Ladies only poll: Would you ever marry a much older man?

Would you marry a man that is much older than you?

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You see the mentality we have here, with all the women weighing up real-life matters of stability and so forth. This is precisely, why there are men who try to avoid your mahrems, and get you alone, so that they can lovebomb and otherwise manipulate you into dropping your standards.

In reality, when a woman's mind is not clouded, she is likely to make very astute choices when selecting a mate.
30s is young tbh, but that's for people in their late 20s to early 30s. For someone in their early 20s, 30s will feel old.

In reality, when people are in their 30s, they are still young, energetic and tend to keep up with latest trends and other current events. That said, a man in his 30s should have his affairs in order, I agree with you on that.
Its like when you are in high school and have these high expectations of people in their 20s or when a much older person is acting a fool and you’re extra disappointed …maybe it’s an age gap thing. The closer I get to that age I will probably push my expectations a couple years further down
From what I've seen from the Somali mother's generation (pre-civil war), a 10 year age-gap was normal, but upon closer look, these matches helped these ladies climb up socially, and financially, so it was again, a decision based on stability. Again, nobody was marrying some oday, for the sake of it. I personally never saw a big deal with 5+ or a 10 year age-gap, again, depending on certain criteria.

But HELL NO, to + 15, 20, 25 years.
Sunscreen is a complete hoax, walaashay. Hunter-Gatherer and Pastoral nomadic groups looked pretty alright despite being in the sun a whole lot and not getting the regular abundance of food we can get today. The reason the sun causes a lot of problems for people nowadays is seed/vegetable oils that cause peroxidation in their epidermis when the sun's rays touch it. Cadaans even report, anecdotally, that when they cut out seed oils long enough and do something like a carnivore diet that they stop sunburning altogether:

How come every derm says that the sun is the main causes of aging? They always talk about photodamage? I do see your point about eliminating seed oils and such but wouldn’t the sun still be a slight issue?

Do you believe that if we cut out seed oils, the sun won’t impact us at all? Or is it a case of simply less burning since we have optimal health. That’s fascinating.

I’ll do research. I’m also going to try and cut out all seed oils.
Vegetable oils are also arguably the culprit for all that cellulite ladies have been convinced is "natural". That sunscreen is arguably doing damage as well with all the estrogenic, endocrine system disrupting gunk that leaches into your system through it.
True but due to the nature of our diets, not wearing sunscreen is a sure fire way to age yourself as a woman though. We all eat seed oils unfortunately. Theras simply been too much literature on the differences between those that wear it and those that don’t. Check out this image:


So the backstory of this individual is that whilst driving the Sun’s rays mostly used to shine on one said and as you can see one side is rather smooth and more youthful and one side is shriveled up.

Since our diets aren’t 100% great and many can’t commit to being overly strict wouldn’t not wearing sunscreen just make things worse for us?

And, to be honest, the men and women age pretty comparably poorly in my experience, it's just that the women tend to have skincare routines and utilize make-up which slows things down as well as masks them better. They're all eating the same poor modern foods on average. At least that was definitely the case in the UAE.
Women’s skincare routine and obsession with youth definitely helps. I don’t think women age better, but women are simply more likely to go to hospital for any health flair up compared to men and since health is the ultimate thing that helps with keeping youthful that helps and women are much more likely to use dermatologists and all sort of skin procedures and vitamin supplements to try and keep young as possible.

I do believe though from looking at the older gen, Somali odeys and Islans kinda age in the same rate. Both tend to be out of shape, the older gen women weren’t the type to be obsess over skincare or go to derms ect and their lives were simply a lot more stress inducing since they usually have like 6-8 kids.

I think older Milenials look younger compared to how the older gen looked when they were in their late 30s and 40s.
How come every derm says that the sun is the main causes of aging? They always talk about photodamage? I do see your point about eliminating seed oils and such but wouldn’t the sun still be a slight issue?

Do you believe that if we cut out seed oils, the sun won’t impact us at all? Or is it a case of simply less burning since we have optimal health. That’s fascinating.

I’ll do research. I’m also going to try and cut out all seed oils.

True but due to the nature of our diets, not wearing sunscreen is a sure fire way to age yourself as a woman though. We all eat seed oils unfortunately. Theras simply been too much literature on the differences between those that wear it and those that don’t. Check out this image:

View attachment 321162

So the backstory of this individual is that whilst driving the Sun’s rays mostly used to shine on one said and as you can see one side is rather smooth and more youthful and one side is shriveled up.

Since our diets aren’t 100% great and many can’t commit to being overly strict wouldn’t not wearing sunscreen just make things worse for us?

Women’s skincare routine and obsession with youth definitely helps. I don’t think women age better, but women are simply more likely to go to hospital for any health flair up compared to men and since health is the ultimate thing that helps with keeping youthful that helps and women are much more likely to use dermatologists and all sort of skin procedures and vitamin supplements to try and keep young as possible.

I do believe though from looking at the older gen, Somali odeys and Islans kinda age in the same rate. Both tend to be out of shape, the older gen women weren’t the type to be obsess over skincare or go to derms ect and their lives were simply a lot more stress inducing since they usually have like 6-8 kids.

I think older Milenials look younger compared to how the older gen looked when they were in their late 30s and 40s.

Yes, I hesitate to discuss Somali mother's ageing rates, as they survived a civil war, stress, too many children etc, etc.

I use late millenial mothers as an example, and I have seen many, in their 40s, and walahi, they look like they are in their 30s, and even 20s. That's because their lifestyles aren't stressful.
I am not gonna lie. I find it sus when men in their forties aren't married. So it’s a big no even if he’s rich and healthy. Why wasn't your money already attracting women before me?πŸ€”


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Handsome/Silver Fox

Two votes for: "IT BETTER BE WORTH IT!"

For a woman to modify something critical, like an age requirement, the offer has to be better than what is available with someone closer in age.

Women don't like significantly older men, as it means becoming a widow sooner. There could also be incompatibilities due to generational differences. If you are a millennial, you may clash with a Gen Xer. Your point of reference will be the post-Civil War era, and you might have been born in the West while they may have lived back home for some time. This may not be an issue for some, but it could present a slight barrier to relating.

Women don't tend to like younger men. The maximum number of years younger is 0-4. Once age gaps reach over 10 years, the divorce rate increases, likely due to generational differences.

An older woman tends to raise the man to another level. Often, this uplift means he'll get an even younger replacement at a later stageβ€”one who probably shares a striking resemblance to her but with a fresh start, as she's unaware of his foibles. I've seen it happen to Shakira and Mariah Carey. Men can be hypergamous as well. That's why you run when someone says they like Miss Independent or appreciate your accolades or achievements.

Albeit, this phenomenon can occur even with men who are similar in age or even older. We have seen those aunties whose husbands went on vacation hunting for a second wife during a mid-life crisis/in their twilight years. The best thing a woman can do is level up before she marries, protect her assets and hope for the best. There is no telling what will become of someone later in life. People can and do change. That's why I'd avoid someone who doesn't have a shared family background. Red flags extend to parental absence, narcissism, or exposure to polygamous family structures.
For a woman to modify something critical, like an age requirement, the offer has to be better than what is available with someone closer in age.

Women don't like significantly older men, as it means becoming a widow sooner. There could also be incompatibilities due to generational differences. If you are a millennial, you may clash with a Gen Xer. Your point of reference will be the post-Civil War era, and you might have been born in the West while they may have lived back home for some time. This may not be an issue for some, but it could present a slight barrier to relating.

Women don't tend to like younger men. The maximum number of years younger is 0-4. Once age gaps reach over 10 years, the divorce rate increases, likely due to generational differences.

An older woman tends to raise the man to another level. Often, this uplift means he'll get an even younger replacement at a later stageβ€”one who probably shares a striking resemblance to her but with a fresh start, as she's unaware of his foibles. I've seen it happen to Shakira and Mariah Carey. Men can be hypergamous as well. That's why you run when someone says they like Miss Independent or appreciate your accolades or achievements.

Albeit, this phenomenon can occur even with men who are similar in age or even older. We have seen those aunties whose husbands went on vacation hunting for a second wife during a mid-life crisis/in their twilight years. The best thing a woman can do is level up before she marries, protect her assets and hope for the best. There is no telling what will become of someone later in life. People can and do change. That's why I'd avoid someone who doesn't have a shared family background. Red flags extend to parental absence, narcissism, or exposure to polygamous family structures.

Great points!

It's absolutely true, women can't stand younger men for the most part, and it's almost always about maturity levels. That said I heard that the older a woman gets, that it may be better to get a man that is a few years younger, for conception purposes, apparently their swimmers are stronger.


Lol you’re too funny.

You’re a true student of sprinkle sprinkle ☠️☠️

You’re a woman with a mission πŸ˜‚
Waan tagay waan talaabsaday😌
From what I've seen from the Somali mother's generation (pre-civil war), a 10 year age-gap was normal, but upon closer look, these matches helped these ladies climb up socially, and financially, so it was again, a decision based on stability. Again, nobody was marrying some oday, for the sake of it. I personally never saw a big deal with 5+ or a 10 year age-gap, again, depending on certain criteria.

But HELL NO, to + 15, 20, 25 years.
Yeah, usually the mom’s would be married at 20 and their partner would be like 28-30 which is still young despite the gap. Very rarely have I seen from the older gen for the wife to be 15 or 20 yrs younger. Majority of Somali mothers tend to be of a similar age range as their husbands.


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