How do Somali galbeedians get access to weapons like Tigray did

To be honest with you-all that does is prove that you cannot defeat me in a debate, or refute the points that I've made, hence why you're so furious, violent, etc.
Proves that I was right, the whole time.

I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of those Somali's who left Islam. Hence why you make threats, to commit one of the biggest sins ever-taking a human life without just right.
You are an online scammer secondly you are a qotti galla like jawar.

I dont negotiate with fake muslims like you we know oromo well.
They only use Islam when it suits them but will turn into savage zulu when they get few guns.


๐•ฎ๐–”๐–’๐–—๐–†๐–‰๐–Š ๐•ฒ๐–Š๐–“๐–Š๐–—๐–†๐–‘
He is the brother of haile selaise not you.

You are an online scammer secondly you are a qotti galla like jawar.

I dont negotiate with fake muslims like you we know oromo well.
They only use Islam when it suits them but will turn into savage zulu when they get few guns.

You have no proof of the first claim, and second, what is a qoti? a farmer? is that a bad thing or an evil thing?
what is a galla? an insult for being oromo? is it bad being oromo, something I had no control over? is it bad or good that you're a somali, something that you too, had no control over?

you call me a fake, yet you are the one acting more like the kuffar act-insulting, getting furious, threatening violence, etc, these are not things a Muslim does. Not at all.
I represent myself, not Oromo's, so did I do any of what you claimed?
Nope. You want to blame me for what some oromos did, so by your logic, we can blame YOU and other somalis, for the terrorism, drug dealing, rape, any crimes that SOME** Somali individuals did? is that just?



It's not about being haraam, it's about making a pan somali party, as opposed to being just one clans party. Even many Somali's here and elsewhere would agree with such an idea, and I am not the first one to have said such a thing. I know, coming from an Oromo, it could anger some, but the truth is the truth, regardless of who says it and regardless of the ethnic origin of the truth speaker.

OLA represents a diverse nation, so it has muslims, christians, etc. this is as common sense as saying 2 plus 2 is 4. You're not making any points nor are you refuting my initial point about the onlf being a clan based party, and that it would be more successful had it been SNLF-somali national liberation front.
No Ogadens are happy with the ONLF if other people want to fight they are free and welcome to join or recreate some of their past groups weve worked together in the past.

Secondly the only โ€œtruthโ€ I know is based in Islam and I dont believe in holding hands with Gallas as my leaders to create a galla ethno-state to be islamic or โ€œtrueโ€ :zhqjlmx:
No Ogadens are happy with the ONLF if other people want to fight they are free and welcome to join or recreate some of their past groups weve worked together in the past.

Secondly the only โ€œtruthโ€ I know is based in Islam and I dont believe in holding hands with Gallas as my leaders to create a galla ethno-state to be islamic or โ€œtrueโ€ :zhqjlmx:

The keyword here is Ogadenis, basically you're saying who cares about the other Somali's.
Okay, cool. I understand that an Oromo saying these things can make you get mad or sensitive. Fair enough.

Nobody is asking you to do anything, or hold hands with ''Gallas,'' millions of which are better Muslims than you and fear their Lord, more than you. :)


๐•ฎ๐–”๐–’๐–—๐–†๐–‰๐–Š ๐•ฒ๐–Š๐–“๐–Š๐–—๐–†๐–‘
No Ogadens are happy with the ONLF if other people want to fight they are free and welcome to join or recreate some of their past groups weve worked together in the past.

Secondly the only โ€œtruthโ€ I know is based in Islam and I dont believe in holding hands with Gallas as my leaders to create a galla ethno-state to be islamic or โ€œtrueโ€ :zhqjlmx:
ONLF are heroes who wanted to free themselves from Ethiopia but sadly Allah cursed us with idiots leaders who choose to fight each other and left ONLF to face their doom.


The keyword here is Ogadenis, basically you're saying who cares about the other Somali's.
Okay, cool. I understand that an Oromo saying these things can make you get mad or sensitive. Fair enough.

Nobody is asking you to do anything, or hold hands with ''Gallas,'' millions of which are better Muslims than you and fear their Lord, more than you. :)
I am free to have my group in my regions and they can have theirs as long as we cooperate in good faith.

There are no Galla muslims because Galla means non-muslim for us. Many Oromo muslims are subservient or equal at best to Orthodox Oromos and want to create a secular galla(non-muslim) country outside of Islam but their concern is โ€œOgadenisโ€. Those people should fear their lord most definitely I would hope you would not be like one of them and that you would be one of the good Oromos :)


๐•ฎ๐–”๐–’๐–—๐–†๐–‰๐–Š ๐•ฒ๐–Š๐–“๐–Š๐–—๐–†๐–‘
I am free to have my group in my regions and they can have theirs as long as we cooperate in good faith.

There are no Galla muslims because Galla means non-muslim for us. Many Oromo muslims are subservient or equal at best to Orthodox Oromos and want to create a secular galla(non-muslim) country outside of Islam but their concern is โ€œOgadenisโ€. Those people should fear their lord most definitely I would hope you would not be like one of them and that you would be one of the good Oromos :)
mashallah respect :salute:
I am free to have my group in my regions and they can have theirs as long as we cooperate in good faith.

There are no Galla muslims because Galla means non-muslim for us. Many Oromo muslims are subservient or equal at best to Orthodox Oromos and want to create a secular galla(non-muslim) country outside of Islam but their concern is โ€œOgadenisโ€. Those people should fear their lord most definitely I would hope you would not be like one of them and that you would be one of the good Oromos :)

That's cool brother. Whatever you think works.

If you cannot take advice, that actually makes sense, that's on you bro. Not on me.

Oromo's situation is different, we are not leaving Ethiopia, despite what some of us say, it's just not logical when there borders are not agreed upon between us all, it'd lead to non stop wars, which none of us want.

Yes, all should fear their Lord, but that does not take away from the fact, that a clan based party, will not succeed for your struggle, but president mustafa omer seems like a good guy, so i'd stay, stick with him.


That's cool brother. Whatever you think works.

If you cannot take advice, that actually makes sense, that's on you bro. Not on me.

Oromo's situation is different, we are not leaving Ethiopia, despite what some of us say, it's just not logical when there borders are not agreed upon between us all, it'd lead to non stop wars, which none of us want.

Yes, all should fear their Lord, but that does not take away from the fact, that a clan based party, will not succeed for your struggle, but president mustafa omer seems like a good guy, so i'd stay, stick with him.
Its unfortunate your happy with being apart of Ethiopia I wish you would choose Islam over that nation where your subservient.

I would like to remind you a mix of falsehood and truth will never succeed but Abiy seems like a decent leader if you dont mind not knowing if a leader is murtad or not id say if you think thats best for you id say stick with him but I prefer my religion :)
Its unfortunate your happy with being apart of Ethiopia I wish you would choose Islam over that nation where your subservient.

I would like to remind you a mix of falsehood and truth will never succeed but Abiy seems like a decent leader if you dont mind not knowing if a leader is murtad or not id say if you think thats best for you id say stick with him but I prefer my religion :)

It's not a matter of ''choosing Islam,'' as if I chose Ethiopia, a Majority Muslim country in the first place, over Islam. That's what we call a false equivalence, my friend.

It's not about Abiy, leaders come and go, but the lesser evil is trying to reform the country, instead of non stop wars between peoples, over borders and resources.
Yes you prefer Islam yet don't wanna do something that would unite your Muslim ethnicity, because you rather choose your clan over the overall Somali unity :) :D


It's not a matter of ''choosing Islam,'' as if I chose Ethiopia, a Majority Muslim country in the first place, over Islam. That's what we call a false equivalence, my friend.

It's not about Abiy, leaders come and go, but the lesser evil is trying to reform the country, instead of non stop wars between peoples, over borders and resources.
Yes you prefer Islam yet don't wanna do something that would unite your Muslim ethnicity, because you rather choose your clan over the overall Somali unity :) :D
ethiopia is a colonial state built upon the foundations of meneliks christian fascist genocidal abyssinia and bootlicking europeans. how you can call such an abomination a muslim country is an insult to actual muslim countries.
ethiopia is a colonial state built upon the foundations of meneliks christian fascist genocidal abyssinia and bootlicking europeans. how you can call such an abomination a muslim country is an insult to actual muslim countries.

I didn't say it was a Muslim country-I said the majority of its people are Muslims, which is true.
The Muslims let ethnicity divide them, hence why they are in a weak position in Ethiopia.
ethiopia is a colonial state built upon the foundations of meneliks christian fascist genocidal abyssinia and bootlicking europeans. how you can call such an abomination a muslim country is an insult to actual muslim countries.
this galla guy views the mahdi of sudan as a bandit and an evil person.
the mahdi who beheaded Yohanes who shed the blood of muslims in wollo and gave them Ultimatum to convert to christianity or face death.The same mahdi that fought the evil menelik.
But this galla nijaas beleives menelik was his hero and countryman.
this galla guy views the mahdi of sudan as a bandit and an evil person.
the mahdi who beheaded Yohanes who shed the blood of muslims in wollo and gave them Ultimatum to convert to christianity or face death.The same mahdi that fought the evil menelik.
But this galla nijaas beleives menelik was his hero and countryman.

Can you show me where I said that the Mahdist was an ''evil'' or ''bad guy''?
Please show me??