Somalis are the most hated group in Europe

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Have you ever been to the duqsi? Ever heard a qutba in your life? Do you know of Quraish? The previous surahs meant that they weren't allowed to fight against them, or they're sinning. This surah allowed them to not only fight back against Quraish, but allowed them to take the belongings as spoils of war(much like they did when they robbed their belongings such as camels and food). Honestly, you're embarrassing yourself even more at this point. Show me where Somali mothers are deluded into such thinking, please. And no, a Paul Joseph Watson video isn't proof.


You have to admit that there are verses and Islamic justification for the likes of ISIS and Al-Qaeda to justify their horrific and cruel actions and whether, they misinterpreted or not the Islamic scripture is not my realm for discussion here atm. Many Somali Imams justify the deception of the "gaalo" (welfare cheating) on similar grounds, how else can you explain Muslims and in particular Somalis cheating the system en-masse?

This happens across all the diaspora.

You have to admit that there are verses and Islamic justification for the likes of ISIS and Al-Qaeda to justify their horrific and cruel actions and whether, they misinterpreted or not the Islamic scripture is not my realm for discussion here atm. Many Somali Imams justify the deception of the "gaalo" (welfare cheating) on similar grounds, how else can you explain Muslims and in particular Somalis cheating the system en-masse?

This happens across all the diaspora.
Interesting, out of all the statistics they showed. it didn't prove his conclusion at the end. Many Somalis do claim welfare. Why? Cause it's easy. Somalis don't farm in Somalia, they wait for aid. I wouldn't expect much difference in the west. Most of the Somalis are religious, but not extremely so(especially the women). What's funny is that your video didn't zoom into your allegations, what salafis telling them to do this? You showed that you're ignorant of this subject by accusing them of following a shia practice. As for ISIS, it's simple. As kids we're always told of the Khilafa right? ISIS seemed to fit that role. Atrocities aside, they took over Mosul very easily and land in Syria. They ruled only by Sharia and were against the west. Verses or not, many Muslims would want to join. Though many regretted it later.
I just borrowed your word "Muslimacs" in another thread. Credit to you little miscreant.

PS: I defended you once you weren't around. And I addressed you nicely more than I can remember. You take things too personal but you accuse others of getting personal ;)

I forgot to add you problem child.

f*ck off c*nt, you don't get a cookie for being objective kulaha i defended u once :ayaanswag:

Lmao I've never been a problem child get a l
btw, you can opt not to in your wife and that is equivalent to birth control

No it's not, use actual contraception

Are you arguing these Somalis (those in diaspora welfare states) all hail from a nomadic background and thus sustained their lives via handouts? Sxb, although I will love to believe in your simplistic viewpoint to deflect any responsibility of their actions, you are painting them as irresponsible reer miyi's who don't know what is right and what's wrong!!! If that's the case, why can't the sheikhs and imams educate them of what's right in Islam? The problem are the latter whose livelihoods depend on the welfare payments of these families. Their wages, the buildings and the upkeep of their mosques are funded by these payments and they encourage their congregation to lie and steal from the "kafir" if Anwar Al-Awlaki propagates such ideas then who is to say, it isn't a Salafi doctrine?


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
^ idk why anyone is even entertaining this clown at this point. anwar al awlaki kulaha

i wouldnt be surprised if he was white


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

Suufiyaa tahay aan u malaynaa. Cause salafi would encourage hijrah from ardhul kufr instead of littering innocent children bound to be victims of their own environment all over the place.

Adults should and must prepare good future for their kids. There is nothing wrong with that. And whatever Allah blesses you with is from his bounty. Planning and worrying about the future for the sake of your faith and that of your future children is part of being a believer.

Note I said in a different circumstance, have as many saxib.
I don't refer to my self as a Sunni, Sufi, salafi, I refer to my self as a Muslim nothing more nothing less. In the Quran Allah refers to his obedient slaves as Muslim so why would I call myself anything else. The difference between you and me is if I were to see a man & woman who have 13 kids I would say masha Allah, Allah blessed them with these kids whereas you & @Kim So-Jin who I suspect knows more about Kpop than she does Islam would say why didn't they take precautions or as you so passionately put it why didn't he just pull out. I believe in free will and in predestined fate whereas you only by the looks of it believe in the former.

Now my question to you is guess which one is Godly?

I plan to not have kids in the west but if I do guess what? It was the will of Allah.

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.

Surah Ali imran 3:103
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Are you arguing these Somalis (those in diaspora welfare states) all hail from a nomadic background and thus sustained their lives via handouts? Sxb, although I will love to believe in your simplistic viewpoint to deflect any responsibility of their actions, you are painting them as irresponsible reer miyi's who don't know what is right and what's wrong!!! If that's the case, why can't the sheikhs and imams educate them of what's right in Islam? The problem are the latter whose livelihoods depend on the welfare payments of these families. Their wages, the buildings and the upkeep of their mosques are funded by these payments and they encourage their congregation to lie and steal from the "kafir" if Anwar Al-Awlaki propagates such ideas then who is to say, it isn't a Salafi doctrine?


Are you arguing these Somalis (those in diaspora welfare states) all hail from a nomadic background and thus sustained their lives via handouts? "

Most Somalis in the diaspora are actually from cities in Somalia, not nomadic backgrounds. Though nomadic life is hard, they actually do wait for handouts. I asked my mother this a few days ago and she agreed. I'm not painting them as not knowing what's right and what's wrong, it's just they never had it this easy before. To come to such an advanced country and get money for having children would make any Somali sit back and enjoy. Give me an example of Anwar al Awlaki propagating your notion of taqqiyah. If I'm not mistaken, he hated the west and what it stands for. I'm sure he wouldn't want to accept their money, There's a lot of crime in Somali neighbourhoods, I'm sure the Sheikhs are encouraging that too. I'll tell you this, welfare is easy and many Somalis would go for it. Why? They aren't angels. To come from such a hard background then find out you can get money without working would clearly entice them. Dunno about this Salafi nonsense you're spewing though. Just admit that you're ignorant on this subject and saw an article on breitbart or something along those lines, you accused Somalis and Salafis of following a Shia(me being generous) practice. How wrong could you get?

Are you arguing these Somalis (those in diaspora welfare states) all hail from a nomadic background and thus sustained their lives via handouts? Sxb, although I will love to believe in your simplistic viewpoint to deflect any responsibility of their actions, you are painting them as irresponsible reer miyi's who don't know what is right and what's wrong!!! If that's the case, why can't the sheikhs and imams educate them of what's right in Islam? The problem are the latter whose livelihoods depend on the welfare payments of these families. Their wages, the buildings and the upkeep of their mosques are funded by these payments and they encourage their congregation to lie and steal from the "kafir" if Anwar Al-Awlaki propagates such ideas then who is to say, it isn't a Salafi doctrine?

I am headed somewhere and I promise you, you won't be able to write anymore of your trash talk and sheer bigotry against Somalis. Enjoy a little whilst I am away.

Your ignorance about basic matters of Islam, your outright lies and propaganda are noted time and again but you insist on defecating the forum out of your hatred.

We will do something about it. Aan kuu soo noqdo adigoo weli meesha ku xaaraayo.
f*ck off c*nt, you don't get a cookie for being objective kulaha i defended u once :ayaanswag:

Lmao I've never been a problem child get a l

No it's not, use actual contraception

Yea, condom and contraception(in consultation with my wife since she has the right to pleasure and sometimes women prefer particular method that works for them well, accounting for the side effects etc are important, it is not only about me). But babe steps for the brother, he can pull out if that makes him feel better. Similar effects anyway. And yes, you seem problem child. Luckily, you are taking your rage on us here ;) I don't think you are this negative around your parents -- I hope.
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Awlaaki's Fatwa is on Inspire Alqaeda Magazine and is called, "The ruling of dispossessing the disbelievers wealth in dar al-harbm:" He discusses economic Jihadism and advices Muslims and in particular the Sunnis to cheatm lie and

Awlaaki's Fatwa is on Inspire Alqaeda Magazine and is called, "The ruling of dispossessing the disbelievers wealth in dar al-harbm:" He discusses economic Jihadism and advices Muslims and in particular the Sunnis to cheatm lie and

Islam is not about Awlaaki or what some random person thinks.

Awlaki;s Fatwa is called, "The ruling of dispossessing the disbelievers wealth in dar al-harb." He calls on all Muslims and especially the Sunnis to steal, lie and be dishonest towards the "gaalo" because they should take part of the economic jihad, It is on Ispire magazine, The Alqaeda Magazine. You can take up with him and your fellow Sunnis/Wahabis who have interpreted their Islam such a way.
Islam is not about Awlaaki or what some random person thinks.
I'm currently reading what he talked about. Nothing even remotely close to welfare, just that he believes that you can take it by force. Very different to the Aussie's claim of halal lying.

Awlaki;s Fatwa is called, "The ruling of dispossessing the disbelievers wealth in dar al-harb." He calls on all Muslims and especially the Sunnis to steal, lie and be dishonest towards the "gaalo" because they should take part of the economic jihad, It is on Ispire magazine, The Alqaeda Magazine. You can take up with him and your fellow Sunnis/Wahabis who have interpreted their Islam such a way.
That's nice and all, but I literally just read it. I even searched up the word "lie" within it. No result, 0. The thing even remotely close to your point is him saying that you can steal from nations in war with us. Steal by force(which he reiterated over and over again). Remember, your original point was that these Somalis lie to get welfare. How is that, in any way, the same as fighting and taking the "war booty" by force? As extreme as Awlaki was, he believes that lying is haram no?

I know, but Random and others rejected that Sunnis practice such doctrine and therefore, I brought them to their attention,
No need to lie. Such sunnis do practice this, that's why al shabab exist. You claimed that the Somalis on welfare justify this through the views of Al Qaeda.
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