Registered voters per region in somaliweyn

I’ve done some research on somali regions and registered voters there are over 630k registered voters in the NFD out of a population of 2.5-3million most regions have voter registration of 20-25 percent of the population

we have already seen puntland registered 400k SL I believe had around 1 million registered voters in 2021 parliamentary elections
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Here are SLs numbers from 2021 I had to verify
Here’s PL
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You are on the right track. Always use Kenyan and Ethiopian data to get a better understanding of Somalia. When I see a data point for Somalia that seems suspicious, I immediatly look up if NFD and DDS arr within that ballpark. Usually the figures are very close.

ps. I would not trust Somaliland voter turnout figures.

Lol. I would trust no figures you've ever presented.

I actually looked into them. Cherry picking and splicing datasets together and fabrications too.
You are on the right track. Always use Kenyan and Ethiopian data to get a better understanding of Somalia. When I see a data point for Somalia that seems suspicious, I immediatly look up if NFD and DDS arr within that ballpark. Usually the figures are very close.

ps. I would not trust Somaliland voter turnout figures.
Yeah I checked NFD numbers right away to get a good gage of how many voters each Somali region could produce
We see that Ogadenia can produce more than 3 million voters NFD a little over half a million and Puntland 400k plus. I wonder how many voters Marexan regions have (if there are any)🤔
Why do you think compared to others, the voter turnout was so high among Afars and Somalis? Any theories?
They intentionally underestimate somali numbers there, its way more populous than any sland so I think they are anyway between 12-13 millions in the most conservative estimates