BREAKING NEWS Fighting has started in Bosaso

Boowe boowe aryaa aweey Midowga Musharixiinta they are silent now Deni was such an idiot to attack them in Baidoa :damn: :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa:


Midowaga are really dumb. This is their chance to gain political points at the expense of Deni. They should talk about Bosaso, ask deni to negotiate and stop spilling blood. Tell him force is the last option, blame deni for being hasty, blame him for not listening to what the isimo said, blame him for not fulfilling his side of the agreement. Finally some lip service that says both need to stop and come to the table.
They really don't know how to play politics.


National Unitarian Council
Remember this
Boowe boowe aryaa aweey Midowga Musharixiinta they are silent now Deni was such an idiot to attack them in Baidoa :damn: :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa:


Is politics saxib. I hope midowga musharxiinta dont say a peep when gorgor are send to kismayo to lock up the backstabber Mr blackie .
Has black man made any statement on the bosaso conflict yet ?


This is the reason why I dislike fkd, it creates an environment where opposing sides unite to celebrate and humiliate online members from a current area experiencing urban warfare. This must end.

I pray this fighting ends and the peaceful people of Bosaaso nightmare ends. Bullets have no names, they just destroy, kill and sow the unnatural seed hatred.

Puntland will get through this and come out stronger Inshallah.
This warsan Gaildon is a weirdo old man
Why? because he comes off as particularly prejudiced towards secessionists? i think thats one his few faults but its hard to blame him considering he comes from a region somaliland is trying to co opt into secessionism.
I find him to be one of the most level headed, insightful and high level thinking analysts. He's a institutional and logical thinker who thinks about ideas rather than people like your typical emotional narrow minded somali.
Why? because he comes off as particularly prejudiced towards secessionists? i think thats one his few faults but its hard to blame him considering he comes from a region somaliland is trying to co opt into secessionism.
I find him to be one of the most level headed, insightful and high level thinking analysts. He's a institutional and logical thinker who thinks about ideas rather than people like your typical emotional narrow minded somali.
He's a tribalist who has weird obsession with certain community and wishes ill for SL


Suldaanka Guud
People exhibiting so much joy at conflict in our region, while we are hospitable and supportive when their lands are in dhibaato almost everyday.

I hope other kumbaya Puntites are making mental note of this. :francis: :francis:
Got woken up with heavy gun fire a few minutes ago and it's still on going.

:francis:I hope they think it's worth it, so sick of these selfish SOB.

I pray no innocents get caught in the cross fire and these idiots wipe themselves out.
Stay safe. May Allah bring back peace 🤲🏽.