Somali woman gets aids from her husband


ok now you’re just tweaking.

It’s one thing to ask for a test before getting married but to insist on continuous tests throughout the marriage is retarded.

You’re basically expecting them to cheat on you and testing to see if he/she got aids while cheating on you. If you can’t even trust your spouse to not cheat then why marry?

Also, there’s a flaw in your logic.

According to you testing once isn’t enough because he could have JUST contracted aids, so test him again after 6 months. What if he really didn’t have aids the first test but then contracted it a month before the second test. Then after your nikkah night you got aids too lmao.

I mean, if we’re gonna go the whole paranoia route, why not go the whole way.

My advice: Abstain for the rest of your life, regardless of marriage :icon lol:
this is not about trust. This is about keeping track of your health by routinely testing yourself and your spouse. Other diseases are routinely screened for in our community, we gotta do the same for STDs

Your advice is trash. Many men (espically genz) out there are willing to be tested twice and also want to test the woman they'll marry twice

Getting someone tested twice (6 months apart) is not according to me. it's according to all healthcare professionals on the field and research articles. Plus why would he contract HIV while getting to know someone for marriage?(its called AIDs in the later stages) unless he's sleeping around during that time, which then i wouldn't marry him to begin with :wtfdis:
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Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴
WOW this is scary NGL but

I wonder if the 2 wife was Somali or non-somali becuase it rare for somalis to have aids what do you guys think she didn't explain what the 2nd wife was if she was somali or non-somali muslim?

Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴

There are people out there who have HIV but their spouses don't know because they take their medication. I hear this happens in South Africa alot. Imagine being married and taking your HIV pills at shaqo or putting it in Tylenol bottles at home to hide it.

Y'all need stay safe and not go to South Africa is my #1 recommendation (ofc unless if you family its pass).

Mr. Nur

Aspiring Somali CEO 🇸🇴
It was in somalia so most likely somali
We don't know her ethnicity btw I don't care about tribes or clan or any of that shii i'm just wondering in this case if women was somali or not but in this case nationality doen't matter. any non-somali could live in somalia you know that.
We don't know her ethnicity btw I don't care about tribes or clan or any of that shii i'm just wondering in this case if women was somali or not but in this case nationality doen't matter. any non-somali could live in somalia you know that.
We don't know but most likely she was


We don't know but most likely she was

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why? :gaasdrink: :gaasdrink: :gaasdrink:
Don't jump the gun and run to conclusions @Yaraye :win:
But it's alright I don't mind we all slip up here and there
excuse my glasses wearing eyes :mjswag:
Tbh my guess that if he contracted straight up AIDS that fast he’s probably secretly gay. HIV/AIDS is 18 more times likely HIV transmission from anal sex is up to 18 times higher than from receptive sex.

Bless her, poor lass; she sounds awfully brave in her disposition considering her current predicament. Must say, the other women in the equation is rather conniving, if dangerously wicked. Would anyone consider the husband a victim caught in crosshairs?

Also, women should also put no-polygamy clauses in their marriage contract or make it clear from the get go that if he tries to get married again, they’re gone,

This is exactly why most women refuse polygamy, because a good number of these braindead
I am thinking aloud, so temper with me, as I toddle through thought.

Is polygamy to blame? Why rally against it, when it is permissible in Islam, of course with requisite conditions being put in place? discounting, I am not of the fact many men abuse it, but is that a good enough reason, or excuse, to strike off verses of the Qur'an? And for what in return?

When does one begin to fancy oneself as knowing more than the Omniscient. Suggesting so is the case herein, I am not, for I know little, but a troubling trend is being observed in the congregation, and amongst Muslims, mostly in the West, where like our contemporaries in Christianity, a practice of picking and choosing Islamic principles and teachings, as if what might be deemed the norm, or popular, in the West, is being embraced irrespective of core principles at stake, or being breached; similar trend is being observed amongst Muslims in Gulf States.

Of course, it is not new, for once one begins to think of oneself as more knowing, then one, as others before battled reconciling own thought with scripture, one must give.

B. Spinoza battled to reconcile Judaism with his epistemological thesis, and abandoned the former instead of crisscrossing the latter's thorny terrain. E. Kant had misgivings about Christianity, and pursued a life of atheism. M. Assad struggled with Judaism, and wholly embraced Islam.

Or is the fissure so full that schism reins?
Just a thought.
Bless her, poor lass; she sounds awfully brave in her disposition considering her current predicament. Must say, the other women in the equation is rather conniving, if dangerously wicked. Would anyone consider the husband a victim caught in crosshairs?

I am thinking aloud, so temper with me, as I toddle through thought.

Is polygamy to blame? Why rally against it, when it is permissible in Islam, of course with requisite conditions being put in place? discounting, I am not of the fact many men abuse it, but is that a good enough reason, or excuse, to strike off verses of the Qur'an? And for what in return?

When does one begin to fancy oneself as knowing more than the Omniscient. Suggesting so is the case herein, I am not, for I know little, but a troubling trend is being observed in the congregation, and amongst Muslims, mostly in the West, where like our contemporaries in Christianity, a practice of picking and choosing Islamic principles and teachings, as if what might be deemed the norm, or popular, in the West, is being embraced irrespective of core principles at stake, or being breached; similar trend is being observed amongst Muslims in Gulf States.

Of course, it is not new, for once one begins to think of oneself as more knowing, then one, as others before battled reconciling own thought with scripture, one must give.

B. Spinoza battled to reconcile Judaism with his epistemological thesis, and abandoned the former instead of crisscrossing the latter's thorny terrain. E. Kant had misgivings about Christianity, and pursued a life of atheism. M. Assad struggled with Judaism, and wholly embraced Islam.

Or is the fissure so full that schism reins?
Just a thought.

Polygamy is not for most men, only for those with intellect, compassion and bravery. Not for weak, reckless, liars.

Most women do not want it because a lot of polygamist men do secret "marriages" and bring nothing but drama, financial instability etc.
Balaayo kuga dhacday, this is why I sometimes hate men , evil bastards. I just read a post about a woman who assaulted by men with broom, yes a damn broom and now this . I am so traumatized.
Why is she even making excuses for him . Kulaha “wuu iska naag jecalyahay”
My heart goes to the poor children
I’ve heard various stories like that. Usually the husband went to South Africa. Fornicated there or secretly married and then comes back to wifey.

Women need to start getting husbands to be get tested. Also, women should also put no-polygamy clauses in their marriage contract or make it clear from the get go that if he tries to get married again, they’re gone, as many men will marry any type of women without looking throughly at their background or getting them to do any form of testing.

You can’t control a man, but at least have steps in place to put your health first. In this day and age, sexual exclusivity is important.

There is what is called "qutba siro". Not sure if you heard it before but it is available to us (men).


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
The government needs to bring in mandatory testing so that no one’s honour is insulted

