Waaq vs allah

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I got boomer connections
well first of all muhammad must have taken the idea of forrmer prophets from christianity and judaism and second of all black is a colour just like white or green and since my ass is blacker than the bottom of a dhigsi i will call myself black and not pink cause that's the coulour of caucasians and i am proud to be black just like you should be proud of whatever your skin is

Yes but that is not how you came off, if your skin is black no proplem many of us-aren't and it sounded like you were saying Somali become Muslims and makes them arse kiss Arabs which is far from the truth and making waaq black religion just because your skin is black.

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
Quote and read this

The reason why the prophet married Aisha at a young age, is something we will never know, and something that will never enter our narrowed human brains. The Deen has many advantages, some scientists say fasting once a month will help your digestive system, and it will also help you reduce fat, and get more connected to Allah. So the fact that the prophet married her at a young age could be another reason to make you doubt your religion just the way you are @waaq. Aisha was not just the wife of the prophet but she was very intelligent (not like any other women in those times and it also shows you how women where very empowered (the west could still not have a fair wage system). It was said she also narrated, 2210 Hadith's. The Prophet SAW marriage with Sayyidah Aisha at that age was indeed a great blessings for all the Muslims ever since. Most of the matters related to cleanliness, married relationship and other household issues have been cleared due to her narrations. She lived a long time after the death of the The Prophet SAW and continued to teach the Ummah about matters of daily routine and great importance. TWO LESSONS to learn, Aisha carried on the prophets teaching after he passed away, had he married a women he's age then their would be less Hadith's passed down. That's the big advantage, Aisha carried on the prophets SAW data after he passed away hence why he married someone younger than him. The other lesson is the fact that he got married to her at that age can be used against you to doubt your religion. @waaq read and be inspired my .
doesn't change the fact that he married a 6 year old child and second of all HAHAHAHAHA! :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::cryinglaughsmiley: what advantage does the "deen" have in this day and age

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
Yes but that is not how you came off, if your skin is black no proplem many of us-aren't and it sounded like you were saying Somali become Muslims and makes them arse kiss Arabs which is far from the truth and making waaq black religion just because your skin is black.

my nigga speak fluent english did you learn it from a somali college in duusa mareeb :what1: and second of all yes it is forced arab worshipping

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
How is it forced Arab religion? Explain please.
worship allah in arabic,when you die judgement day will be in arabic even though god is all knowing yet only speaks arabic:what1: and last but not least alot of it is barbaric oppressive arab culture fom slavery,women,marriage,barbarism and worse all of this shit is in the quran:drakegrin:


I got boomer connections
worship allah in arabic,when you die judgement day will be in arabic even though god is all knowing yet only speaks arabic:what1: and last but not least alot of it is barbaric oppressive arab culture fom slavery,women,marriage,barbarism and worse all of this shit is in the quran:drakegrin:

What is wrong with reciting few arabic words while praying? you're typing in foreign language right now. :childplease:

and no where in the quran it says the language that God speaks is arabic or the jannah language will be arabic . You keep reading fabricated Hadiths. :chrisfreshhah: very null brain. :dead:
worship allah in arabic,when you die judgement day will be in arabic even though god is all knowing yet only speaks arabic:what1: and last but not least alot of it is barbaric oppressive arab culture fom slavery,women,marriage,barbarism and worse all of this shit is in the quran:drakegrin:

The reason why you worship that Waaq bullshit, is because your one of those pro black, black lives matter, Pan-Africanism activating fucks. Our religion only had one Arab prophet, and I hate ass pricks like you who say Somalia is 'Arabized'. You atheist fucks have no place in our country, and I don't see people from Chechnya, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Kosova, saying they are Arabized. I hate people like you who claim to be Somali when you left our homogeneous sect. Go f*ck a cow, you dirty Nomad.
worship allah in arabic,when you die judgement day will be in arabic even though god is all knowing yet only speaks arabic:what1: and last but not least alot of it is barbaric oppressive arab culture fom slavery,women,marriage,barbarism and worse all of this shit is in the quran:drakegrin:
All these barbaric in all religion
well first of all muhammad must have taken the idea of forrmer prophets from christianity and judaism and second of all black is a colour just like white or green and since my ass is blacker than the bottom of a dhigsi i will call myself black and not pink cause that's the coulour of caucasians and i am proud to be black just like you should be proud of whatever your skin is
Then Islam is only religion that says Adam was black the meaning of Adam in Arabic is the black man and Allah had created Adam from mud(black)

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
Fake and baseless lie which was debunk and small note do not believe in Bukhari
where did I lie if I may ask I used to be a devout Muslim who followed the Quran and Hadith word by word
So how can I lie to you bukhari to you might not be trusted but more than a billion Muslims consider him the most trustworthy so I wonder how are you a true Muslim if you don't trust bukari ?

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
@waaq is totally ajiib, he watched to much afric network and he's inspired by Pan-Africanism, he's nothing but a lost . Let him carry on worshipping his Bull and Cow.
At least the cow I worship is Somali and isn't foreign and oppressive


Suldaanka Gobyare
Eebe is still used to refer to the almighty back home. The ignorance is real , let us not mock this word. From monotheism to monotheism. We still believe in the Oneness of our creator.

Maman Waaq is a confused boy. He thinks the religion of Islam is only for Arabs, what a narrow-minded fool.
ya Mr.Waaq. you are an obvious troll. i can tell from the way you write that you are too smart to believe in such thing. You are probably an atheist who is here to troll. why dont you try something else. Get lost with your troll:camby:.
And why are you guys even debating with him, cant you see that he is not serious. He claims that he believes in one god who is a cow:snoop:

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
Then Islam is only religion that says Adam was black the meaning of Adam in Arabic is the black man and Allah had created Adam from mud(black)

Sorry to break it to you :yacadiim: but what you just said is false

At least the cow I worship is Somali and isn't foreign and oppressive

I don't know whether you where born in Las Anod or Laas Geel cave, but Islam is not oppressive. I pray my Salah for myself, not for my parents, I pray most of my Salah in the Masjid on my conscience, no one is forcing me, I love my religion and I'll die as a Muslim. Period!

maman waaq

the Somali culture is thousands of years old
What is wrong with reciting few arabic words while praying? you're typing in foreign language right now. :childplease:

and no where in the quran it says the language that God speaks is arabic or the jannah language will be arabic . You keep reading fabricated Hadiths. :chrisfreshhah: very null brain. :dead:
Whenever a hadith says something positive or peaceful you Muslims praise it but when it talks about killing apostates, or anything that's controversial or morally wrong Muslims say it's fabricated smh your religion needs reformation or it should just fade into history books you ppl should wake up and see what ppl who live under Islam are like :uCkf6mf::uCkf6mf:
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