Men have no right to shame a girl for not wearing the Hijab in the West


I am NOT a federal agent
I will never understand why any man other then the girls father thinks he has a say in whether or not she should cover up.

Ever since 9/11 and the raise of Islamaphobia in the west Muslim women especially Hijabis have become the main target for hate crimes since we are the most visible Muslims.

A man who has no idea how scary it is to walk down the street in some areas with a hijab on has no right to shame a girl that fears being hate crimed for no reason.
loool u scared of kuffar so u don't want to wear hijab?
The early companions were TORTURED for being muslim. they still remained muslim.
get a grip.
if u are really scared buy a gun.
The irony that the guys are doing the exact thing you said they shouldn’t do. Let’s be real, most of these “men” are weak and lack courage. This it’s easier to blend in to mainstream society than be visibly Muslim. It’s a sad state that we’re in. So, @BlackJack my advice is to ignore them and let them have a one way conversation with themselves.
The irony that the guys are doing the exact thing you said they shouldn’t do. Let’s be real, most of these “men” are weak and lack courage. This it’s easier to blend in to mainstream society than be visibly Muslim. It’s a sad state that we’re in. So, @BlackJack my advice is to ignore them and let them have a one way conversation with themselves.
Yeah umm about calling us men "weak and lacking courage", when shit gets real in the west and they start prosecuting Muslims. You're going to come running to us for protection and that's the truth.

The main point is no one has to "dress" like a Muslim to actually be one, what matters is your actions and your words. That's all.

Now I'm not saying don't dress modestly and all, but don't go thinking you're better than people because you dress more "Muslim".
some somali men like to stick their toucan Sam looking ass nose in business that doesn't concern them
Really? :bell:Women can talk about men affairs and advice them and no one cares, opposite and its hell on earth. Instead of it being men vs women let it be muslim and muslim.
Really? :bell:Women can talk about men affairs and advice them and no one cares, opposite and its hell on earth. Instead of it being men vs women let it be muslim and muslim.

there is a difference between taking a sister to the side (privately) and giving advice. but what Muslim men do is the publicly make fun of the sis .

your right. Muslim to Muslim but we are not doing it right.
there is a difference between taking a sister to the side (privately) and giving advice. but what Muslim men do is the publicly make fun of the sis .

your right. Muslim to Muslim but we are not doing it right.
What do you count as public shaming? (also none of this is private we're in a public forum)
I've literally never taken hijab "advice" from someone who's never worn one or knows what it's like to be a hijabi and I never will. wtf can they possibly know that I don't?
What do you count as public shaming? (also none of this is private we're in a public forum)

for example, a sister on Instagram take off her hijab, everybody goes in on her saying all sorts of things.

yes this is a public forum. however have a normal discussion about it generally , not personal attack to a specific person.
for example, a sister on Instagram take off her hijab, everybody goes in on her saying all sorts of things.

yes this is a public forum. however have a normal discussion about it generally , not personal attack to a specific person.
There is a difference between taking off a hijab and not wearing a hijab in the first place
If she suddenly takes of her hijab in a live or a post there must be something behind it or maybe some form of istusnimoo because if ur doing a sin why do it in public? Probably for clout so there is a huge difference
There is a difference between taking off a hijab and not wearing a hijab in the first place
If she suddenly takes of her hijab in a live or a post there must be something behind it or maybe some form of istusnimoo because if ur doing a sin why do it in public? Probably for clout so there is a huge difference

regardless , she is not wearing it. same difference. doesn't make it right to publicly bash her
regardless , she is not wearing it. same difference. doesn't make it right to publicly bash her
No it makes a huge difference
Somebody who never use to wear it and isn’t use to it is usually not to blame
It’s the household And may actually be a confused person that needs help
But when a person does it on purpose for clout and fame?
no mercy
Lol you have no idea how it feels getting spit on in the middle of the street and getting told to take off that towel or getting your hijab yanked for no damn reason. So please kindly shut the f*ck up.
Put your faith in Allah fam, back then Muslims were killed by “Dracula” not the vampire the real one for people practicing Quran and wearing a hijab I think you need to put your faith in god I know I’m not the most wise and shit but your rewards in the here after will be a lot for covering even after the things you’ve gone through Allah knows it’s hard