proposal to dhegdheer

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
say wallahi you're proud of being illiterate :dwill:
I love to read on my own time in solitude so I may ponder & reflect muse do some serious critical thinking.

But you stay reading books to girls see sir Montgomery girls usually like guys to be book smart not a book worm:comeon:
@dhegdheer abaayo will it be bac or bac la'aan?



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Playing checkers vs 3d chess. You aint looking to get me banned, I'm the Clyde to your bonnie:banderas:

Because you weren't in my dms asking for a cut:camby:name and shame the simp

Say wallahi ur about that scamming life :patrice: I love a good scam

hat did you think of the 50 shades of Xalwad or 3 Xalimos 1 muus? You never told me.
50 shades of Xalwad was kind of vanilla but 3 xalimos and 1 muus nearly had me reverting, walaal that's too much 4 me
if everything you posted is true, I can spot you in your place of work or in the tube.:lolbron:
i know a lot about you
. be careful what you post :bell:

Do you see this @AbdiJohnson ? Looks like a threat to me :hemad:

I knew I shouldn't have mentioned that I like pineapples on my pizza :dwill:

What in the world did I come back to

@dhegdheer is going to marry all of the Faraxs in Somalispot, get in line

I have allocated myself 4 husbands and 10 concubines :wow:

I will only marry my cousin @GodKnowsBest @dhegdheer can be my second wife tho :denzelnigga:

???? Second wife? I wouldn't even allow u to be a sperm donor let alone a concubine/ 4th husband :camby:
So yeah @DuctTape my proposal on that trashy thread that got nuked was one of the first so let me rephrase it:

@dhegdheer my Cg cousin! Let's hookup and get a non-muslamic, secular wedding at the local registry office with qashinlord @Codeine blessing! Afterwards we can get a KFC meal my treat!

May our cidagale² children attain the ultimate 10head ameen:rejoice:

First cocopops and now KFC? Fix ur taste first mudane :drakekidding: The only religious wedding I'll have is in Vegas in front of Elvis

*Cidagale 3.0 sxb :susp: I'm pretty sure they'll be growing tentacles at this rate with all that inbreeding
@dhegdheer I just want your dirty pants and your bath water in a 500ml bottle. Not asking for a relationship.

Seek help :susp:

hey! I was gonna propose to @dhegdheer. kiniisada iska dhaaf ina adeer. i was wrong. hidaaya baan soo qadanayna babay .

View attachment 15666

I take mehr in the form of 2 gtx 1080ti akhi

@dhegdheer i would drag my balls over broken glass for 10,000 miles, just to collect your farts. :it0tdo8:. you are the moos to my barris. the hillib to my caano. :rejoice:

Warya caadi isga dhig. Seek help x2 :whoa::whoa::whoa:

With all these admirers you can finally start on that Beesha @dhegdheer dream you were talking about :siilaanyolaugh:

Told u it was going to be real :westbrookswag:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
all u niggas better back tf off :birdman:
The white knight tramo the virtual tramp kkkk lurking in the shadows the cyber ace lending these damsels in distress a vitual shoulder they can lean on, the appeaser who bends over backwards to white knight for millennial girls.
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