Puntland Is The Only Place That Is Land Of Punt

Man, you people need to lay off the khat.
Tell that to the fellow who made this thread nacas boy

In 2003, Ian Shaw wrote that "There is still some debate regarding the precise location of Punt, which was once identified with the region of modern Somalia. A strong argument has now been made for its location in either southern Sudan or the Eritrean region of Ethiopia, where the indigenous plants and animals equate most closely with those depicted in the Egyptian reliefs and paintings".

In June 2018, Polish archaeologists who have been conducting research in The Temple of Hatshepsut since 1961 discovered the only depiction of a secretary bird (Sagittarius serpentarius) known from ancient Egypt in the Bas-reliefs from the Portico of Punt that depicted the great Pharaonic expedition to the Land of Punt. The secretary bird lives only in the African open grasslands and savannah, it is listed among the birds found in Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somaliland, the bird is not found in Arabia.[
I don't even care about sources anymore okay. Believe what you want to believe. I didn't come from some bush in Ethiopia, no way. I refuse to entertain that disgusting idea.
Somalis always lived and will continue to live in Somalia. All huntergathers who originally lived in Somalia were the people that made "Somali" ethnicity as Lowland-East Cushitic people met them. It made Somali people distant from other people such as Afar, Beja and others. Pre-dynastic Egyptians (Possibly Naqada) + ancient proto-Nilote/Sudanese + Ancient hunter gatherers who lived in Somalia = Somali people. In other words, It is us who inherited the history of Somalia. There are a lot of anicent histories that have yet to be discovered in Somalia. Of course, we tend to judge the history, based on our limited knowledge of ancient history but there are similarites indeed. Like it or not, Land of Punt "possibly" belonged to Somalis. Period.

And oh? Judging on the history of Somali Language, Soomali people started from the North.
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And do you think that your tribe existed in 2000 BC?😂 The Somalis are only 2000-2500 years old, and they came from southern Ethiopia, as most recent studies have mentioned.
These areas where frankincense cultivation is widespread are found in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Oman, Yemen and India as well View attachment 244074
And the baboons that are found there don't even live in Puntland Did it become extinct, or what? These monkeys live only in northwestern Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Yemen
View attachment 244076
I do not know why you name your land after the ancient Egyptians gave it to you 😂🤦‍♂️

None of my points were answered. Show me where these areas perform this type of farming today? The only logical place is Puntland, none of those areas do this farming, why? cuz they simply don't know or have any history to it. But Puntland does it till this day. Just becuz it grows in your land doesn't mean u know how to farm it.


The actual logical conclusion says land of Punt might be in Eritrea north Yemen or modern day Somaliland coastal areas did that civilization exist not your so called fantasy bunlan :duck:

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To be the land of punt, don't u need to know how to frankincense farm? no isaaqs do this. Isaaqs weren't even mentioned in futuh al habash, even hiraab was. Eritrea and Yemen don't do it either. So the holy land of ancient egypt is Puntland unless u want to argue u miraclously forgot to frankincense farm. Plus all the way to 'mayt' was considered Harti Lands in futuh al habash, proving more n more who the ancient land of punt is.


At least colonials or siyad barre didn't give my regional 'name' im proud of that or romans/greeks. I sense a-lot of hurt from irir loooooooool that Puntland is named by ancient egyptians and it's only puntites who do frankincense farming anywhere in the world.


It takes a-lot of skill to extract frankincense without damaging the tree, then processing it is another stage before exporting it. This is only handed down father to son, it's not some 'global' industry like farming where everyone knows how to do it, this culture is unique to Puntites only. Just cuz frankincense grows in your land doesn't mean you know how to farm it. Camels live in Australia, doesn't mean aussies know how to use it.


All this ppl posting maps of where frankincense grows, your wasting ur time. Ancient egypt didn't have ships like today to traverse large bodies of ocean. The only logical place is red sea. No other contenders. I just proved puntites are the only ppl who do frankincense farming, proving we are the ppl who ancient egypt were referring to.

Isaaq is out of question, even in futuh al habash they didnt exist, all coastal somaliland area was inhabitated by puntites according to futuh al habash. Isaaq is interior clan who settled coastal areas recently, they don't even fish for god sakes showing u they have no place near the sea in history or today.

The other evidence against them is why don't u show me one isaaq farmer? forget yemen too, hadramout don't do it, god is showing us that only ppl who do it are puntites so their is no confusion or multi claimers taking our beautiful history. Frankincense/Beden boat are unique to puntites who are fishermen BY HISTORY. We are coastal ppl that could've traded with ancient egypt.


The land of punt is a history of 5000 years of trade, governance, civilization and considered holy land to the ancient egyptian. The Puntites have the longest history in Somalia is my conclusion. For those ignorant about my argument, I am talking about the land. Do I believe the same ppl lived in one corner of somalia for 5000 years, of course not, waves of different ppl or cultures even lived here across time, but it's the land that leaves history and Puntites have inherited that history. I am boasting about how this corner of somalia is rich in history and the ppl who live here tend to be great leaders across different eras and time, it's as if the land is holy like the ancient egyptians said becuz anyone who lived here, is a landheere in history or in todays time.

But there is no doubt frankincense and possibly other land of punt inheritance to our ppl has happened either directly thru blood line or thru cultural transfer.
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I think the land of punt was even richer then Ancient egypt. They depicted the female as fat n plump meaning they were wealthy in ancient standards unlike ancient egyptian queens. Till today fattness represents wealth, that's why the west has obesity also, it's a sign of a wealthy society.

Puntites students should study archaelogy, we live in an area of 5000 years of history confirmed by ancient egypt, romans, greeks, we need ppl who can extract these lost societies from the earth. Plus desertification is another key benefit for us in our land, it's earth way of storing, we need to do 'digs' and pin-point possible locations thru oral history and definetely 'coastal' areas obviously.

The whole world is digging their countries to support their ppl history, it's only sub-saharan africa not doing shit n colonized in the brain, even those saudis r digging now and found 'al ula' site.
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To be the land of punt, don't u need to know how to frankincense farm? no isaaqs do this. Isaaqs weren't even mentioned in futuh al habash, even hiraab was. Eritrea and Yemen don't do it either. So the holy land of ancient egypt is Puntland unless u want to argue u miraclously forgot to frankincense farm. Plus all the way to 'mayt' was considered Harti Lands in futuh al habash, proving more n more who the ancient land of punt is.
i am pretty sure hawiye is the one that was mention not hiraab