Ismail is leading big in Ohio State House District 3

They wanted to bring an unknown Mx Uber driver who can’t even speak good English. Ismail has been active in his community long before he was elected.


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In ohio 5 somalis advanced to the next stage.

3 of them are mx. I don't know what OP is gloating about and I don't know why MJ think they are entitled to the seat. If you cannot handle competition then it's on you.
They are just setting themselves up for a humiliating defeat in the future, why stop them say congrats and keep moving forward.

Ohio 🔒MX



caku dhaboyaco waa musiibo when it comes to politricks :ftw9nwa:

si kasta u rafta Ohio 🔒 MX you are only hastening your own downfall and creating fitna among Darood

caku dhaboyaco waa musiibo when it comes to politricks :ftw9nwa:

si kasta u rafta Ohio 🔒 MX you are only hastening your own downfall and creating fitna among Darood

your tribe started hunting majerten politicians and introduced qabyalad to somali politics in america but can't even win . whats darod sxb is it food?
He is from qardho puntland. Mx don't support lgbtq.

We leave the lgbtq for mj who have many allies including the Canada ministers, ayan hirsi and ilhan omar.

:pachah1:you r a strange guy..what do you get out of lying. lets see in novemeber when the losses are publicised.

the 'imam' is marexan, so is kayseh magan the lgbt supporter


you only know how to resort to lies because you have nothing else to talk about


:pachah1:you r a strange guy..what do you get out of lying. lets see in novemeber when the losses are publicised.

the 'imam' is marexan, so is kayseh magan the lgbt supporter

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you only know how to resort to lies because you have no

thing else to talk about

I told you he is from qardho if you have any evidence to refute it please bring it forth. Hearsay and he said she said won't work here.
I told you he is from qardho if you have any evidence to refute it please bring it forth. Hearsay and he said she said won't work here.

everybody knows he's marehan.. the onus is on you, beenloow to prove everyone wrong. if your smart you'd shut up before someone from australia pulls up his marexan abtiris


everybody knows he's marehan.. the onus is on you, beenloow to prove everyone wrong. if your smart you'd shut up before someone from australia pulls up his marexan abtiris

What does everybody knows even mean? Where is your evidence? Meanwhile in the real world ayan hirsi is MJ.

The most vile somali person to have ever lived. And 2nd most vile person ilhan omar is MJ.

Your just throwing shit on the wall. The gay imam is from qardho puntland.

EveRYboDy KnOWs is not evidence.
What does everybody knows even mean? Where is your evidence? Meanwhile in the real world ayan hirsi is MJ.

The most vile somali person to have ever lived. And 2nd most vile person ilhan omar is MJ.

Your just throwing shit on the wall. The gay imam is from qardho puntland.

EveRYboDy KnOWs is not evidence.

we will get Nur's entire abtiris on here saxib wait for it.. @DR OSMAN do your thing bro
So what if ayan is mj what does that even mean.. you have nothing to talk about saxib, your land is the most backward land and is occupied but you sit on here gossiping like a little fakkit.. ayan herself is more educated than you.. and even the socalled failed politicians that failed to secure Ohio .. Wara Bilal Bulshawi and 50 Cent go to your land to save you but you think you can talk to me.. you are one step above gypsy beggar status. internetka ku raxeeso saxib u aint got shit else :pachah1:


we will get Nur's entire abtiris on here saxib wait for it.. @DR OSMAN do your thing bro
So what if ayan is mj what does that even mean.. you have nothing to talk about saxib, your land is the most backward land and is occupied but you sit on here gossiping like a little fakkit.. ayan herself is more educated than you.. and even the socalled failed politicians that failed to secure Ohio .. Wara Bilal Bulshawi and 50 Cent go to your land to save you but you think you can talk to me.. you are one step above gypsy beggar status. internetka ku raxeeso saxib u aint got shit else :pachah1:

Lol your asking another MJ for verification haha.

I see your praising ayan hirsi, may she become a role model for your sisters and daughters.

50 cent visited a idp camp in dolow which gives shelter to somaliweyn. Dolow is the only place in the south to never been captured by al shabaab. From 2009 to now people all over Somalia go there for shelter.

As for developments sxb the UN sponsors do not defecate in public for puntland. First learn how to use the toilet before trying to talk about someone else.

Somalispot would make you feel like puntland is UAE. But sadly to truth is it is a shithole like the rest of somalia.