Mahad Egal Grenfell Tower fire West London

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Only an animal would make a joke out of this situation. Lay of with the daily fail comments you post.

Why are you belittling when I just apologized? I have my human frailty you know. I wasn't talking abt this tower btw
Have a read of this:

Both from last year.

Also - Rydon, the contractors who refurbished the tower, have deleted any mention of it on their website. Here's a cached version:

Children screaming from the tower, calling for help:

This is truly a hell on earth. :snoop:

Heads have to roll over this.

Blame capitalism, greed, cost-cutting and profit-seeking. In a fair society, the local council would invest in proper infrastructure and housing. Instead these greedy bastards like to cut spending, reduce costs and leave the poor and vulnerable on their own. This the result of 40 years of conservative Neo-liberal right-wing austerity/economics.

The UK is fast becoming a joke.


Seems Somalis can be found in every estate tower in London. They need to save up money and buy houses up north, siidani nolol maha


Hot and cold


this is truly horrific and to think the firefighters only went up to the 4th floor and couldn't go any higher because they lacked in "equipments" make me physically sick this was a neglect from the landlord they did this on purpose because POC and muslim lives don't matter for these people


If it was public housing it explains the way the police and firefighters acted. Very sad. AUN to those who lost their lives.
Why was this building full of qaxootis @Zayd ?

Is this the sort of ghettos you live in ?
Actually, not everyone lives in flats. But housing situation isn't so good in London it's very expensive even for professionals to rent even young professional share a flat with others in London. In other parts of the country, however, you can have a nice 3 bedroom house for yourself for £100 a month!
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