Don't read Quran, enjoy Music: Iranian Kafir's last wish before execution

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Powerful, brave young man. may the people of Iran win the war and free themselves from any ideology that damages them and their land.

You live in the west where you enjoy freedom of speech but somehow you are against it in other country? how can you justified the hundreds of Iran people that have been murdered over the last 6 month?
he killed two cops.
Those countries were under communist rule which were anti religion and anti cultural identity/customs
I agree, Secularism in Turkey, and Communism rule in the others is one of the main reasons why they're not that religious. These two ideologies are the enemy of Muslims, alhamdulillah Siad the commie bastard failed. I always laugh when I see "communist" Muslims, their hero is a jew that called religion an opium.


I agree, Secularism in Turkey, and Communism rule in the others is one of the main reasons why they're not that religious. These two ideologies are the enemy of Muslims, alhamdulillah Siad the commie bastard failed. I always laugh when I see "communist" Muslims, their hero is a jew that called religion an opium.
some of the central asiatic dictatorship are still very anti Islamic.


Aren’t the houthis zaidi who aren’t considered bad Shia by most Sunnis. I do agree with you on Syria and Iraq. In Lebanon the Sunni have been weakened by Saudi money, and they don’t have the numbers. But what about the top Iranian general being assassinated, or numerous Iranian nuclear scientist, it ain’t as black and white as you are trying to put it. Lot of Sunni regimes owe their existence to America, how many American bases are in the Middle East, and where are they located?
Zaydism constist of three main groups: Batriyyah,د (or Sālihiyyah) the Sulaymaaniyyah (or Jaririyah/Jurayriyah) and the Jaarudiyyah.

Batariyyah; they regard 'Alī ibn Abī Tālib to be the best of the Sahābah [the Sunnis stance is that Abū Bakr is the best after the Prophet then 'Umar then 'Uthmān and then 'Alī] and they do accept thr caliphate of Abū Bakr as-Siddīq and 'Umar ibn al-Khattāb and they withhold from 'Uthmān bin 'Affān. And they're they're closest to Ahlu Sunnah.

The Sulaymaaniyyah: they think the caliphate of Abū Bakr and Umar was an error and they regard Uthmān as an apostate. According to Sunnis this belief is kufr and throws one out of the fold of Islām.

The Jaarudiyyah; they curse all of them [Abū Bakr and Umar and Uthmān]

The Houthis in Yemen ie the majority of Zayids nowadays belong to the last type even though there's still a good amount of Zaydis who do not hold thay stance.

Some of what they believe includes:

▪︎ The one who commits the Kabā'ir (big sins) will dwell in hell for eternity (Ahlu Sunnah does not hold this stance, rather this is the stance and belief of the Khawārij and Mu'tazilah)
▪︎They prefer Ali over the great Imām Abū Bakr and Umar رضي الله عنهما (this is not the stance of Ahl Sunnah as mentioned)
▪︎Some of them reject Abū Bakr and Umar and excommunicate (gaalysiinaya) Uthmān

Side note; I once met an Zaydi and he considered himself to be Sunni Salafi instead of Shi'i since he did not curse the sahabah nor excommunicated them or had any ill feelings for them. There are many Zaydis who do consider themselves Sunnis but as mentioned the Jaarudiyyah is the strongest/ most famous at the moment.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
That regime ruined Islam for all of them. They made kafiirs out of normal Muslims.
I follow an Iranian muslim tiktoker who was born in Iran but later moved to Europe. He said he hated Islam before moving to Europe but now he is a practicing Muslim. Iranian regime was making irreligious/non-practicing muslims into hardcore Shia islamists and it backfired, now a lot of them are atheists or islamophobic atheists.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Lots of misconceptions here.

Aren’t the houthis zaidi who aren’t considered bad Shia by most Sunnis.

Maybe by Sunnis who aren't informed.

Here is Sheikh Muqbil on them:

The reality of the Zaidiyyah sect | Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'i​

I do agree with you on Syria and Iraq. In Lebanon the Sunni have been weakened by Saudi money, and they don’t have the numbers. But what about the top Iranian general being assassinated, or numerous Iranian nuclear scientist,

Yes so you hate Saudi and defend Iran. To me this just indicates having fallen for the media propaganda, you take Iran as being genuine opposition rather than the fake opposition that it really is.

The top Iranian general was assassinated? Well did you see him get assassinated? I didn't see him get assassinated. They could be making the whole thing up. As for the thing about nuclear scientists, if nukes are real, it would make sense given the West's mentality that they wouldn't want others to have nukes.

Anyways, take a look at this

11 Indian Nuclear Scientists Died Unnatural Deaths in 4 Years: Government

11 dead Indian nuclear scientists, they say. So are you going to bash Sunnis and praise Hindus now?

it ain’t as black and white as you are trying to put it.

It's even more black and white than I put it. at the head of this plotting against ahlus sunnah is shaytaan. shaytaan doesn't care so much if we are shia, extreme sufi, etc. Sunni Islam is the truth and therefore that is what the shaytaan is opposed to. so his servants bomb and invade Sunni countries then Sunnis are painted as cowards and the Shia are painted as heroes and glorified while it's the Sunnis who fight directly against Western invaders while the Shia only fight the West with slogans as they kill Sunnis.

Lot of Sunni regimes owe their existence to America, how many American bases are in the Middle East, and where are they located?

maybe you think sunni versus shia is like coffee versus tea but I believe Sunni Islam is the one true religion and for this reason I am never going to attack the Sunnis like you do here. I am never taking sides against Sunnis.

in terms of global politics, some governments aligned themselves with the West, some with the Soviet Union or now Russia. whether the government has aligned with the Western kaffirs or the Russian and Chinese kaffirs, I am never against ahlus sunnah.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف


Go and ask a Yemeni sunni about zayidis, not some random salafist somalian or mexican that is influenced by saudi who call them kuffar because of politics. They pray in the same mosques together and you can’t tell who is zaidi or sunni often. there are a lot of sunni areas that support Houthis in yemen as well, it’s not black and white.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Go and ask a Yemeni sunni about zayidis, not some random salafist somalian or mexican that is influenced by saudi who call them kuffar because of politics. They pray in the same mosques together and you can’t tell who is zaidi or sunni often. there are a lot of sunni areas that support Houthis in yemen as well, it’s not black and white.

Sheikh Muqbil was a Yemeni Sunni and one of the greatest scholars amongst them:



Staff Member
now show where is the Western politician who speaks out in defense of Saudi? I would like to know

defending Iran is much more accepted than defending Saudi.

You have got to be kidding me. They purchased $100B in arms from just 1 western ally in the past decade. Hundreds of billions of dollars in western foreign investments poured into the country and they are a major oil supplier to these same western countries. They are also probably the 1 number ally outside of the western world. They get to do what they want in Yemen and abuse human rights and no western country says anything. The Saudi are immune from criticism so the Saudis don't need to be defended. They are also in bed with Israel, which is typical of the Salafis and the Saudis. When will the Saudis defend Palestine?
I have worked with an Iranian before they hate anything with religion with passion especially Muslims. They blame the ayatollah government but I just think it has to do with the sun worshipping in their dna.
Those are liberal Iranians that ran away from Iran when the Shah was overthrown

Western Iranians are basically Gaalo

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
but he died in saudi, was educated there and spent most his life there. i’m interested in what native yemenis say, who spent most of their lives there.

true he studied there but I don't think he spent most of his life there. If I'm not mistaken he got arrested there for allegedly having to do with the grand mosque seizure that happened I think in 79... I'm pretty sure he studied in Saudi, got arrested, went back to Yemen, was thereafter openly anti-Saudi for much of his life... then when he was really old he needed medical treatment and ended up going to Saudi for medical treatment... then he came out and said some pro-Saudi stuff in appreciation... I think all that is accurate... he did study in Saudi I believe with Sheikh Ibn Baz and them but I'm pretty sure he spent most of his life in Yemen.... I come across a lot of Yemenis where I live and in my experience pretty much all of them know and respect Sheikh Muqbil... he has a lot of students in Yemen and there are famous Sheikhs there who studied under them... he's definitely a real Yemeni


E pluribus unum

Ilhan Omar defending Iran^

Ilhan Omar attacking Saudi^

now show where is the Western politician who speaks out in defense of Saudi? I would like to know

defending Iran is much more accepted than defending Saudi.
She's not defending the Iranian government she's defending the people who will starve.
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