Ghana prepared to send 1800 police officers to Somalia

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With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland

Expect sexually violates to increase after deployment.
Why do we need Ghana police? where is the Somali Police Force? if we need police just find the money:mjcry:


As i live and breathe
My opinion on Amisom has done a complete 180 during the past year. It's a scam project. They need to leave 2020.


It's all so tiresome
Our ancestors are rolling in their graves smh

The reason we can't get our shit together is because of foreign intervention like this.
Their coming because of our disunity. We should balkanize Somalia, why are we forcing us into something we don't want to be in.
99% of Somalis don't want to be under one Somali state, so let every Qabiil go on their way.


It's all so tiresome
Half the reason. The other half lies with our own incompetence.

True but there are plenty of competent Geeljire out there.

However Somalia is Europe's backyard now and those Geeljire know that any attempts of playing the nationalist hero is pointless.

Not if you want Al Shabaab and corrupt government officials pointing a gun at you for being a kaafir and a fundamentalist terrorist at the same time.
U fucking Madow f*ck off big noseeee


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Their coming because of our disunity. We should balkanize Somalia, why are we forcing us into something we don't want to be in.
99% of Somalis don't want to be under one Somali state, so let every Qabiil go on their way.
That won’t stop Amisom from coming it only takes Al Shabab to easily infiltrate these new weak β€œstates” and there’s a justification for fufu soldiers to come


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
They are in class now, learning Somali language. They're getting taught that 'Maya' means Yes and Haa means No :farmajoyaab:
Didn't AMISOM leave some territories that they captured and allowed shabaab to take them back last year or the year before?

They have become so useless. It feels like their target is just to stay in Somalia. I can't see al shabaab being wiped out through AMISOM.
The UN wants along with britain usa Norway want to micromanage oil gas and security. If farmaajo was on our side he would say no. Rather than bringing 1800 police officers from Ghana lets create a somali one. But as long as my qabil rules my gobol who cares right


Your superior
I hope they brought some condoms with them, otherwise they must be made to sign child support papers so they can fund the kids they will leave behind
Why are we acting like AMISOM barges into homes and kidnaps the girls for their sexual gratification? You think the local population would stand for that?

Almost of all of the girls are delivered to them by Somali middlemen. These middlemen/pimps need to be severely tortured and made an example of and only then will you see steep decline in rape/sexual abuse.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Abdullahi Yusuf was a genius. He deployed thousands of Madows to keep the wh2u savages in check.
Ugandishu replaced by Ghanadishu.
More misery for wh2u savages.
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