The Palestinian Cause Is A Cause For All of The Muslims

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
From the manifestations of a person's weakness in Emaan is: He does not care about the issues of Muslims and does not interact with them with supplication, charity, or assistance. He is cold-hearted towards what befalls his brothers in the other parts of the world, from the domination of enemies, oppression, persecution, and disasters, he is content with his own safety. -One Dawah


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

If ‘X’ had existed in the time of the Prophet ﷺ during the battle of Al-Ahzaab when all the confederates came together to attack the Muslims and destroy the city of the Prophet ﷺ, the hypocrites would have written posts of the kind we read today about #Palestine: “Madina is not my cause!” “Why don't we hand over Madina to them?” “Is it reasonable for us to confront all these parties?” “The Jews of Banu Nadir have a historical right to Madina!” “There are more important things than defending Madina!” Hypocrisy is a way of life and not just a reaction to events that change with time and place. Different people, different time, different place and the same reaction. Just think about that. May Allah protect us
So many want to divide the ummah so we’re not whole and united. At the end of the day, they’re our brethren bonded together by tawhid. May Allah keep our hearts strong with iimaan and taqwa. We should be in sujud making dua for the oppressed among us.
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Palestine is not a Somali issue but an Arab issue as this a ethnic war between Arabs vs Isrealis and do you know we have own Palestine in our backyard aka Ogaadeeniya iyo NFD suffering in the hands of xabaashi and Kiinyaati.
Palestine is not a Somali issue but an Arab issue as this a ethnic war between Arabs vs Isrealis and do you know we have own Palestine in our backyard aka Ogaadeeniya iyo NFD suffering in the hands of xabaashi and Kiinyaati.
Why do you care so much about "not caring" for Palestine? This is like the fifth time you've said something along the lines of "it's not my problem"
Palestine is not a Somali issue but an Arab issue as this a ethnic war between Arabs vs Isrealis and do you know we have own Palestine in our backyard aka Ogaadeeniya iyo NFD suffering in the hands of xabaashi and Kiinyaati.
If you are Muslim, you might be hypocrite and not know. Palestine is the third holiest land after Mecca and Medina; it is where the original qibla was, it's not just Arabs vs Jews, it's more than that waryaa.

