Galmudug Vs ASWJ: The Guriceel War. Latest Updates.

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
sufis like @TekNiKo are full blown extremists. infact just like extremist takfiris they have the roster of insults ready. wahhabi saudi salafi najdi. qadiriyyah sufis are supported by ethiopia. fact. italy liked their pacifism of uweys al barawi. fact. britain supported the qadiriyyah against the 1st modern somali state (darwish). fact. shakir was bribed by farmajo and went to turkey. fact.
Ethiopia fake news. Where does Ethiopia support wadarriyah? You mean Sheikh Al Habashi who has been disavowed by majority of Qadariyyah ?

Sufi being pacists and pro colonial is a joke, read about Umar Muktar the hero of Libya who liberated it from Italians. He was a Sufi Sheekh and Macalin

Guriceel is surrounded. They have been trying their best to resolve it peacefully and make military resolution last resort to avoid bloodshed.

QoorQoor wanted to remove them a long time ago and it looks like his patience is wearing out.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Guriceel is surrounded. They have been trying their best to resolve it peacefully and make military resolution last resort to avoid bloodshed.

QoorQoor wanted to remove them a long time ago and it looks like his patience is wearing out.

Doesnt look like a guy who is surrounded





Madaafiic iyo hubka culus ayaa saaka oo Jimce ah laga maqlayaa nawaaxiga magaalada Guriceel ee Gobolka Galgaduud halkaas oo ay ka taagantahay xiisad colaadeed.

Wararku waxay sheegayaan in madaafiicda ay is weydaarsanayaan xoogagga Ahlusunna iyo ciidamada dowladda Federaalka oo ay weheliyaan kuwa Galmudug.

Faahfaahin sugan weli lagama hayo madaafiicda ka dhacaysa labada dhinac islamarkaana lama oga haddii uu khasaare ka dhashay madaafiicdaas.

Magaalada Guriceel ayaa inta badan shacabkii ka bara-kacay waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in dagaal ku dhex maro Xoogagga Ahlusuna iyo Ciidamada dowladda Federaalka & kuwa Galmudug.



Come on guys in Galmudug and ASWJ. Waxani la turturayo is weak, start destroying the town like you did Mogadishu. If Farmajo sends in Gorgor, PL will respond by backing up ahlul sunnah with PSF forces. But we shall wait and see where the battle between Habar Gedir ends up before we make a decision on reinforcements. HG and Sacad will march in and destroy QoorQoor in Cadaado and capture it. We demand ahlul sunnah to push forward up untill Dhusomareeb. Finally we will all march into abuudwaaq and end this marehan sector.

PSF will assist Sacad n Cayr when we meet up at 'Godinlabe' which is a security buffer zone. We must end this clan from abudwaq and balanbal. We must force out Qoorqoor a Farmajo puppet and elect Sacad Xaaf. We made sure ahlul sunnah shut its mouth when Xaaf was president because Xaaf had Puntland blessings.

We must send a flight to Shakir in Guriceel and host him in Garowe and discusses plans forward to dismantle this Marehan project called Galmudug
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They should work to fight Alkabab, not each other !.

They are very disunited. They operate as 3 independant clans politcally. They look for any excuse to start trouble locally because these people were brought together by mogadishu government, not by their people. So they will always be unstable


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Come on guys in Galmudug and ASWJ. Waxani la turturayo is weak, start destroying the town like you did Mogadishu. If Farmajo sends in Gorgor, PL will respond by backing up ahlul sunnah with PSF forces. But we shall wait and see where the battle between Habar Gedir ends up before we make a decision on reinforcements. HG and Sacad will march in and destroy QoorQoor in Cadaado and capture it. We demand ahlul sunnah to push forward up untill Dhusomareeb. Finally we will all march into abuudwaaq and end this marehan sector.

PSF will assist Sacad n Cayr when we meet up at 'Godinlabe' which is a security buffer zone. We must end this clan from abudwaq and balanbal. We must force out Qoorqoor a Farmajo puppet and elect Sacad Xaaf. We made sure ahlul sunnah shut its mouth when Xaaf was president because Xaaf had Puntland blessings.

We must send a flight to Shakir in Guriceel and host him in Garowe and discusses plans forward to dismantle this Marehan project called Galmudug


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
People flee as govt forces start firing from all cylinders

We are trying to get these rats out of Guriceel without harm to property or lives of our people. Unfortunately many have fled the town. Guriceel belongs to Beesha Ceyr not Sufa org composed of Dir and Merehan. This is why I delighted to hear that Galmudug army has captured half of Guriceel. Beesha Ceyr are with us and I support my brothers to get their town back from these thugs. We now have fully control of 21 divsion militry base and the Sufa thugs haev ecvacuted from Saldhiga dagmadda Guriceel.


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