The Arms Embargo will be lifted


Somali supremacist
The government needs to link up more with Turkey. They have one of the most sophisticated and growing arms industries in the world. Not to mention experience fighting insurgents and isis terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

Or China they have cheap and good military equipment


This is all true. 😂😂😂 but I commend @bidenkulaha for his optimism.

AS have entered the FGS and have been using their moles as a launchpad to attack the troops. Terrorists have government weapons too, this disaster cannot be ignored by IC. The president’s cabinet wasn’t vetted correctly so his goals are now compromised by their ties to terrorists.
Thus is truly the saddest thing. The president should've made a clean sweep of everyone in his circle, from the man that pours his coffee in the morning to the minister of defense. The fact that the infiltration of the government is so accepted is ridiculous. But this is Somalia after all.
FGS relies on Macawisley in its operations and holding territory. Are you saying that Macawisley will get nothing from the newly imported weapons? Really? I think the diversion will be huge, which will also contribute to heightened inter and intra clan clashes.