Father got second wife

Slow down a bit sis, I'm not advocating for anything.. Obviously the unhappy wife should seek divorce from the cheating husband.. I was highlighting most men who seek a second wife or a side chick do so obviously because of something they're not getting from their current wife.
That’s a very juvenile way of thinking about it. Many men actually get second wives when their wives are Middle Aged and become less attractive. A woman becoming older isn’t lacking anything, that is the reality of how time works and I highly doubt such a wife is very attracted to her pot belly, bidaar ridden husband. Also, some men like variety which is why a lot of polygamous men would swear up and down about how much they love their first wives and now happy they are.

. Men cheating on their partners is not only Confined to Somali men it happens all the time.. Even cadaan oday you was defending in another thread probably cheated on his old wife and got with a young xalimo, but I guess you don't mind to vilify because he's not a Somali man.. Same can be said about Ilhan Omar's Jewish husband he ditched he's old wife to get with her.. I think women like only have energy to condemn Somali men, must be a self hate within.
Show me were I said all Somali men are like that? I was merely talking about a subsection of the community who practice polygamy wrongly and this wasn’t a reflection of all Somali men who on average have only one wife. Btw, I have no issues with polygamy in which the husband is honest, can afford it and treats them equally. You’re so hyper sensitive that anyone that criticizes any group of Somali men trigger you, but you’re the same man who has no issues saying that Somali girls en-masse have bad bodies or bad attitudes. You’re unbelievably hypocritical and you lack any form of self-awareness it’s scary. Look within because I don’t have time for you tantrums. It’s exhausting. How about you check your rampant self-hatred first, oh but let me guess insulting your women en-masse is fine, but if someone says anything about even one or a small group of Somali men it’s a huge issue? Loool. Do you not see your kibir and sooro?

Furthermore, We’re talking about polygamy here, not cheating and the reason why I’m talking about Somali men is because that’s the community I’m familiar with. I’m Somali and I’m going to look at things from a Somali Lens based on what is happening in my community. I know very well cadaan men cheat, Mexican men or any other group for that matter, but I don’t care about those men, so why would I bring them up?

How are you gonna turn this on me? I think you are hypocrite, you defend older cadaan man getting with a young xalimo half he's age in one thread and you condemn a Somali oday for doing the same? Can't you see your double standards? Btw the reason Somali men marry a second wife is because they're Muslims and don't want to commit zina, otherwise they would have done like the gaalo men who to swinger clubs and God knows what to survive their dead marriage. Anyway clearly if a man who's married is looking for another woman then that means he some how is not satisfied with his marriage, people fall in love and sometimes over time it dies down, but one things we can agree on, if husband no longer are happy in their marriage they should tell their first wife, giving her the option to either get divorced or stay in a polygamous marriage with another wife..

How are you gonna turn this on me? I think you are hypocrite, you defend older cadaan man getting with a young xalimo half he's age in one thread and you condemn a Somali oday for doing the same?
Nope, I called Somalis a hypocrite for condemning the relationship of a 24 yr old with an old man when we have known cases of a 14 yr old with a 60 yr old and it’s normalized back home. If you think a 14 yr old is the same as a woman in her mid 20s, then I have nothing to say to you. You’re clearly being manipulative and unfair.
Can't you see your double standards? Btw the reason Somali men marry a second wife is because they're Muslims and don't want to commit zina, otherwise.. Anyway clearly if a man who's married is looking for another woman then that means he some how is not satisfied with his marriage,
Saxib, I know men who haven’t even met their first wife claiming that they want to be polygamous if they have the funds.
people fall in love and sometimes over time it dies down, but one things we can agree on, if husband no longer are happy in their marriage they should tell their first wife, giving her the option to either get divorced or stay in a polygamous marriage with another wife..
I highly doubt not being in love or being satisfied is the only reason. Humans are complicated, and supposedly according to what your gender says is that a man can love, be attracted to a woman but want more sex and variety or just do it out of temptation. Everyday, beautiful women whose men would cry if they left still get cheated on, so trying to put the blame on women is a cop out.

Why are you resorting to lies now? QUOTE me where I have justified 60 years old oday marrying 14 year old girls???? Also do you have any statics to backup your claim of 60 year old men marrying 14 year old girls?. Or is it based on your gut feelings? If you can't proof your claims with solid evidence then clearly you're as I wrote above valifying Somali men, which in your book must be the worst men on earth right? You are full of cuqdad towards Somali men, even if you try to claim otherwise it's very clear from your behavior how much disdain you hold towards Somali men.. May Allah cure your heart.
To all my Somali brothers..

Being in a relationshiip is not easy and you are not any way or form obliged to stay in an unfulfilled marriage, do what ever makes you happy and don't mind xalimos like Angelina who defends old ass cadaan men getting with Somali women but have the energy to speak shit about Somali odayaal.. Just mute these feminists and do your thing :salute:

Why are you resorting to lies now? QUOTE me where I have justified 60 years old oday marrying 14 year old girls????
Did I say you said it or did I explain why I condemned the Somalis who were making a big song and dance over a mid 20s woman marrying an older man? I never said that you think that’s normal. That is why reading comprehension is so important. I understand that English isn’t your first language
Also do you have any statics to backup your claim of 60 year old men marrying 14 year old girls?. Or is it based on your gut feelings?
Anyone that has been back home or is familiar with the culture knows that getting married at 14 is normal and huge age gaps are normal, especially now due to the rampant poverty. This shouldn’t even be a discussion.
If you can't proof your claims with solid evidence then clearly you're as I wrote above valifying Somali men, which in your book must be the worst men on earth right?
Did I claim all Somali men marry 14 yr olds or think marrying 14 yr olds is normal or did I say that it happens back home which it does and you’d have to be a liar to deny this?
You are full of cuqdad towards Somali men, even if you try to claim otherwise it's very clear from your behavior how much disdain you hold towards Somali men.. May Allah cure your heart.
Wallahi, you’re a liar and you also have issues reading. You’re over emotional and put words in my mouth.

so now, acknowledging that 13-14 yr olds back home routinely marry early is now a ‘lie’. Wallahi we hear it all, tell me more walalo, I’m interested in your delusions.
To all my Somali brothers..

Being in a relationshiip is not easy and you are not any way or form obliged to stay in an unfulfilled marriage, do what ever makes you happy and don't mind xalimos like Angelina who defends old ass cadaan men getting with Somali women but have the energy to speak shit about Somali odayaal.. Just mute these feminists and do your thing :salute:
You’re absolutely disgusting and a liar to boot.

Do you deny that 14 yr olds marrying back home happens and is common?

Do you deny that a 14 yr old and a 24 yr old aren’t the same?

So why compare the two and act like they deserve the same outrage?
To all my Somali brothers..

Being in a relationshiip is not easy and you are not any way or form obliged to stay in an unfulfilled marriage, do what ever makes you happy and don't mind xalimos like Angelina who defends old ass cadaan men getting with Somali women but have the energy to speak shit about Somali odayaal.. Just mute these feminists and do your thing :salute:
Show me proof that the old cadaan man was married and abandoned a whole family? That’s the thing, you need to talk about a very irreverent point to justify your claim. Even in the original thread about the topic, I made it clear that I didn’t like the age gap in the relationship and found it creepy that she married that man. I merely said that age gap relationships are common with Somalis, so why would they make a fuss about this? It was clearly political motivated.

The whole thread is about polygamous men who lie to their wives and have secret families without being able to afford it or being just. It wasn’t even about age gaps. Heck the man can marry an older woman and I’d feel the same way, so what is your point?! The fact that you’re bringing up a random case of a white man marrying a woman in her mid 20s in which you have no idea if he had an affair, was divorced ect shows how fragile your dumb point is.

Show me where in which I condemn an older divorced Somali man marrying a woman who is a fully fledged adult. Show me? You can’t because everything you’re saying is based on your dumb feelings. Control yourself warya.

Also, the fact that you’re telling the Faraxs to do their thing at the expense of their ability to be polygamous, their children and family unit tells me how much of a horrible character you truly are.
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Show me proof that the old cadaan man was married and abandoned a whole family? That’s the thing, you need to talk about a very irreverent point to justify your claim. Even in the original thread about the topic, I made it clear that I didn’t like the age gap in the relationship and found it creepy. I merely said that age gap relationships are common with Somalis, so why would they make a fuss about this? It was clearly political motivated.

The whole thread is about polygamous men who lie to their wives and have secret families without being able to afford it or being just. The fact that you’re bringing up a random case of a white man marrying a woman in her mid 20s in which you have no idea if he had an affair, was divorced ect shows how fragile your dumb point is.

Show me where in which I condemn an older divorced Somali man marrying a woman who is a fully fledged adult. Show me? You can’t because everything you’re saying is based on your dumb feelings. Control yourself warya.
he did already have a wife when he used to take care of that somali girl abroad who he then went on to marry once she got older. The cadaan guy did have a wife according to what people where saying I don't know if he divorced her tho or is still married to her. So not the same situation when compared
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he did already have a wife when he used to take care of that somali girl abroad and now she's married him once she got older. The cadaan guy did have a wife according to what people where saying I don't know if he divorced her tho or is still married to her.
Exactly, y’all don’t know. You have no idea if he divorced that wife ten years ago or two years ago. You know nothing. Come for me, when I condemn a divorced Somali man marrying a flipping 24 yr old who is an adult or if he married one with the full knowledge of his wife and is able to provide for both and is fair.

The fact that he has to compare apples and oranges should tell you everything. This thread wasn’t even about age gaps but about men who marry behind their wives back when they don’t have the ability to do so. The 2nd wife can be the exact same age, what does that change??!

One thing I really hate about some male
Posters on here, is that the only way they can come for me is by lying, twisting or coming up with retarded comparisons. Despite their hatred of my points, they know they can’t critique me head on with honesty without looking whinging self-victims.
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he did already have a wife when he used to take care of that somali girl abroad who he then went on to marry once she got older. The cadaan guy did have a wife according to what people where saying I don't know if he divorced her tho or is still married to her.
Don't mind her sxb.. She's quick to condemn any Somali man but gives the cadaan man the benefit of the doubt.. She's even making it sound like older Somali men are marrying small 13-14 years old girl's enmasse this without any statics or proof of other kind to justify herself.
Exactly, y’all don’t know. Come for me, when I condemn a divorced Somali man marrying a flipping 24 yr old who is an adult or if he married one with the full knowledge of his wife is able to provide for both and is fair.

The fact that he has to compare apples and oranges should tell you everything. This thread wasn’t even about age gaps but about men who marry behind their wives back when they don’t have the ability to do so. The 2nd wife can be the exact same age, what does that change??!
I was just adding context I already gave my take on the scenario in this thread already. I don't think guys should be getting married behind there wives backs because to do it fairly would require half his time spent equally with both and you won't be able to do that properly without your first wife finding out if your spending 6 months every year outside the house.

And the average somali adeer is illiterate when it comes to the deen so they definitely didn't make any contracts for the women to forgo there rights for other rights in return they just went with the flow which is just gonna land them with some severe punishments on the day of judgment.
Don't mind her sxb.. She's quick to condemn any Somali man but gives the cadaan man the benefit of the doubt.. She's even making it sound like older Somali men are marrying small 13-14 years old girl's enmasse this without any statics or proof of other kind to justify herself.
Liar, liar, liar and more lies. Don’t you get tired of your sordid lies.

show me where in which I’ve condemned a divorced 40-50 yr old Somali man marrying a 24-30 yr old? I want to see it.

Marrying at 14 back home amongst the poor is normal. If you don’t know that, I have news for you, go back home.
I was just adding context I already gave my take on the scenario in this thread already. I don't think guys should be getting married behind there wives backs because to do it fairly would require half his time spent equally with both and you won't be able to do that properly without your first wife finding out if your spending 6 months every year outside the house.

And the average somali adeer is illiterate when it comes to the deen so they definitely didn't make any contracts for the women to forgo there rights for other rights in return they just went with the flow which is just gonna land them with some severe punishments on the day of judgment.
I refuse to be slandered by a guy who is clearly lying and is trying to twist my various points. And Javelin, I’m confused what that creepy cadaan man married to that lander girl has to do with anything.

1. please explain, what a white man marring a 24 yr old has to do with a man marrying a 2nd wife behind his wife back when he also can’t afford it.

2. Are we going to also sit here and lie that back home getting married at 14 isn’t common? Heck my own ayeyo married at like 13.

3. Are we going to lie that some Somali men abuse polygamy?

Since you @ me, I want you and @Abdisamad to explain what is controversial about what I wrote. Since I believe you’re rather fair, you can enlighten me as to where in which I spoke badly of all Somali men.
I was just adding context I already gave my take on the scenario in this thread already. I don't think guys should be getting married behind there wives backs because to do it fairly would require half his time spent equally with both and you won't be able to do that properly without your first wife finding out if your spending 6 months every year outside the house.

And the average somali adeer is illiterate when it comes to the deen so they definitely didn't make any contracts for the women to forgo there rights for other rights in return they just went with the flow which is just gonna land them with some severe punishments on the day of judgment.
oh, @Abdisamad, why don’t you attack Jav here. He literally said that many Somali odeys are illiterate and aren’t fair? Is he a self-hater or do you have that energy only for me? Let’s see how consistent you are.
I refuse to be slandered by a guy who is clearly lying and is trying to twist my various points. And Javelin, I’m confused what that creepy cadaan man married to that lander girl has to do with anything.

1. please explain, what a white man marring a 24 yr old has to do with a man marrying a 2nd wife behind his wife back when he also can’t afford it.

2. Are we going to also sit here and lie that back home getting married at 14 isn’t common? Heck my own ayeyo married at like 13.

3. Are we going to lie that some Somali men abuse polygamy?

Since you @ me, I want you and @Abdisamad to explain what is controversial about what I wrote. Since I believe you’re rather fair, you can enlighten me as to where in which I spoke badly of all Somali men.

I was still editing my previous reply when you replied so you got the wrong notion here I'm not disagree I was agreeing with you.

This is my post edit
he did already have a wife when he used to take care of that somali girl abroad who he then went on to marry once she got older. The cadaan guy did have a wife according to what people where saying I don't know if he divorced her tho or is still married to her. So not the same situation when compared
I refuse to be slandered by a guy who is clearly lying and is trying to twist my various points. And Javelin, I’m confused what that creepy cadaan man married to that lander girl has to do with anything.

1. please explain, what a white man marring a 24 yr old has to do with a man marrying a 2nd wife behind his wife back when he also can’t afford it.

2. Are we going to also sit here and lie that back home getting married at 14 isn’t common? Heck my own ayeyo married at like 13.

3. Are we going to lie that some Somali men abuse polygamy?

Since you @ me, I want you and @Abdisamad to explain what is controversial about what I wrote. Since I believe you’re rather fair, you can enlighten me as to where in which I spoke badly of all Somali men.
I think you have some personal issues you need to sort out wallahi. I don't wish to go back and forth with you.
I think you have some personal issues you need to sort out wallahi. I don't wish to go back and forth with you.
Nope, you came to my mentions, lied and twisted everything that I said. Now you want to behave like a victim. Mind you you’re the same guy that literally made posts that on average Somali girls have bad attitudes and have bad bodies, yet when I discuss a very small segment of Somali men, who have nothing to do with you since you’re single and young, you want to attack me.

I dislike liars, hypocrites and cry babies filled with victimhood. So please refrain from @ing me.
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