Marrying out and Somali self-hate.

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Humanity is a tribal species.

You women are incredibly delusional


Why don't you waltz into Qatar or something and tell them to accept you as an individual and ignore your ethnicity


Who the f*ck cares what Somalis in the West do? 99 % of them aren’t planning to go back to Somalia. They could all be prostitutes for all I care. If the 2nd generation Somalis can’t even speak Somali, don’t know their culture, then what about the 3rd generation, 4th generation, 5th generation? It’s a ticking time tomb, and if you live in the west then your children/grandchildren marrying out is a trade off.


I don't care
Hey @Boqol

I understand ur frustration sxb about the qabiil issues. but try to look it from a different perspective. There will never be shortage of Somalis marrying Somalis, however we are all individuals and not a collective group who may or may not share the same outlook in life. If someone wants to marry ajnabi, that is perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with their children choosing to identify with their Somali side. I and many others will welcome them with open arms while those who believe in the outdated concept of racial supremacy will reject them. I also agree with you on the plethora of misguided youth on social media fighting for questionable causes or ejecting themselves into issues far more complicated than meets the naked eye. But that shouldn't be a reason to lose hope, everything will work itself out in the end :)
U.. I can't speak enough good about you your a legend saxib may Allah bless you


As i live and breathe
This is far from being the biggest problem facing Somalis today. Fix your communities, fix your country. You'll notice that the amount of people marrying out will decrease once that is done.
Only the bottom of the barrel are obsessed with ethnic pride. Ethnicity is the last thing humans have and the go to when you can't be proud of your religion or family or money or job or life lol

There's nothing wrong with having ethnic pride. Every successful ethnic group in this world has ethnic pride, but the moment a Somali has ethnic pride s like yourself get uncomfortable and start spewing stupid shit like your post here.
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Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
I get OPs stance if a person marries out theres a High chance they dont see a future back home neither do they want to help rebuild the country

Yes that is true and not true. It really depends on the situation. For me, I have to marry a Somali woman, however that may not happen, but whatever the case is, I will always return and help my nation.

However I see where the concern is coming from, especially for the xalimos since they are most likely not gonna return to Somalia, once they marry out.


jinx is my waifu 4 laifu
This is stupid.

If you want to keep your bloodline pure and don't want your children to marry foreign people, then why raise them in foreign countries? It's inevitable. Either move back to Somalia or stop complaining
This is stupid.

If you want to keep your bloodline pure and don't want your children to marry foreign people, then why raise them in foreign countries? It's inevitable. Either move back to Somalia or stop complaining

This thread isn't for you Ms. Chan Lee. Go worry about Chinese issues.
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