Somalis are among the darkest people on Earth, even more Black than West Africa and southern Africa

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Red dots means you used to have acne, not you bleach. second if you want to tell if someone bleaches look at their knuckles or ears those are two places you can't lighten.

If diana is used too much over time the skin becomes vulnerable to all sorts of acne. I was in Hargeisa last summer 90% of the women
were "light skinned" it is obvious something dodgy was going on aka diana.



Suldaanka Gobyare
kkkk many Somalis are denial. Somalis are very dark, women don't count since they abuse diana. I believe only the south Sudanese(Dinka
and Nuer ethnic groups) are darker.



Wallahi these motherfuckers are in denial and it's hilarious


I have a moldy tangerine as President
How do you explain this nigga then??? I'm pretty sure he didn't use Diana by the way.

I agree. One can be beautiful and dark. No need to bleach, Somali women should start loving
their real colour.


She is not dark skin in the true sense of the word .she would perfectly fit into the Maarin phenotype I discussed before .somalis and other horners are a mix between an ancient African population and ancient Eurasian group who migrated to the horn 3000-4000 years ago . The girls features ,hair,etc, are properly as result of that intermixing . This is probably why you find such variety in Somali phenotypes in comparison with other Kenyan and African groups (90 % are dark skin ).
I agree. One can be beautiful and dark. No need to bleach, Somali women should start loving
their real colour.


Exactly having a smooth complexion and a good figure anyone will look good. Skin color is meaningless.
Also the type of complexion these girls have there's a word for it in somali when skin is dark but metallic. I forgot what it was.


I have a moldy tangerine as President
@Negro I know but Cad Cads don't count as Somalis sameway as Bantus don't count as Somalis since they are both not
ethnic Somalis.
You're one of those disgusting niggas that thinks Somali Bantus are not Somali. They've literally assimilated into this culture and speak a different version of Somali but that isn't enough for you. Somali Bantus are Somalis go comprehend that.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
You're one of those disgusting niggas that thinks Somali Bantus are not Somali. They've literally assimilated into this culture and speak a different version of Somali but that isn't enough for you. Somali Bantus are Somalis go comprehend that.
You asked why he that nigga was so light and he answered saying that he's an Cad Cad and not ethnically Somali.

No need to insult just because he proved you wrong.


I have a moldy tangerine as President
You asked why he that nigga was so light and he answered saying that he's an Cad Cad and not ethnically Somali.

No need to insult just because he proved you wrong.
He is ethicnically Somali if you have concrete evidence specific to jeylani's family than drop it otherwise go take your L in peace.
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