Question for HAGS, what are your views on Gen Odawaa?

I would also say, we need to temporarily free Xasan Dahir Aweys

Hassan Dahir Aweis is dangerous because no one can control him plus the dude is pro Darood.
We also lost many good youth because of his bad decisions. We don't need him and we are in a better place without him.

Our future leaders are Rooble and others like him


Roobow and Xassan Dahir aweys has a debt to pay off, I don't mind him running for SWS precidency with the promise, he exterminates and drives AL Shabaab out, same with Xassan Dahir Aweys, he needs to really abandon the Muslim Brotherhood fikr and both verbally and physically fight Al Shabaab with those loyal to him
Roobow is a strong figure and he might clash with HG control over Lower Shabelle. If he can make it clear that he will not and instead work with us then I would support him but imo HSM needs a reliable UPD President so he can get KG support in future election
Don't forget that Gen Indho Cade was the one who defended Presidents Hassan and Shariff with his life when Farmajoo sent a convoy of West Gedo and reer Lascanood troops. He destroyed the convoy and pushed them back and made sure that both presidents were safe.

He stayed up all night patrolling and protecting our presidents. We are proud of him.
I am aware, but why is that relevant? Again, I am no farmaajo nor fan of any presidents, they all major sinners, I just pray to Allah that he guides and rectifies Somalia through HSM the current president. I am not a tribalist, tribalism is haram and I refer back to the thread I made.



He is our blood there is nothing more to say than that he needs a rigorous re-education on where his loyalties lie.
Sadaaq Joon though :wow:
Roobow and Xassan Dahir aweys has a debt to pay off, I don't mind him running for SWS precidency with the promise, he exterminates and drives AL Shabaab out, same with Xassan Dahir Aweys, he needs to really abandon the Muslim Brotherhood fikr and both verbally and physically fight Al Shabaab with those loyal to him

I am also against the idea of releasing Roobow from prison. He is dangerous and a militant. We won't be able to control South West state. Farmajoo actually done us a favour in this regard.

Anyway why should we help eelaay when they hate us and always stab us in the back. Most support Farmajoo and are happy with Roobow being in jail.

Let's just concentrate on Lower Shebelle and uniting it with Benedir to form Benedir state.
Hassan Dahir Aweis is dangerous because no one can control him plus the dude is pro Darood.
We also lost many good youth because of his bad decisions. We don't need him and we are in a better place without him.

Our future leaders are Rooble and others like him
Alright, do you know anything about Ictisaam, ittihad, Al Islax etc.? I am currently doing research and on them, and I would be happy that our Leaders banned all Islamic groups and bans Muslim brotherhood presence in Somalia. We also need to re-establish ties with UAE and Saudi Arabia and put Qatar terrorist financers behind us
Wallahi Billahi Tallahi he needs a medal. Forget about Caydiid, I want statues of Rooble and Sadaaq across GM and Xamar.

Sadaaq Joon is Saleebaan and Saleebaan will NEVER be slaves to anybody let alone a punk like Farmajoo. Even president Qoor Qoor done a good job.
@bidenkulaha @Galmudug-State one thing that Somalis need to learn, is that it is haram against a Muslim ruler wether he was elected or he took power with force. I will make an hadith post on this.

Wallahi Billahi Tallahi he needs a medal. Forget about Caydiid, I want statues of Rooble and Sadaaq across GM and Xamar.
Astagfurallah, you want statues? We need to break every statue, even if it is a statue of Ahmed Gurey, we must demolish it. No statues, no portraits, no paintings. Also we need every high grave to be leveled down like the graves of the sahabah

If I am XSM I keep like that Odowaa follows orders I would keep him and surround him with DamJadiid loyalists with ties to GM/HS to help install DamJadiidists in Samareeb/Baraawe/Baladweeyne/Baydhaba/Jowhar/Benaadir
Yeah but they married him to a Merehan women. If he throws her out than maybe

The in-laws and maternal uncles dont usually doesnt change Somalia clan politics other than a few rumors about Cabdiqaasim and AdanCadde

Afweyne's biggest loyalists often had in-laws and maternal uncles that supported SNM/SSDF/USC and in fact the worst cuqdad be held by a man from your neighbor enemy clan and his wife, mother, maternal grandmother, and his daughter-in-law are all from your clan but when his clan loses territory to your clan he is the most dangerous enemy that knows the most about you
Leorio2000 we could have used your spiritual strength when we were fighting Farmajoo and CBB these past five years.
Farmaajo was the president, as for CBB,I hate those fake wadanis and I was exposing their tribalism and hypocricy since day 1, when these wadani accounts began praising Siyaad Barre. I have exposed 3 major CBB accounts sxb. 1st one was a gaal, second one was a gaal too and the 3rd was related to Siyaad Barre.

Farmaajo was the president, as for CBB,I hate those fake wadanis and I was exposing their tribalism and hypocricy since day 1, when these wadani accounts began praising Siyaad Barre. I have exposed 3 major CBB accounts sxb. 1st one was a gaal, second one was a gaal too and the 3rd was related to Siyaad Barre.

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Now it is our duty to support President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud in easy or hard times. Welcome and guuul my brother.

bro be kind and understand, i heard from very good sources farmajo would invite people to lunch with him, then add sixir and capathon kaniin on their drink, then he will wake up 3 hours later and would be shown a naked video of him with a girl doing "massage"

he did sixir, please do not let the boonika divide you

my father told me Mx used sixir in the 1980s when Ogaden was fighting them over kismayo with said barre

OG would read quran before battles as the sixir was very strong

i am very certain they read sixir, please advise hassan to read quran on villa somalia, looks of girls were did evil things to them and abused and orgies and other evil nasty hunter sixir

