Ethnicity vs Compatibility when having kids

Na pure muscle 💪 just don't want that genes for my offspring so it has to be eliminated by the will of Allah.



You need people like me
Sxb , first and foremost I am politically a revolutionist , I put faith to the Somali People's Liberation Front , the voice of the peoples and we are growing in numbers.
The people advocate for the rights of the marginalised and voiceless communities , we are the voice for the voiceless , we believe sacrifices should be made in order to salvage whatever is left of Somalia.
Our core beliefs are to abolish qabyaalad , eradicate religious extremism , destroy whatever cancers that are festering inside the country like fanaticism, counter the activities of terrorism , disarm illegal firearms and disband millias , construct mass institution of detention facilities, rehabilitation centers , bringing resolution , banning people older than 50 years old interfering with local and political affairs, our goal is to prevent the activities of elders intervening in delicate situation, if they are out of the picture I believe we can play major roles on how to decide how cases should be adjudicated,
our aim is to bring Somalis together in ways that can transcend and ignore clan activities, to objectify and demolish clan affairs, raise awareness , promote education , introduce equality and serve justice, tackle poverty , deter corruption , put the peoples interests first , separate religion from the state , secularism, establishing a middle ground and putting differences aside, boosting the national curriculum systems and prohibiting any foreign related curriculums , Somalia needs it's own curriculum. Addressing poverty , destroying the chains of reliance , which destroyed families that made them rely on handouts, our aim is to create national labour and train people with skills our goal is ensue that it's the people that can develop the country not sitting their asses and waiting for Khadiija or Ahmed in America for monthly bills , in Somali we have an old saying " nimaan shaqeysan shaah wa ka xaaraam" hopefully we can make that a reality , I would fill the entire page with all these necessary criteria to make the perfect recipe , but that's another debate , right now we are wanting change.
Our aim is to fight for tranquility if our needs aren't met , if that happens then expect a Somali Che Guevara in the making, but then again let's not advocate for that just yet , that's only if we are left out of options.

Okay humans are already witnessing a Somali Che Guevara.
Our goal is to make a difference.
I'm no affiliated with medieval clan ties and no I don't have any interests of that clan sickness and illness , I am not tolerant to boistering it should be gone I hope you understand.

My ideology is neither Socialism nor Capitalism , when it comes to what ideology am I alligned with them it has to be centrism.
taking good things from either side, somewhere in between.

When it comes to relationships then it has to be someone I share compatible similarities with.

I can't marry a Somali Wahabbist or a Somali BLM because we share nothing in common.
Admirable aspirations bro but I think Somalia is too far gone. We need so many things to go right that I gave up a long time ago because it’s probabilistically very unlikely to all happen.
For marriage purposes, I don't differentiate between Somalis and other ethnic groups anymore. I have realised that the local Muslim culture is the same across ethnicities and only varies slightly between those born and raised here. It is background noise.

I didn't understand at first either, but a lot of Somalis do not acknowledge the fundamental difference in ideology. Once that inevitably sets in, things will start to make more sense.

We are entering a pseudo post-ethnicity future. I'm noticing a lot of marriages between different Muslim communities. I can see that being an American Muslim will be a stronger identity than being a Somali-American, Pakistani-American or any other hyphenated people.

Pretty naive way of looking at it I feel. That was literally my attitude, however young people are still very much in tune with their culture than one might assume. Take sspot for example, most are young men and women born and raised in their west, but still attached to their Somalinimo. Also, don't underestimate the power of family and how much of an impacts it can have on your marriage. Whilst your spouse might have a strong American Muslim identity, her family will have a strong cultural identity that will obviously have an influence on your partner.

The great thing with a Somali is that you don't really need to worry about family dynamics as your spouse's family would be similar to your own. You would feel at home with your in-laws and you don't need to learn a new language, traditions and cultural norms. Also, you're going to be aware of the cultural norms your wife is influenced by and vise versa, therefore less suprises after marriage.

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Pretty naive way of looking at it I feel. That was literally my attitude, however young people are still very much in tune with their culture than one might assume. Take sspot for example, most are young men and women born and raised in their west, but still attached to their Somalinimo. Also, don't underestimate the power of family and how much of an impacts it can have on your marriage. Whilst your spouse might have a strong American Muslim identity, her family will have a strong cultural identity that will obviously have an influence on your partner.

The great thing with a Somali is that you don't really need to worry about family dynamics as your spouse's family would be similar to your own. You would feel at home with your in-laws and you don't need to learn a new language, traditions and cultural norms. Also, you're going to be aware of the cultural norms your wife is influenced by and vise versa, therefore less suprises after marriage.
In the future western world parents literally won't care about somalinimo anymore. Marrige upon different cultures won't exist but rather people who have the same culture. Me and a Muslim Asian have a lot of similarities upon Islam and are lifestyles upon the west. Marrying out will become less of a taboo and we will be more widely accepted by parents of different cultures. You already see it happening in the uk in certain areas you may mixed somali couples whether our aftican, Asian or cadaan Muslims brotherand sister. Why is this ?because Islam happens to be more important than somalinimo upon finding a suitable and compatible partner. Gen x never really mixed but gen z will at much higher rate. Then gen alpha it would be a normal thing to marry someone of a different ethnicities. The world is becoming more multicultural and accepting the notion of mixing. Alhamdulilah for islam ☪️ ❤.
People saying their marrying a ajnabi while not realising their parents are against it:drakelaugh:
Wake up to the reality people, hooyo iyo aabe sokorta ha kicina kkkk
Do not base anything regarding somalis by social media. You would think somali men are Madow hating trolls whose favourite past time is argue with the opposite gender. Somali women are not these LGBT supporting people, extremely small and loud minority does not represent them. Supporting black lives movement is not being liberal either.

You are very likely to find likeminded partner in our community.
Wait lemme actually join the #abdiexit movement I know couple baddies

Unfortunately abo told me to not bring cadaan gabar home only a somali when I was fifteen.:wow:

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Do not base anything regarding somalis by social media. You would think somali men are Madow hating trolls whose favourite past time is argue with the opposite gender. Somali women are not these LGBT supporting people, extremely small and loud minority does not represent them. Supporting black lives movement is not being liberal either.

You are very likely to find likeminded partner in our community. isn't reality but is kinda represents the general thoughts of the community. So yes and no


Waa anaga orodneey, nabad doonaney
Pretty naive way of looking at it I feel. That was literally my attitude, however young people are still very much in tune with their culture than one might assume. Take sspot for example, most are young men and women born and raised in their west, but still attached to their Somalinimo. Also, don't underestimate the power of family and how much of an impacts it can have on your marriage. Whilst your spouse might have a strong American Muslim identity, her family will have a strong cultural identity that will obviously have an influence on your partner.

The great thing with a Somali is that you don't really need to worry about family dynamics as your spouse's family would be similar to your own. You would feel at home with your in-laws and you don't need to learn a new language, traditions and cultural norms. Also, you're going to be aware of the cultural norms your wife is influenced by and vise versa, therefore less suprises after marriage.

Young Somalis are attached to their Somali culture, but how essential is it in determining compatibility and how much does my Somalinimo impact my spouse? Not a lot. There are no strenuous demands. A conservative Westernized Somali and her Arab friend are 90% culturally similar. If she throws a baati on and occasionally cooks Somali food, that's enough for me.

Families that prioritize culture wouldn't let me marry their daughter in the first place. You underestimate how many westernized families there are in 2021. I concede that there won't be guaranteed compatibility with the family like there would be with a Somali family. It is not important to me.

The differences will be subtle. The real challenges are surrounded by passing language and some culture on, but they can be overcome. Realistically speaking, most Western Somali couples will have kids that don't speak Somali and culturally ignorant. So in a worse case scenario, you more or less end up with the same.
Young Somalis are attached to their Somali culture, but how essential is it in determining compatibility and how much does my Somalinimo impact my spouse? Not a lot. There are no strenuous demands. A conservative Westernized Somali and her Arab friend are 90% culturally similar. If she throws a baati on and occasionally cooks Somali food, that's enough for me.

Families that prioritize culture wouldn't let me marry their daughter in the first place. You underestimate how many westernized families there are in 2021. I concede that there won't be guaranteed compatibility with the family like there would be with a Somali family. It is not important to me.

The differences will be subtle. The real challenges are surrounded by passing language and some culture on, but they can be overcome. Realistically speaking, most Western Somali couples will have kids that don't speak Somali and culturally ignorant. So in a worse case scenario, you more or less end up with the same.
Yeah but at least full Somali children (Western or not) won't have identity crisis problem. Not being able to be fully accepted in either community can do a lot more damage than you might think, which you seem to really underestimate. A sense of belonging and acceptance is vital to human sanity:mjdontkno:

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Yeah but at least full Somali children (Western or not) won't have identity crisis problem. Not being able to be fully accepted in either community can do a lot more damage than you might think, which you seem to really underestimate. A sense of belonging and acceptance is vital to human sanity:mjdontkno:
But wouldn't they just identify and have the culture of there birth nation. If I'm a mixed race kid born in England I'm fully British that would be my identity. I would also belong to different cultures and communities.
Young Somalis are attached to their Somali culture, but how essential is it in determining compatibility and how much does my Somalinimo impact my spouse? Not a lot. There are no strenuous demands. A conservative Westernized Somali and her Arab friend are 90% culturally similar. If she throws a baati on and occasionally cooks Somali food, that's enough for me.

Families that prioritize culture wouldn't let me marry their daughter in the first place. You underestimate how many westernized families there are in 2021. I concede that there won't be guaranteed compatibility with the family like there would be with a Somali family. It is not important to me.

The differences will be subtle. The real challenges are surrounded by passing language and some culture on, but they can be overcome. Realistically speaking, most Western Somali couples will have kids that don't speak Somali and culturally ignorant. So in a worse case scenario, you more or less end up with the same.

Do you deny that a persons family can have an impact on someones marriage? Do you deny that we are all influenced by our families. Do you deny that once married you will be around your spouse's family?

Example: i might have a lot in common with lets say a British Asian guy. His family speak a language I don't understand, have cultural traditions that may seem alien to me. The same can never be said about a British Farax. I would be be able to understand my mother in law's language and cultural traditions. I will not have to understand new things or learn new things.

Marrying a Xalimo and Marrying her British Arab friend will not be the same. For starters your mother will not be able to freely converse and get to know the family the way she would a Somali.
Again, your whole post forgets that when you marry someone you also marry in to their family.

Also two Western Somalis have the privileges of having two sets of Somali families such as two Somali ayeeyos and two awowe. Also, the kids when they go to their grandparents side are only exposed to one culture. Also, the couples can make an effort to go back home regularly with no complications as they are from the same regions.
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greyhound stone

The Boss💎
Do you deny that a persons family can have an impact on someones marriage? Do you deny that we are all influenced by our families. Do you deny that once married you will be around your spouse's family?

Example: i might have a lot in common with lets say a British Asian guy. His family speak a language I don't understand, have cultural traditions that may seem alien to me. The same can never be said about a British Farax. I would be be able to understand my mother in law's language and cultural traditions. I will not have to understand new things or learn new things.

Marrying a Xalimo and Marrying her British Arab friend will not be the same. For starters your mother will not be able to freely converse and get to know the family the way she would a Somali.

Again, your whole post forgets that when you marry someone you also marry in to their family.
Same thing could applied to different somali clans...
Same thing could applied to different somali clans...


We all speak Somali, look Somali, eat similar foods and have the same traditions.

If you try to compare Somalis with ajnabi in terms of 'differences' then again you've been listening to your family's fadi ku dir and taking it as gospel...

greyhound stone

The Boss💎

We all speak Somali, look Somali and eat similar foods.

If you try to compare Somalis with ajnabi in terms of 'differences' then again you've been listening to your family's fadi ku dir and taking it as gospel...
Yes and no. I'm from waqoyi and I literally can't understand Southern somaliu dialect. We also have different dishes to the konfur guys. You guys have much more variety I've seen southern somali it looks so different to any thing I've seen. Also somalis are very qabilistic. Some somali familys would rather there kids marry from ajnabis than certain somali clans. So yes we are different not exactly the same


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