Largest single eviction of illegal squaters expected soon in Muqdisho

The current owners of those homes are not the original squatters. It has been 32 years, Somali life expectancy is less than 60, almost everyone who originally squatted there is dead. I understand evicting people out of private land, but squatting on public land is different.

I know you and @Jungle think this is funny, but if the picture posted above is true and all of those home are to be bulldozed, that is an unmitigated disaster. You would be creating tens of thousands of new IDPs.

Batshit crazy plan.
some of these properties now probably worth 100s of thousands insane money for Somalia.

the properties our family had in hurwa was bought way before war for couple thousand and now worth 10x plus. Are families supposed to get land back, get paid original sum, or get money in sum of current land value. It’s been 30 plus years and we ain’t moving back. It’s best to move on new gen living there was there through bad times when place was war zone. Somalis take land and livestock during wars
If you have property you want to get back, you'd be wise in supporting this move as it sets a precedent of the government kicking squatters out of stolen property. "If hebel hebel can get their property back, then so can I."

Though the cynic in me believes this is only coming to pass as the original thieves (more powerful and wealthy) already sold their stolen property to these yokels to invest in more legal ventures.
some of these properties now probably worth 100s of thousands insane money for Somalia.

the properties our family had in hurwa was bought way before war for couple thousand and now worth 10x plus. Are families supposed to get land back, get paid original sum, or get money in sum of current land value. It’s been 30 plus years and we ain’t moving back. It’s best to move on new gen living there was there through bad times when place was war zone. Somalis take land and livestock during wars
We sold our land in Medina back in 2008 for less than 40 grand,some daud family were squatting on it but we sold it to one of our old neighbor, right now that land must be worth 300k max
How to create new AS members. HSM playbook.
1. Recognize Israel and do the bidding of the west even if it means disenfranchising your fellow man
2. Kick people out of decades old junctures while they have no where else to go. This one really drives home the schtick of no compassion.
3. sign over Somali sovereignty to Bantu nations beginning a new era of Neo colonialization
How to create new AS members. HSM playbook.
1. Recognize Israel and do the bidding of the west even if it means disenfranchising your fellow man
2. Kick people out of decades old junctures while they have no where else to go. This one really drives home the schtick of no compassion.
3. sign over Somali sovereignty to Bantu nations beginning a new era of Neo colonialization
SXB AS are half bantu, they have more franchises in Swahilistan than mcdonald has in America. They are not the taliban, they have no drop of Somali nationalism in their veins
@Step a side what do you think about a darood evicting a daud family from a home in medina 2008? :drakekidding: this platform is like no other :dead:

@Step a side what do you think about a darood evicting a daud family from a home in medina 2008? :drakekidding: this platform is like no other :dead:
You lot squatted on Ogaden homes in Medina xaafada macmacaanka however we had no choice but to sell to another hawiye while moryaans still lived there


You lot squatted on Ogaden homes in Medina xaafada macmacaanka however we had no choice but to sell to another hawiye while moryaans still lived there
Same happened to an uncle of mine. He ended up selling the papers to another Hutu who was prepared to get the house back from the squatters. Xishood ma laha dadkan


You lot squatted on Ogaden homes in Medina xaafada macmacaanka however we had no choice but to sell to another hawiye while moryaans still lived there
in 2008. Were your family planning to move back?

The property deed is the most important thing and with that you're always able to get the property back through the court system. Your people lost out big time I have to say
Same happened to an uncle of mine. He ended up selling the papers to another Hutu who was prepared to get the house back from the squatters. Xishood ma laha dadkan
Nobody is stopping people from getting their properties back. That was his choice to sell. If somebody has the original paper work you will get property.

^^^ Banaadir Regional Court regularly returns land and properties to their owners


in 2008. Were your family planning to move back?

The property deed is the most important thing and with that you're always able to get the property back through the court system. Your people lost out big time I have to say

Nobody is stopping people from getting their properties back. That was his choice to sell. If somebody has the original paper work you will get property.

^^^ Banaadir Regional Court regularly returns land and properties to their owners
This was when people were getting shot for even knocking on the door of their old homes. He didn’t want to risk his life
Any update on this @Jungle? I wonder if the FGS/BRA will actually go through with such a large scale eviction with less than a month till deadline given (25th Jan).

I support the eviction of illegal squatters in both public and private land.


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