Father got second wife

You’re trolling me now. The same Sheikh is also saying that women can put in a polygamy clause. Why are you finding random fatwas that have nothing to do with the topic? You’re such an attention seeker.

You keep calling me names. I shared the views of one scholars who addressed the topic. His view on the topic and that of Imam Maaliki (rahihumullaah) are exactly the same. Now, carry on and do your thang.

I still laugh at you though after you called for the arrest of those scholars in Mogadishu. You're an extremist in this topic, and when people are in that stage, then reason escapes them. Let us not forget the "feminist" claim in your bio. :heh:
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Forza Somalia!
Nope, she can't. Even if the clause is added, it can't result an automatic divorce. That right to take another wife was already made halal in the Holy Quran provided the man can provide sufficiently to both families and can provide justice to all of his wives. If those 2 conditions are met, the bro is in business.

I wont argue with what scholars you believe has agreed on.


Thoughts are free
I don't see an issue with his actions. It's within his Islamic rights but the approach he took could be questionable tho.


So? Losing the first doesn’t mean you’re not free to marry an additional 3 after her. Someone no longer not wanting to be with you isn’t making anything haram for you. You can’t imprison people
The point is under this condition it'll be hard or impossible for me to be polygamous. What happens after the contract was ended is besides the point.
The point is under this condition it'll be hard or impossible for me to be polygamous. What happens after the contract was ended is besides the point.
Nope, your 2nd marriage will still be valid. But it simply gives the woman an easier option as to stay or leave. I’m sorry, but marriage isn’t a hostage situation. Even the Prophet’s s.a.w daughter Fatima didn’t want to be in a polygamous marriage and it wasn’t just due to the fact that it was Abu Jahl’s daughter. Actual scholars note that the Prophet s.a.w feared for her imaan due to her jealousy and not being able to handle it. Hence, imagine us everyday women who probably don’t have even a fraction of the iman Fatima R.A did?

Furthermore, even if you don’t agree with the Polygamy clause, a great alternative that is allowed in all madhabs is Tawfid Talaq, which allows a woman to be delegated divorce for any reason.
You keep calling me names. I shared the views of one scholars who addressed the topic. His view on the topic and that of Imam Maaliki (rahihumullaah) are exactly the same. Now, carry on and do your thang.
Saxib, you used Sh. Munajjid. This is his view with regards to the marriage contract:


This is what he says:

Praise be to Allah.


If the wife stipulates that her husband should not take another wife, this is a valid condition and he must adhere to it; if he does take another wife, she has the right to annul the marriage contract.

So why resort to lies? I don’t understand wallahi.

I still laugh at you though after you called for the arrest of those scholars in Mogadishu. You're an extremist in this topic, and when people are in that stage, then reason escapes them. Let us not forget the "feminist" claim in your bio. :heh:
Lol, all I can do at this point is laugh. You’re not normal. Good luck. Even @Hamzza called you out on your nonsense.
They don’t care about deen or Islam. It’s about their own satisfaction, hence why those men would take bread from their own kids mouth to throw at another women despite having very limited resources and time. Those men are cursed and you can see it with the various destroyed families that they leave in their wake. Look at our community? Dysfunctional families left, right and center and many of our kids aren’t fairing well due to this and it’s also impacting the way their daughters (young Somali women) see marriage.
Women who agree to be a man's second or third (or even fourth, akhas) wife also need to be held accountable. I'd never think of destroying someone else's family like that - why don't they exercise any empathy for the first wife?


Nope, your 2nd marriage will still be valid. But it simply gives the woman an easier option as to stay or leave. I’m sorry, but marriage isn’t a hostage situation. Even the Prophet’s s.a.w daughter Fatima didn’t want to be in a polygamous marriage and it wasn’t just due to the fact that it was Abu Jahl’s daughter. Actual scholars note that the Prophet s.a.w feared for her imaan due to her jealousy and not being able to handle it. Hence, imagine us everyday women who probably don’t have even a fraction of the iman Fatima R.A did?
That's why I said it'll be hard or impossible to have 2 wives when you're under this condition.

Imam Shafi'i speaking about this said:

"Allah عز وجل allowed for a man to marry four wives and to take concubines from his slave girls. If she stipulates that he may not marry other women and may not take concubines she is restricting what God made wide open for him."

urthermore, even if you don’t agree with the Polygamy clause, a great alternative that is allowed in all madhabs is Tawfid Talaq, which allows a woman to be delegated divorce for any reason.
Yes, this is allowed but I will advise men from delegating divorce rights to women. Allah has given the right of divorce to the man for a reason. Talaq is the most hated of the permissible things to Allah.
That's why I said it'll be hard or impossible to have 2 wives when you're under this condition.

Imam Shafi'i speaking about this said:
View attachment 270880

"Allah عز وجل allowed for a man to marry four wives and to take concubines from his slave girls. If she stipulates that he may not marry other women and may not take concubines she is restricting what God made wide open for him."
But so is restricting the husbands rights to move the family to another town or country which he has the right to do as the head of the family. Why would polygamy which in the Shafi madhab isn’t even a sunnah btw as Imaam Shafi believed it is better to be with one woman be any different? Does that mean any condition is haram? Let’s be real most conditions are in fact restricting things that are completely halal.

At the end of the day, the esteemed scholar has his reasons and people that follow the madhab are going to follow that as will Hanbalis who are going to follow the other opinion.

Yes, this is allowed but I will advise men from delegating divorce rights to women. Allah has given the right of divorce to the man for a reason. Talaq is the most hated of the permissible things to Allah.
Yes, but it’s an alternative for Shafi women who do not want to be in polygamous marriages. Like I said, marriage shouldn’t be a hostage situation in which someone is forced to bare more than they necessarily can. I didn’t even think of that initially until I saw a fatwa by a Shafi scholar who said that is an alternative for women who follow the Shafi opinion.
Women who agree to be a man's second or third (or even fourth, akhas) wife also need to be held accountable. I'd never think of destroying someone else's family like that - why don't they exercise any empathy for the first wife?
I wouldn’t condemn these women as polygamy in Islam is halal and they have the full right to exercise that option, but what I find detestable is women who go into these unions knowing that the husband hasn’t told his wife and is keeping the marriage a secret from the wife and that usually includes his family and the community as in order to keep it a secret other members need to be kept in the dark. We’d all agree, even the guys here that a woman who agrees to be kept a secret in a monogamous marriage probably has serious self-worth issues, hence it’s the same for polygamous marriage if not worse as you’re agreeing with terms and conditions that put you and another woman at a serious disadvantage, breeds resentment and hostility, results in siblings not knowing of each other’s existence for at least numerous years and it’s immoral in all senses.
Saxib, you used Sh. Munajjid. This is his view with regards to the marriage contract:

View attachment 270877

This is what he says:

Praise be to Allah.


If the wife stipulates that her husband should not take another wife, this is a valid condition and he must adhere to it; if he does take another wife, she has the right to annul the marriage contract.

So why resort to lies? I don’t understand wallahi.

Having the right to annul the marriage and an automatic divorce - as you have been arguing - are completely different positions. I was always arguing against the clause in the nikaax that it would not cause an automatic divorce if the woman added a condition in the marriage that her husband should not marry another wife and he agrees to it. This scholar did not endorse an automatic divorce. He just emphasize that she has the right to annual the marriage.

Keep in mind there are plenty of reasons that either the husband or the wife can file for divorce, and relatives and scholars would get involved and try to resolve the dispute. If they can resolve it, it is good. If they can't, then the couple can part ways by going through the divorce process. Bottom line, the automatic divorce that you and a few other users have been arguing has no religious backing. :cool:

Fyi, that scholar's view on this topic is fully explained in this link: https://fiqh.islamonline.net/en/seeking-divorce-from-a-husband-who-wants-a-second-wife/

It is better to read it fully and grab the gist of his message.
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Having the right to annul the marriage and an automatic divorce - as you have been arguing - are completely different positions. I was always arguing against the clause in the nikaax that it would not cause an automatic divorce if the woman added a condition in the marriage that her husband should not marry another wife and he agrees to it. This scholar did not endorse an automatic divorce. He just emphasize that she has the right to annual the marriage.
Lol, please don’t embarrass yourself.

No, the whole fatwa is about the polygamy clause. That’s the title of the fatwa. I’m at a point in which I’m realizing you’re not normal. You argued in the first place that a woman cannot have a polygamy clause in her marriage. Now that you realized that a lot of scholars believe a woman can, you’re changing your tune. Just accept that you’re wrong and stop wasting my time.

The polygamy clause gives the woman the right to annul the marriage. In Islam, without a clause, woman doesn’t the have the right to annul a marriage. She either has to get talaq or Khula in which she has to return the Mehr. That’s basic Islamic marriage 101.

Keep in mind there are plenty of reasons that either the husband or the wife can file for divorce, and relatives and scholars would get involved and try to resolve the dispute.
If a woman has a polygamy clause, there is no dispute as the husband has clearly violated the contract. She can annul straight away. The scholar clearly notes that it’s a condition:

If the wife stipulates that her husband should not take another wife, this is a valid condition and he must adhere to it; if he does take another wife, she has the right to annul the marriage contract.

It’s a contact he must follow or she can leave without a lengthy process of asking him for a divorce or Khula since he is in the wrong and didn’t follow the contract. Without a contract, she’d have to ask for him for talaq or give back her Mehr.

If they can resolve it, it is good. If they can't, then the couple can part ways by going through the divorce process. Bottom line, the automatic divorce that you and a few other users have been arguing has no religious backing. :cool:

Fyi, that scholar's view on this topic is fully explained in this link: https://fiqh.islamonline.net/en/seeking-divorce-from-a-husband-who-wants-a-second-wife/
That fatwa has nothing to do with the polygamy clause. I don’t understand why you keep on posting it.
It is better to read it fully and grab the gist of his message.

What we mean by automatical divorce is that she doesn’t need to ask for talaq or go for Khula in which she needs to give her Mehr back, that is why the scholar says she can get her due in full meaning she doesn’t need to give back her Mehr, Hence the process is easier and smoother since the husband broke the contract.

With regard to the woman stipulating that the husband should not take a second wife, the opinion of some scholars is that this condition is permissible, and if the husband breaks it, the wife has the right to annul the marriage and take her dues in full.


if you actually listened and actually read to
educate yourself instead of arguing you’d know this. You wouldn’t be embarrassing yourself.
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Mad, if you think a man marrying again in secret and breaking the heart of a women he’s been with for many years is okay behavior, then just know you’re supporting the toxic and dysfunctional behavior that has destroyed the Somali family in the dozens. Firstly, they usually can’t afford it, secondly, they don’t usually treat them equally and it’s the case in this scene as well as @Javelin pointed out and also, disrespecting the one that has bore you children and has been there for them from the beginning through lies and deceit. This set up we see far too often increases the chances of divorce for both 1st and 2nd wife, kids tend be saddled with a father who prefers being back home instead of raising them, and they usually become poorer as the father tends to not be able to stretch the money as he can’t provide for both fairly. We’re already working class in the West.

Anyways, I’m convinced most of the guys here are trolling. I highly doubt most sane men would be okay with seeing their mothers heartbroken and neglected. That’s what usually happens in polygamous marriages amongst Somalis.
What if the husband doesn't love the old wife anymore? Maybe she can't satisfy he's needs etc.. Should he just stay in a dead marriage?
What if the husband doesn't love the old wife anymore? Maybe she can't satisfy he's needs etc.. Should he just stay in a dead marriage?
The whole post to Javelin was about men who can’t afford to marry again or have the time to treat wives equally. Doing so is haram. If you want to put your own happiness over the expense of justice, your children and even worse Akhira, go ahead.

Also, have you ever heard of the term divorce? So let’s get this straight, the old wife who is unloved and obviously would want a marriage in she’s appreciated and wanted has to stay in a polygamous marriage in which the husband seeks a new partner whom he clearly prefers more. Doesn’t provide for equally or spend time with her. So what about her needs? Her wants? Should Such a woman stay in a dead marriage?

Abdisamad, you must be trolling me at this point. Just know men and women have the same needs, but you’re advocating for a selfish marriage in which the man gets love and the woman stays in a dead end finished relationship. At this point if you truly think marriage is merely based the husband’s happiness and satisfaction, please give me a reason as to why women should bother to even marry?

Simple question, could you be happy in a relationship in which your wife doesn’t love or even want you anymore? She fantasies about being with another man?
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Have you ever heard of the term divorce? So let’s get this straight, the old wife who is unloved and obviously would want a marriage in she’s appreciated and wanted has to stay in a polygamous marriage in which the husband seeks a new partner whom he clearly prefers more. Should
Such a woman stay in a dead marriage?

Abdisamad, you must be trolling me at this point. Just know men and women have the same needs, but you’re advocating for a selfish marriage in which the man gets love and the woman stays in a dead end finished relationship. At this point if you truly think marriage is merely based in the husband’s happiness and satisfaction, please give me a reason as to why women should bother to even marry?

Simple question, could you be happy in a relationship in which your wife doesn’t love or even want you anymore? She fantasies about being with another man?
Slow down a bit sis, I'm not advocating for anything.. Obviously the unhappy wife should seek divorce from the cheating husband.. I was highlighting most men who seek a second wife or a side chick do so obviously because of something they're not getting from their current wife.. Men cheating on their partners is not only Confined to Somali men it happens all the time.. Even cadaan oday you was defending in another thread probably cheated on his old wife and got with a young xalimo, but I guess you don't mind to vilify because he's not a Somali man.. Same can be said about Ilhan Omar's Jewish husband he ditched his old wife to get with her.. I think women like only have energy to condemn Somali men, must be a self hate within.
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