It's Official - Puntland Is An Independent Country

Your adeer was literally blocking our international aid lol tf do you mean leeching and if y’all don’t care about us leaving stop ing about it :heh:
What aid weren't you niggas killing over the buskud dhiiq sent from Xamar lol why are you projecting your shit to us when did Puntland pay anything


Blah blah blah bruh no one cares wether you guys leave or not because you didn't provide nothing to the government apart from leeching welfare.

Nimankan way ku dayeen no matter haday xaq ku socodan ama haday tahay kibirkooda(your interpretation). See you in 2124 when the 99 year treaty expires to either extend, merge systems, or discuss full separation. At least we won't lose the next 99 years in political stalemate and this works best for the SFG(all Somali clans) and PL.
Nimankan way ku dayeen no matter haday xaq ku socodan ama haday tahay kibirkooda(your interpretation). See you in 2124 when the 99 year treaty expires to either extend, merge systems, or discuss full separation.
Having more of you niggas would have been nothing more than leeching the oil's earnings, therefore I'm really delighted if you guys go so we can extract our oil and finally eat well.


Beginning from Galkacyo to Las Anod to Makhir noone is allowed to bring federal govt projects or any violation that is anticipated from the federal govt, that failed cawaan nation below galkacyo is HSM nation ma aha wadan ay lee dahay the Somali masses lakin loo shaqaynayo his re election agenda as he knows in the presidential and pm format executive he has only two terms but in a new presidential format he can run as many times he wants, that's why he is replacing it.

His two party system is also another jambal to get an extension on the grounds he didn't complete it and he is copying directly out of Farmaajo last govt tactics.

So I demand all puntites and SSC residents, heegaan Hala ahaado and don't allow any federal govt representative in your towns no matter what bribe or project lies they sell you untill they return to federalism and the 2012 constitution not centralism and HSM constitution or that banana republic in Hamar where the parliament is a function that falls under the executive.
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Puntitequeen look how happy she is Somalis vs PL ayuu ka dhigay sheekadisa extension that duli HSM and she bite the bait due her qabiil neceb of PL.



Waxan bogaadinaya sonna dhawaynaya go'aamada dowlada Puntland ee xalay ay so sartay
Madaxwaynihii horre ee Somalia Xasan Shiekh Maxamuud wuxu burburiyay wixii umadda Somaliyeed ay hashiiska iyo is ogolka ku ahyeed, wuxunna qaday waddo madow u ogyahy khararkeeda

Umadda Puntland manta waxay hayestan dowlad dhamayestiran xag walba inta laga helayo sona noqonyso wixii hashiiska lagu aha Puntland inaka badan

Ninka iga marmi karra uma murad yesho, Puntland xag wlba weey iskaga filantahy wana qaan gaar

Inta la helayo madaxwayne so cesha umadda Somaliyeed waxay hashiiska ku ahyeed Madaxwayne Somaliyeed iyo mid Puntland ba waxa ii ah Xurmadle H.E Said Abdullahi Deni

Puntland Allow dhoor



@Jungle in lays xiniyo taabto waan rabay to end this political stalemate and cutting ties and replacing every federal govt since 2013. Plus we know Ismacil Omar Geele is involved and is a godfather for irirism in order to cause Somalia instability as he fears a strong Somalia will overshadow his anfar majority Issa led minority govt in Djibouti.

Aan aragnee yaa dalkani leh irir ama Puntland.


merely a second somaliland and nothing more, i dont care how you try to justify it

How is it copy we ain't begging for recognition or secession(violating international recognised borders) if we copy you we will be in isolation and running around for ictiraf. You copy SSDF, now you will see Puntland having nation state powers under an autonomous status like Hong Kong not begging for recognition like you.


This is your worst enemy your dastuur waxaa Lagu hukuma kaaran mana tihid dawlada federal your dawlada kaaraan, HSM has lost his federal maqaam

Enemy kulaha we couldn't care less about puntland or mj at all sxb its done. We have no reasons to even speak politics anymore but I will continue to enjoy the constant and unique calaacal on this forum


Enemy kulaha we couldn't care less about puntland or mj at all sxb its done. We have no reasons to even speak politics anymore but I will continue to enjoy the constant and unique calaacal on this forum

PL is a nation state and fully independent under an autonomous status like Hong Kong. We will wait untill the federal govt to return to federalism and constitution in 2012 and not a maqaam of kaaraan.

Your parliament is nothing less then an agency below villa Somalia and not an independent institution. Till U return to 2012 constitution as it was, the international community has already accepted PL independence because it's in PL and the Federal constitution. We meeting the world under two system one nation principle so we not violating Somalia borders we are saying there is two systems in Somalia and we hold the real constitution.

We ain't losing we meeting world leaders bro.


PL is a nation state and fully independent under an autonomous status like Hong Kong. We will wait untill the federal govt to return to federalism and constitution in 2012 and not a maqaam of kaaraan.

Your parliament is nothing less then an agency below villa Somalia and not an independent institution. Till U return to 2012 constitution as it was, the international community has already accepted PL independence because it's in PL and the Federal constitution. We meeting the world under two system one nation principle so we not violating Somalia borders we are saying there is two systems in Somalia and we hold the real constitution.

We ain't losing we meeting world leaders bro.
Puntland is 1 out of 5 federal member states part of FGS and you will be treated as such by FGS and the international community. No special treatment and no more garowe isbaaros holding back the nation will be tolerated.
All of you little nigglings commenting on here don't even live in Somalia.. Stop this tribal nonsense and also stop supporting arrogant useless politicians, nothing good will come out of it.