Somalis are the most hated group in Europe

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I'm currently reading what he talked about. Nothing even remotely close to welfare, just that he believes that you can take it by force. Very different to the Aussie's claim of halal lying.

He should have lost credibility with you bro when he quoted Alqaeda. We don't take ISLAM from a particular person, group or an ideology that sells itself distinct from main Islam/Muslims in general. He is reading right wing propaganda on his tablet for you, don't you notice? The guy is clueless. Anyone who quotes such stuff for you needs to be shut down for good.

This guy is so ignorant about just everything, he doesn't even know the basics. Shut him up and don't entertain his ignorance. I know you can saxib, so don't be generous to him.
He should have lost credibility with you bro when he quoted Alqaeda. We don't take ISLAM from a particular person, group or an ideology that sells itself distinct from main Islam/Muslims in general. He is reading right wing propaganda on his tablet for you, don't you notice? The guy is clueless. Anyone who quotes such stuff for you needs to be shut down for good.

This is guy is so ignorant about just everything, he doesn't even know the basics. Shut him up and don't entertain his ignorance. I know you can saxib, so don't be generous to him.
I'm guessing that he got this from an article, since he didn't read it himself.

The point is if awlaki believes the concept of Taqiya as valid in Sunni literature, there might be other Imams who have similar understanding of the concept. Thanks again for confirming it.

The point is if awlaki believes the concept of Taqiya as valid in Sunni literature, there might be other Imams who have similar understanding of the concept. Thanks again for confirming it.
Didn't I already quote from Islamqa that the majority of scholars believe otherwise? Yes, most likely there are other imams who believe it this way. How does that relate to Somalis when most are against al shabab?

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
I don't refer to my self as a Sunni, Sufi, salafi, I refer to my self as a Muslim nothing more nothing less. In the Quran Allah refers to his obedient slaves as Muslim so why would I call myself anything else. The difference between you and me is if I were to see a man & woman who have 13 kids I would say masha Allah, Allah blessed them with these kids whereas you & @Kim So-Jin who I suspect knows more about Kpop than she does Islam would say why didn't they take precautions or as you so passionately put it why didn't he just pull out. I believe in free will and in predestined fate whereas you only by the looks of it believe in the former.

Now my question to you is guess which one is Godly?

I plan to not have kids in the west but if I do guess what? It was the will of Allah.

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.

Surah Ali imran 3:103
If you're gonna point fingers at me at least don't be a hypocrite. You say you're all about the deen yet say vulgar things about women.
Yea, condom and contraception(in consultation with my wife since she has the right to pleasure and sometimes women prefer particular method that works for them well, accounting for the side effects etc are important, it is not only about me). But babe steps for the brother, he can pull out if that makes him feel better. Similar effects anyway. And yes, you seem problem child. Luckily, you are taking your rage on us here ;) I don't think you are this negative around your parents -- I hope.

Then why not just say that lol the pull out method doesn't work in most cases, you advice might as well amount to nothing.

Wait this is funny lol how am I a problem child lmaoooo what even landed me that label :heh: You seem more of a hazard than me, what with ur random burst of anger issues shinning thru kkkkkkkk
Then why not just say that lol the pull out method doesn't work in most cases, you advice might as well amount to nothing.

Wait this is funny lol how am I a problem child lmaoooo what even landed me that label :heh: You seem more of a hazard than me, what with ur random burst of anger issues shinning thru kkkkkkkk

Dheg, did you get pregnant from a pull out method? How many friends do you have who got pregnant from a pull out? Have you ever had consultation about the side effects and how birth control damages women in general? You could be popping the morning after pill to avoid getting knocked up in the parks perhaps and think you know it all lol.. Don't speak about matters you don't know well you little saqajaan.

Condoms, Most birth control methods, coitus interruptus non of them are full proof anyway. But people do what they can. And sometimes a woman may not like the smell of a condom, or a condom altogether. One has to accommodate his wife and do what is best for them. Birth control is not one sided but people sit down and look through pros and cons about it, You are putting a poison in a woman's body that has severe consequences for many least of which is bone depletion.

And what was the other thing you blurted out? Ah, me being more hazard than you, well, this should make you reconsider misbehaving in the forums kid :)


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If you're gonna point fingers at me at least don't be a hypocrite. You say you're all about the deen yet say vulgar things about women.
Let he or her without sin caste the first stone:draketf:

Who doesn't sin? Are you implying that you're an angel?

Vulgar things about women:ohhh:

Maxa weeye waxas:mjohreally:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
For a hot minute there I thought you said you do vulgar things to women kkkkk I went on the defensive like quoting the gospel like :browtf:
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