of young women only go for men significantly older because of the money? If the man knows that but actively goes for it, then clearly they have no issues with gold diggers?

Oh Yeah Reaction GIF by NBA

You’re right, but if you’re in your 50s and actively looking for a 20-something you’re asking for it. I’m sorry, most women don’t fantasize about men our abos age.

puke GIF

I am going to answer both of your questions with one answer below:

They're only interested in smashing them

Funny enough, Dicaprio is the biggest example. Is it creepy? Absolutely. Do you think Dicaprio is wifing them up? f*ck NO

Intelligent though creepy men like Dicaprio know that younger women are susceptible to being gold diggers hence why he fks them and then dips. He rinse and repeats this cycle.


In order for Men/Wealthy men to enjoy gold diggers, that would mean he would have to wife them up and spend almost most of his income/wealth on her then subject himself to getting the eventual divorce and losing almost all his money

Does that make sense for wealthy men? Hell no

Hence why it's only idiots that get destroyed and lose their wealth when they take these actions ^
I am going to answer both of your questions with one answer below:

They're only interested in smashing them

Funny enough, Dicaprio is the biggest example. Is it creepy? Absolutely. Do you think Dicaprio is wifing them up? f*ck NO

Intelligent though creepy men like Dicaprio know that younger women are susceptible to being gold diggers hence why he fks them and then dips. He rinse and repeats this cycle.
Ah alrighty. You might have a point. Clooney was like that but settled down with a human rights lawyer who was well into her 30s and I just remembered Bezos is with a 50 yr old ayeeyo. Humans are complex tbh.


Ah alrighty. You might have a point. Clooney was like that but settled down with a human rights lawyer who was well into her 30s and I just remembered Bezos is with a 50 yr old ayeeyo. Humans are complex tbh.
YES. That was my entire point throughout this entire back and forth
In order for Men/Wealthy men to enjoy gold diggers, that would mean he would have to wife them up and spend almost most of his income/wealth on her then subject himself to getting the eventual divorce and losing almost all his money
That is why I said as long as it benefits them. Example with the context of Somalis. The men have the upper hand when they marry back home. They simply lie about bringin they to the west but never follow through as they know that they’re merely a means to an end and closer access to leaving Somalia and poverty.

Older richer men in the context of the West will have iron clad prenups and the best lawyers. Their younger and working class wives don’t have the resources and connections or they simply don’t marry them, but actually have proper relationships such as children, living together and everything a wife would get.
Does that make sense for wealthy men? Hell no

Hence why it's only idiots that get destroyed and lose their wealth when they take these actions ^
Like I mentioned above, some men know how to play the game.

