From Atheism To Islam

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So you pray and fast? And I assuming the strict rules are drinking and zina?
I only pray on Eids tbh but I still fast.

Strict rules pertain to a lot of things. Basically anything that I find too totalitarian or infringes on my freedom of thought for no strong reason other than its haram, I throw that out the window. There are some teachings though which I take as objective truths ex:

“Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourselves.” (Abu Dawud)

“None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself”


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I only pray on Eids tbh but I still fast.

Strict rules pertain to a lot of things. Basically anything that I find too totalitarian or infringes on my freedom of thought for no strong reason other than its haram, I throw that out the window. There are some teachings though which I take as objective truths ex:

“Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourselves.” (Abu Dawud)

“None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself”

So what are the strict rules you don't pertain to and is it that that makes you not muslim. I see where you come from but its better to a be a non-practising muslim than a cultural muslim because they are basically the same but without the hereafter safety net.
So what are the strict rules you don't pertain to and is it that that makes you not muslim. I see where you come from but its better to a be a non-practising muslim than a cultural muslim because they are basically the same but without the hereafter safety net.
Well one major rule I don't agree with is the ability of people to freely apostate. I don't find it very plausible that an all powerful god would get so in their feelings because of this slight that he would torture his creation to endless lengths simply because their conscience has led them to not believe in religion anymore and that to me proves the man made origin of these laws.

I'm not a non practicing muslim because that connotes the idea of believing in God but not acting upon his laws. I on the other hand cannot bring myself to believe in God or the after life for rational reasons so I'm contempt with my cultural muslim status
Ignorance is bliss kulaha whilst they go around claiming the prophet split the moon and flew to heaven on a winged horse, evolution is a lie but a single couple who's children committed incest to populate the world is truth, or Noah including 2 pairs of every species on his boat which would then beg the question of "how did the penguins and kangaroos get on the Ark?" Don't throw around words when you are literally walking about holding adult fairytales and presenting them as facts with ZERO evidence.

Funny how they claim that atheists are shoving shit down other people's throats when all religious people do is claim everyone beside their religious identity is going to be tormented for all of eternity.

And stop using the word "truth" to compare us to you superstitious lot. Atheists don't have a "truth", they simply work on the rational (ideally). Truth is a word religions are obsessed with that the atheist has no use for. Nobody can assert atheism as the truth because it's only a definition and not a set of beliefs or ideas.

For a person who doesn't believe in religion or a God you sure have a big fucking mouth when it comes to religion. Who the f*ck asked you anything?? All I ever see you is talk about religion is this and religion is that. If you want to believe in everything a man in a lab coat tells you, go for it! I don't give a shit but you somehow care so much about what other people believe in, all you ever do is talk about religion, is your mind unable to reach beyond that?

So fucking what if my religion is inconsistent with the findings of science? Have you ever heard of a miracle? Science is constantly finding new things and there are so many questions that science can't answer so why do I see you time and time again, despite claiming to not give a shit about religion, constantly bombard people with how religion is bs? "Adult fairy tales", so prove that it didn't happen? Ooooh you can't? I thougggght so! So until you can prove it let people believe in what they want to believe in you fcking zealot.

Why does it bother you so much what any religion claims? How does it affect your life if you don't believe in a heaven or hell? I have never told anybody that they’re going to hell so who exactly are you speaking about?

Who is the "us" you're talking about? There is no way I would ever group you with anybody with a lick of intelligence. It just wouldn’t make sense to group somebody as low as you with an actual human being, no…You’re a degenerate sub-human so please don’t ever say “us” again,

lmao why the f*ck are you writing chapters over my use of the word "truth" when the term "atheism" doesn't even make sense to begin with, focus on that if you want to discuss semantics. You should be calling yourself an agnostic if anything really so go take care of that issue before speaking on how I use words

"you superstitious lot"



I don’t even know why quoted me in the first place because you didn’t address any of my points so don’t quote me again, I’m sick of talking about religion and atheism and my response isn’t an invite for a “discussion” (I put it in quotes because I know degenerates like you aren’t capable of such a feat.).

Here’s a concept: believe in whatever you want to believe in, equally, let others believe in what they want to believe in even if that may conflict with your own set of views, there is a thing called being civil, go read on it and perhaps your lowly status will change.
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