The offensive against Al-Shabaab in Central Somalia



Garguute and his galmadigian cronies killed 5000 soldiers who graduated from training
Source? / I Made It Up | Source? I Made It Up | Know Your Meme

They want to destroy any sizable numbers of the armed forces that are not from Garguute & his allies clans
Your kind still can't decide what clan has a majority in the military, one second you are screaming diversity for the army the next second you are talking about the imaginary mass killing of soldiers from "non allied clans" by the government LOL.
Lemme guess you're of the variety that wants to swim on the beaches of jowhar 🤣


Some mooriyan people from Galmudug, Middle Shabelle and Banadir what they do when they want a land that is not theirs they rename a place where they set up a base closeby to the actual place
Jilib Marka area, near Marka????🤣🤣
What is that?
Is it village near Marka?
Because Jilib is far away from Marka
Couple 100km
Baraawe is between
Please correct your sources
You have serious comprehension issues
AS needs to reform itself change its name to more appropriate one and transform its movement to an Islamic local organization cutting its ties with AL Qaeda or any international jihadist groups and in that way they can get significant support with messages they're propagating to the people and be the next govt in waiting to rule Somalia.


AS needs to reform itself change its name to more appropriate one and transform its movement to an Islamic local organization cutting its ties with AL Qaeda or any international jihadist groups and in that way they can get significant support with messages they're propagating to the people and be the next govt in waiting to rule Somalia.
A reformed AS would no longer be AS. Their whole identity is destruction and death, for them to let go of that would mean restarting from square 1. They could probably do better if they were simply a political party but they lack vision and would rather pretend to be some noble fighters.
We will be approaching 2 years in a couple months hearing the same tuulos and no change in countering attacks
Cat and Mouse game
A reformed AS would no longer be AS. Their whole identity is destruction and death, for them to let go of that would mean restarting from square 1. They could probably do better if they were simply a political party but they lack vision and would rather pretend to be some noble fighters.
They seek power and to get that they need to reform and change some of their programs.


They seek power and to get that they need to reform and change some of their programs.
Personally I wouldn't mind if they put down their weapons and became a political movement like the Muslim brotherhood but it won't happen. The leadership is set in its ways and unless some sort of coup happens where a more reasonable person takes charge then we're stuck. I wonder if they know that they could get more support by stopping the violence.

Ah well. We unfortunately don't have the luxury of living in that timeline. We'll have to ground them down till they come to the negotiation table or are too weak to cause any further harm.


Update on number of khawarij killed and injured
Sabti, Maarso, 2, 2024 (HOL) - Ciidamada dowladda Fedaraalka Soomaaliya oo kaashanaya saaxiibada Caalamka ayaa howlgal qorshaysan ka sameeyay deegaanada kala ah Cali yabal, Qalan qal iyo Sumadaale oo dhamaantood hoostaga degmada Ceeldheer ee gobolka Galgaduud.

Howlgalka ayaa la sheegay in ciidamada is kaashanaya ay si gaar ah uga fuliyeen dhulka howd ah ee ku yaala deegaanadaas oo ay isku aruursanayeen xubno ka tirsan kooxda Al-shabaab.

Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidanka dowladda ayaa xaqiijiyay in howlgaladaas lagu dilay 23 ka mid ah maleeshiyaadka Al-shabaab ee halkaasi isku aruursanaayay, waxaana sidoo kale saraakiisha ay sheegeen in dhaawaca kooxda uu kor u dhaafayo 20 meeyo.

Deegaanada howlgalada laga sameeyay ayaa saraakiishu sheegtay iney haatan ku sugan yihiin ciidamada dowladda Fedaraalka iyo kuwa dadka deegaanka.

Ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa dadka deegaanka ee loo yaqaano Macawiisleeyda ayaa mudo badan kula dagaalamaya kooxda Al-shabaab deegaanada ay laga sugan yihiin gobolada Galgaduud iyo Mudug ee maamulka Galmudug.​
Until the corruption in the govt and army stops, we will keep hearing sfg kicking out al shabab from the same tuulo 100 times.

The other big isssue is SFG can't expect somalis to fight shabab when 90% of sfg posts is made up of only two subclans.