Jubaland SEIT announces completion of elections in Ceelwaaq

Mashallah, President Madoobe heading to Ceelwaaq today!

@SPMLegend @Removed ๐Ÿ‘€
Are the elders voting from Ceelwaaq? If it is they lucked out them.

Yes, but the elders are there for counseling, Guidance, and decision makings. The Ergo are the ones that are doing the Gacan Tag raising votes. Majority of the winnings will always be those endorsed by the elders because their influence is greater than even that of the president!


Good for them man. Unexpected opportunity.
Serves the Garbaharey lot right for participating in fake elections and holding the country hostage for so long. They wonโ€™t be seeing a penny from elections.

Abdullahi Carab is Minister of Education, was appointed by PM Roble. So itโ€™s clear competition is fair. Mashallah and congrats to him for winning his seat.



Farmaajo has given up on elections. He declares seats from Gedo illegal and says we have to wait for a solution.

Basically no election till dispute sorted. The squatters clever plan is to not recognise any elections


Welcome to Ceelqaalow Kenya.
I find this hilarious from someone whoโ€™s people are from internationally recognised Ethiopian borders.

Ceelwaaq is in both Gedo and NFD. Also werenโ€™t you saying yโ€™all would be invading a week ago. I only see Jubaland special forces in Ceelwaaq, Gedo


True Puntlander
Youโ€™re celebrating this whole ceelwaq thing like itโ€™s OGS entering the city by force. All those dudes are MX puppets working for Madoobe and he canโ€™t even go there himself. Remember heโ€™s the only federal governor who isnโ€™t allowed to visit a whole state he supposedly controls :heh:
Farmjoo not allowed to visit hargisa he supposedly controls all Somalia :reallymaury: .
I find this hilarious from someone whoโ€™s people are from internationally recognised Ethiopian borders.

Ceelwaaq is in both Gedo and NFD. Also werenโ€™t you saying yโ€™all would be invading a week ago. I only see Jubaland special forces in Ceelwaaq, Gedo
They are all talk and shekh madobe is all action.

The first selected is the educational minister abdulahi Arab , hes a close friend of Rooble

Kursiga HOP#119, oo ahaa kii ugu horreeyey ee doorashadiisa la qabto, ayaa waxaa ku guuleystay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Dowladda Soomaaliya Cabdullaahi Abukar Xaaji oo kursigaan horay ugu fadhiyay kadib markii uu tanaasulay musharixii kale ee la tartami lahaa kaas oo lagu Magacaabo Cabdicasiis Cabdullaahi Ibraahim.

"Wasiir Cabdullaahi ayaa wuxuu saaxiib dhow la yahay Raโ€™iisul Wasaaraha xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble.

Farmajos mooryan cabduwaakians tried to rob the natives of Gedo and to disrespect president islaam madoobe only for those seats to be split by president madoobe ,president Rooble and 2nd vice pres Sayiid
How ironic how things played out :mjhaps:
As a neutral observer I must say president Madoobe and president Rooble came out as the winners in this debacle ,
President Rooble had his knees on the cheese neck while he waited for president Madoobe to put the mooryan farmajo away


@TekNiKo do us a solid and let us hear you say I cant breath on those voice notes that @Libaax-Joore abuses on here.

