How do Somali galbeedians get access to weapons like Tigray did

The fact that he fought successfully in battle and conquered, proves that. Not just the wars he fought against neighbors, but the ones against armed and tough foes-the mahdists, he fought the strong armies of emperor tewodros, he was an excellent horseman and won the jousting contests the locals had-which is how he got the attention of menelik in the first place.
the jimmans did not resist and were not massacred- no churches were even built there in meneliks time.

yes, that is true, the ending part of what u wrote.
Proves what?
Its no brainner when you have latest guns donated by the West against old ottoman rifles and spears.

The west prevented the natives from acquirong new guns unless they allowed them at the port.

Its only when Gobena sided with menelik( The favourite Western vessel) that did he commit attrocities for you to be proud of.

Without Menwlik Gobena would just be a chief in his village and wouldnt have the chance to even over power his next door neighbour.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Galbeed would be free in two to three days if Somalia was stabilized right now and wanted the galbeed back. It's the perfect opportunity to fund and arm revolution since Ethiopia is more likely to fall apart today.
Bro l lets say somalia was stable. What clan do you think would fight for you?


Galbeed would be free in two to three days if Somalia was stabilized right now and wanted the galbeed back. It's the perfect opportunity to fund and arm revolution since Ethiopia is more likely to fall apart today.
most of galbeed is flat af so a tigray style insurgency is extremely hard. a stable somalia providing safe haven (instead of mountains) is crucial.
There should be a mass pro self determination movmenment be made
Galbeed would be free in two to three days if Somalia was stabilized right now and wanted the galbeed back. It's the perfect opportunity to fund and arm revolution since Ethiopia is more likely to fall apart today.
I don't think, so you need a massive self determination movement that transcends clan lines in kalinka shaanad that calls for an end of and fights against Ethiopian occupation that's how we achieve our independence
most of galbeed is flat af so a tigray style insurgency is extremely hard. a stable somalia providing safe haven (instead of mountains) is crucial.
not true. plenty of mountains on the west side. the biggest hurdle is lack of unity followed by lack of arms aka support from a superpower country.
Bro l lets say somalia was stable. What clan do you think would fight for you?
First of all, Somali galbeed isn't 100% ogaden, so if you think only my people are occupied, then you are mistaken. there are isaaqs all over the place too.

secondly, it's important for Somalia that galbeed doesn't fall, and no demographic change takes place there.

if yall dont wanna fight it's fine, i am moving my people to jubaland. plenty of green land there. :fittytousand:

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
First of all, Somali galbeed isn't 100% ogaden, so if you think only my people are occupied, then you are mistaken. there are isaaqs all over the place too.

secondly, it's important for Somalia that galbeed doesn't fall, and no demographic change takes place there.

if yall dont wanna fight it's fine, i am moving my people to jubaland. plenty of green land there. :fittytousand:
I know somali galbeed is shared. But still majority is OG lets say a war broke out between onlf and ethiopia army do you think farmaajo will help somali galbeed or his friend abiy. You know somali politicians are dirty


@Abba Sadacha There is nothing haram or immoral about it being named ONLF in fact if we want we can name it Bah Geri Liberation front and its of no issue.

What is not ok is your support of the christian ran OLA and your secular approach towards your people. How about you give dawah to your galla brothers and sisters before trying to incite clan disputes your leaders worship Jesus and your talking about the name of ONLF not being inclusive. Your gonna go from Amhara domination to christian Oromo domination like the Muslim Eritreans :heh:
I know somali galbeed is shared. But still majority is OG lets say a war broke out between onlf and ethiopia army do you think farmaajo will help somali galbeed or his friend abiy. You know somali politicians are dirty
no because onlf already fought Ethiopia and team zoumalia were on the Ethiopian side.


not true. plenty of mountains on the west side. the biggest hurdle is lack of unity followed by lack of arms aka support from a superpower country.
a large portion of galbeed is basically steamrollable. qoraxay wardheer afdheer regions are flat. the liban region is partly flat but the terrain becomes higher deeper as you go. bale dire dawa negele etc are borderlands in higher terrain easier to defend than the interior. egypt would support galbeed but arms would have to go through xamar and we are a failed state with a pro xabashi government. egypt used to do that in the shifta wars they would send arms to xamar to smuggle to the shifta.
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all the fancy weapons failed in Tigray strategy is what prevailed.
a large portion of galbeed is basically steamrollable. qoraxay wardheer afdheer regions are flat. the liban region is partly flat but the terrain becomes higher deeper as you go. bale dire dawa negele etc are borderlands in higher terrain easier to defend than the interior. egypt would support galbeed but arms would have to go through xamar and we are a failed state with a pro xabashi government. egypt used to do that in the shifta wars they would send arms to xamar to smuggle to the shifta.
Take a closer look at some satellite imagery youll notice the borders of the region is almost entirely rough terrain the hardest areas to defend would be Raaso, Sitti/Afar border, Fiiq-baabili road, and Libaan.
Proves what?
Its no brainner when you have latest guns donated by the West against old ottoman rifles and spears.

The west prevented the natives from acquirong new guns unless they allowed them at the port.

Its only when Gobena sided with menelik( The favourite Western vessel) that did he commit attrocities for you to be proud of.

Without Menwlik Gobena would just be a chief in his village and wouldnt have the chance to even over power his next door neighbour.

True, but he fought armed foes as well, and proved his skills then, and the way he was discovered was in a jousting contest attended by many ethnic groups-that was pure sports and being physically capable.

Never said I was proud of any atrocities-but keep lying if that makes you feel better.

Without Gobana, menelik wouldn't have conquered that much in that timespan, it would have taken a lot longer. He himself knows that, and it was the oromo leading his armies, it was the oromo he depended on for protection even at a time when he was a kid and had no power; the oromo could've killed him if they wanted and nothing would've occurred.
@Abba Sadacha There is nothing haram or immoral about it being named ONLF in fact if we want we can name it Bah Geri Liberation front and its of no issue.

What is not ok is your support of the christian ran OLA and your secular approach towards your people. How about you give dawah to your galla brothers and sisters before trying to incite clan disputes your leaders worship Jesus and your talking about the name of ONLF not being inclusive. Your gonna go from Amhara domination to christian Oromo domination like the Muslim Eritreans :heh:

It's not about being haraam, it's about making a pan somali party, as opposed to being just one clans party. Even many Somali's here and elsewhere would agree with such an idea, and I am not the first one to have said such a thing. I know, coming from an Oromo, it could anger some, but the truth is the truth, regardless of who says it and regardless of the ethnic origin of the truth speaker.

OLA represents a diverse nation, so it has muslims, christians, etc. this is as common sense as saying 2 plus 2 is 4. You're not making any points nor are you refuting my initial point about the onlf being a clan based party, and that it would be more successful had it been SNLF-somali national liberation front.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
sure. telling the truth is somehow a ''kafir'' thing. here's another truth: you cannot refute the points I made, with facts, so you resort to insults and diverting the topic/subject.
hence, I am right here.

sure. telling the truth is somehow a ''kafir'' thing. here's another truth: you cannot refute the points I made, with facts, so you resort to insults and diverting the topic/subject.
hence, I am right here.
Let me be honest with you if I had a bullet and was told to shoot either you,an extremist amhara or extremist tigrayan you know who I would shot without second thoughts.
Let me be honest with you if I had a bullet and was told to shoot either you,an extremist amhara or extremist tigrayan you know who I would shot without second thoughts.

To be honest with you-all that does is prove that you cannot defeat me in a debate, or refute the points that I've made, hence why you're so furious, violent, etc.
Proves that I was right, the whole time.

I wouldn't be surprised if you were one of those Somali's who left Islam. Hence why you make threats, to commit one of the biggest sins ever-taking a human life without just right.

