Somali Minorities Praise Puntland

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So much for Puntland being racist against Somalis. Look at how minorities are treated in Puntland. They work there, make money, have a much better life and even marry. The height of a civilization is how it's weakest among them are treated. You are welcome in Puntland.


Notice all the arab kingdoms use to marry their slave girls. Majerteniya kingdom was very similar, but most somalis do not understand civilizations, they were frickin aborigines for crying out in galgaduud. We are the only slave trading kingdom in Somalia. The other slaves were brought in by hamar cad cads and notice they marry them also. The rest are really aborigines in the south barr darods, abgaal.

From Galgaduud all the way too baydhabo, basically naked oromo's in history. That's why it's a mess over their lands, maba jirto hab dhaqan ay ku laabtan.


Even Tumaal in Puntland are doing so well their trying to join Majerten. Gaboy are angry that successful tumaal minority feel superior to their southern counterpart. Majerten effect no other explanation. Just being around majerten makes you superior.



Good luck joining Majerten, I think it will be difficult though. We have diya and register all our clans-men. I am registered. Every family has to tell their clan elder of the number of boys in their family. When one of our clans-men stuff up in Puntland, we all chip in and pay the fine.

I have yet to hear of a diya payment for our clan. There was one recently in garowe, this bah dubays guy shot this riyoole guy, but it all sorted without diya cause he was a known 'thief' and scum. That's why I say bah dubays are respected in garowe, we dont bother ppl, but dont mess with us either. They know it's not our character to be moryan like that silly galan.


There is a reason why the sheegato eventually feel successful enough to claim majertenimo, since the clan is all success, they start to look down on where they came from eventually. Similar to uppity negro trying to be white.

That's why so many Somalis say majerten has heaps of sheegato, we can't help if they want to be majerten, what they should ask themselves is why does noone want be a sheegato for your clan. You won't ever see someone claiming I want to be marehan or I want to be Isaaq do you?


So much for Puntland being racist against Somalis. Look at how minorities are treated in Puntland. They work there, make money, have a much better life and even marry. The height of a civilization is how it's weakest among them are treated. You are welcome in Puntland.
sorry buddy only osman mohamud marry Madow. there is nothing wrong wit it but dont claim all puntlanders do


sorry buddy only osman mohamud marry Madow. there is nothing wrong wit it but dont claim all puntlanders do

You accept marriage between somali royalties(darod clans) and aborigine clans(non abgal hawiye) but you don't accept marriage from Madows? why is it ok to marry wild life because that's what you are without a sultanate prior to colonials and this seen as normal for you? it's because of that somalinimo shit so ma aha that we were taught by keenadiid boy yasin ali sharmarke SYL? Similar to what white people did for blacks in america 'civil rights' right?

You don't say much to high class clans marrying low class wild life but your saying it's not ok to marry Madow?
Indeed. MJ populace are good you can coexist with them. I know Marehans who moved to PL towns. I hear good things about Garowe


Most civilised race, the mjs

Nimankan aan history lahayn iyo mamuul iyo kala dambayn lahayn lama jecleen weligeed aduunka.

2. Aboriginals were not considered citizens of Australia until 1967, and some were regulated under Flora and Fauna Law. The federal constitution, written in 1900, explicitly stated that Aboriginals would not be counted in any state or federal census. Queensland was the last state in Australia to grant state voting rights to Aboriginals in 1965; Aboriginals in the Northern Territory were considered “wards of the state” and were not allowed to vote in federal elections unless they were ex-servicemen up until 1962. Voting and citizenship rights for Aboriginals were written into the constitution with a 1967 referendum, which also removed discriminatory references to Aboriginals from the Constitution and gave Parliament the power to make laws pertaining to Indigenous Peoples (previous to that, state governments had total law-making power over Aborigines). The referendum set a voting record, with 90.77 percent of the entire population voting in favor of it. Interestingly, the highest percentage of “no” votes were recorded in territories with the highest Aboriginal populations, suggesting that anti-Indigenous racism was still rampant in many areas of Australia (since the passage of the Race Discrimination Act in 1975, 10,5000 complaints have been filed with the government, with more than 3,500 of those coming from Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders). However, though voting is mandatory for all Australian citizens, voting was not made compulsory for Aborigines until 1983. Queensland has lagged behind in many Indigenous rights laws – Queensland Aborigines could be forced to live on reserves until 1971, and could not own their own property until 1975. In 1959, Aboriginals became eligible to receive pensions and maternity leave, but only if they were not “nomadic or primitive,” and often group payments were made to reserves or missions rather than individuals or communities. Though many of these discriminatory laws were changed in the 1960s and 1970s, others were being created – legislation created in the 1970s requires that the estate of an Aboriginal who dies without leaving a will should be automatically put in the hands of a public trustee, rather than granted to the next of kin as is the case with non-Aboriginals. The Law Reform Committee recommended that this law be changed in 2008, and the Department of Indigenous Affairs confirmed in 2012 that they are “considering it.” Also contentious is New South Wales’ Flora and Fauna Law under the National Parks and Wildlife Act. This law claims that the majority of Aboriginal artifacts are “property of the crown,” and claims jurisdiction over all Aboriginal heritage and culture. Aboriginals, understandably, object to their culture being regulated under an act meant to protect vegetation and wild animals. New South Wales is the only state in Australia not to have a stand-alone Aboriginal Heritage Act, and activists have been lobbying for one for the past thirty years.

Not even a citizen ka waran, bin adan ayaaba loo arki jirin, at least a Madow was considered 1/3 of human. Madow were not called WILD LIFE ama kamid ahanshaha DAAQA. They were considered human at least but just slaves. Nimanka bush peopleka ee oromada waa fucking wild life sxb same with all non darod somalis.

You can basically not be tried for murder killing bush people, they were not considered human but apart of the animals and wild life. It was like you killed a dog or cat. Somalis also have their own aborigines and we need to talk about it not sweep under rug or hide behind somalinimo or human rights.


It is paramount for all Somali clans to prove their history and they weren't just oromo naked people that we removed 'galkacyo' for example. We need you to prove your history that your people were humans and civilized and had structure, if you don't we can call you aborigines, because that's all you must of been and therefore you should not be classed even human being but more so given animal rights because your no different.

I am a strict Majertenist. With a keen eye and not fooled by @Cognitivedissonance yes he is majerten and osman maxamud but he is trying to conceal these aborigines under ISLANIMO, like keenadid tried with somalinimo and teaching them that. Finally yasin sharmarke creating SYL and carrying on Somalinimo. Darawish tried to conceal it also in the north by creating islanimo card. I won't accept it @Cognitivedissonance that my brother is some guy who was part of the animals just 100 years ago. I am still a majertenist.


@Cognitivedissonance is our local majerten liberal HUMAN RIGHT ADVOCATE USING THE ISLAM CARD TO MAKE THESE PEOPLE HUMAN BEINGS, he doesn't want to talk this stuff and wants to carry on creating islamic unity and disregard the serious questions from civilized tribes. No sorry candhufdeena gadaal uma liqi doono and do it for allah sake, see they have to beg you because they don't want to answer this stuff and hence why Puntland shabab, isis, somalinimo and all this crap will never work because the people REMEMBER THIS STUFF.


@Cognitivedissonance DAD WILDLIFE KAMID AHAA INTANAN SOMALIA LA ABUURIN INAAD NAGU WAASHID WAA WALALKA ISLAM WAA WALALKA SOMALIYEED KAMA YEELAYNO. You won't in puntland with that nonsense and people won't let go. You won't unite civilized tribe and aboriginal tribes using islam card or somali card because they what both are. We can't bridge this with ANY CARD.

May Somalinimo and Islanimo Fall, yes you can be somali, yes you can be muslim but civilized and aborigines must stay apart, we simply won't get along anyways. We are wasting our time, pulling out all these cards. What next @Cognitivedissonance cushitic card maybe africa card maybe BIN ADAN CARD(HUMAN RIGHTS). Just give it up and let tradition continue.

What card are you going to use to deny the different histories of somali clans, that all i ASK? if i see one that works maybe I will join it but if won't work, don't waste the people time and keep strictly FEDERAL.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Indeed they are civilized. That is why a Oromo guy yelling again and again La ilaha illa Allah was killed in Bosaaso.


Indeed they are civilized. That is why a Oromo guy yelling again and again La ilaha illa Allah was killed in Bosaaso.

Yes PL has it's fair share of racists, so what. We don't want Oromo walkers into our town, planned invasion as trump says of the latinos. Follow the laws and rules of Puntland if you want to come, not just ignore it like it's hawiye country. I have noticed Darod and Issa are civilized clans and it can be proven and they both hate the oromo like anything. But other Somalis DONT which shows they must have links. We know what that oromo is, a frickin naked man and wild life. Civilized races dont want wild life, they need to go to your land where it is wild life isaaq and hawiye.


That video was proven to be fake but your people burning people like Zulu South Africans is as real as it gets.

He can scream lah illaha illa lah, he is using the islam card to hide he was wild life 100 years ago. I disagree with uniting people based on religion, it doesn't work. Sayid tried and you saw what happened. I don't even agree with Somalinimo card either. I prefer strictly Federal
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