Somali woman says Half-Somalis are Somali regardless of qabiil and she mentions SomaliSpot

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I am AGAINST the paternal-only rule.

I go by the ONE DROP rule, especially when it comes to Niger-Congo related admixture. More than 1% Niger-Congo = not Somali in my book, even when they have a Somali qabiil.

Somali = Somali paternal line + full East Cushite autosomal ancestry.
It was forced. Read up on how America was formed.

You on your away out of the Somali Gene pool. 99% of somalis are muslims and they are conservative and their views on race isn't kind.

Go back to Reddit and hang with your cuckold liberal white buddies

somali people are relatively conserative about race as most people but hardly as stringent as the views on here which makes me wonder if some of you know anything about the culture. They don't even care so much about blood line and racial purity (most adults believe we are mixed as it is) but more about the language and culture being preserved. If you have a somali father you are somali end of story

don't get somali cultural ideas from paranoids on reddit and 4chan please
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Globalism created the likes of you....

A willful participant in the eradication of her own heritage


What was once accomplished through brutal conquest subjugation and rape is now an entirely voluntary process

You have to give it to the white man, actively using people of different ethnic group to go against their own and the irony is she doesn't even see that:kanyehmm:.
Globalism created the likes of you....

A willful participant in the eradication of her own heritage


What was once accomplished through brutal conquest subjugation and rape is now an entirely voluntary process


Globalism is why we are in the West.

Them Jews playing them games


Globalism created the likes of you....

A willful participant in the eradication of her own heritage


What was once accomplished through brutal conquest subjugation and rape is now an entirely voluntary process

Consider the geeljire tending to his camels. The anti-globalist would sooner he remain cutoff from the world at large and concern himself with camels alone. If you're an industrious globalist, the road to nation-building inevitably involves trading his robes for jeans and supplementing his Somali with English, the stuff of tears for someone like you.

So much for rape and subjugation.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Consider the geeljire tending to his camels. The anti-globalist would sooner he remain cutoff from the world at large and concern himself with camels alone. If you're an industrious globalist, the road to nation-building inevitably involves trading his robes for jeans and supplementing his Somali with English, the stuff of tears for someone like you.

So much for rape and subjugation.

Lol that cope.

Your folks are literally breeding yourselves out of the Somali genepool


No shots fired, no foreign troops, no brutal rape, no cultural suppression and yet the same effects.... voluntarily.



Consider the geeljire tending to his camels. The anti-globalist would sooner he remain cutoff from the world at large and concern himself with camels alone. If you're an industrious globalist, the road to nation-building inevitably involves trading his robes for jeans and supplementing his Somali with English, the stuff of tears for someone like you.

So much for rape and subjugation.

Muh sophistry.


I would advise you to read about social constructivism. It implies hegemony of cultures and how everything is subjective, relative to your own culture and socio-economic factors. Similarly to what an sociology economist, would say in accordance to maximum utility in the definition of objective things.

You speak like wearing jeans is an objective item in which is universally accepted and thus so called 'industrialised nations' would all actively evolve into wearing them. Regardless of the fact there are alternatives to jeans. You have been so mentally fucked by the white man if it was a culture norm for him to f*ck his sibling you would probably do it and have the audacity to say it is an product of advanced economies and thus is objective.
What are you talking about?

The jeans you wear today as mainstream, regular clothing are a product of the industrial revolution, which required the shift to that sort of durability and ease of motion. The Somali sarong is unsuitable for productive work, much like most cultural attires, hence the swift progression to jeans worldwide. It's as much feature of globalization as the English letters you write your Somali with.


Lol that cope.

Your folks are literally breeding yourselves out of the Somali genepool


No shots fired, no foreign troops, no brutal rape, no cultural suppression and yet the same effects.... voluntarily.

In your twisted mind, the latter is preferable. As much as you're partial to chocking it all up (vast admixtures) to rape and subjugation, history tells several different tales. And voluntary admixture is one of them, that being the meshing of different backgrounds relative to a populations' exposure to each other.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
In your twisted mind, the latter is preferable. As much as you're partial to chocking it all up (vast admixtures) to rape and subjugation, history tells several different tales.

All of human history can be boiled down to tribe A killing all the men of tribe B and taking their women.


Muh sophistry.
What's the difference?

Anti-globalist simply bc people are mixing and cultures are meshing. Well, OK. That was a solid example of globalization that so many countries and cultures are going through, or have already gone through, and alas it (voluntary shift) isn't subjugation, but voluntarily admixture is?
I lol when half somalis trying be the ambassadors for full somalis.

One thing i like about somali community is that we don't put mixed people on pedestal unlike other races.

You make a good point. Your right. This Somali show called "Sheeko Sheeko" has this alleged "Somali" man who looks paki by the way, come on their show to discuss Somali issues. Its the guy with the hat:



What's the difference?

Anti-globalist simply bc people are mixing and cultures are meshing. Well, OK. That was a solid example of globalization that so many countries and cultures are going through, or have already gone through, and alas it (voluntary shift) isn't subjugation, but voluntarily admixture is?

I am pro-globalization and for open borders, just not for Somalia and Somalis.
What are you talking about?

The jeans you wear today as mainstream, regular clothing are a product of the industrial revolution, which required the shift to that sort of durability and ease of motion. The Somali sarong is unsuitable for productive work, much like most cultural attires, hence the swift progression to jeans worldwide. It's as much feature of globalization as the English letters you write your Somali with.
I shouldn't have brought political concepts into that post but what you don't realise that the use of jeans are not objective as you try to argue but they are subjective. The reason why people wear them more often is an result of western culture hegemony not as an result of being the more productive or being objectively better then all other cultures. For example if another part of the world went through their own form of industrial revolution in accordance to their own cultural values and norms, and this culture became just as hegemonic as the western one. Then easily a form of clothing they wore could have become the norm. The wearing of jeans and the use of latin script(not the english script) is subjective not an universal thing.

You have such an europhile view of the world, you are incapable of assuming the world being anything other then white ruled. Like they're some form form of demigods. Also somalis didn't get rid of their cultural clothing because of industrial need for jeans or trousers but an result of culture shift that was influenced by a western colonial powers, as i have stated in the paragraph above. I highly doubt some geeljire wore a sarong whilst trying to use a large machine and then said 'well this is no good' and therefore we just automatically shifted to wearing jeans because of that.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I am pro-globalization and for open borders, just not for Somalia and Somalis.

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