Do you see a war between FGS and SL happening in the future?

Do you see a war between FGS and SL happening in the future?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • No

    Votes: 23 88.5%

  • Total voters


Bosaaso iyo Qandala
Inshallah Somalia will actually become stronger. We will have less CBB. For one thing I won't have a Dhulbaante waving my flag.
Wow langaab can’t even carve his own deegan, your people never had dowlad so change your username. Harti had 3+ empires where tf was yours naked Hunter gatherer?


Bosaaso iyo Qandala
A powerful central Somalia is threat to somaliland, puntland, jubbaland ,Djibouti, Ethiopia ,Kenya and anywhere somali territories are. FGS has a lot of tax dollars and natural resources at stake so not surprising folks are suspicious. More than likely puntland and jubbaland will go way of somaliland and be semi autonomous
We had Centralism and a communist took over now look at us, this is why PL created federalism because they didn’t want centralism where as soon as 1 guy enters the frame it could all come crashing down. This is why PL isn’t a qabiil state it’s a state based upon political ideology, and if that political ideology just happens to be 1 clan so what? If qabiil didn’t exist centralism would be best.

this is why it’s best to have 4-5 smaller states and half a centralized gov within those states.just like our sultanates and empires that had 1 administrative capital and all else ruled from there.
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If SL gets a UN seat then I want my PL people to get one too what don't you get. If you let one have international recognition then others will want it as well and I don't blame them.
They don't know beesha have lots of agents while they do songs and fake sultanate in the internet

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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Im afraid a war will happen on clan lines if SL secedes. The current situation is good, but if Somaliland gets independence, the darood clans up north will realise they are minority in the new state and start fighting.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Somaliweyn is actually the most logical thing somalis should pursue, the clan demographics would be balanced and no clan could dominate. Would force us to build bridges


The Ii.door are treacherous by nature. I'm no fan of the illegitimate madhalays Republic of 1960, but if those traitors ever get independence, they will do everything in their power to betray every other Somali and side with every enemy, just like they were the Sayid's biggest enemy. Keep them where they are in irrelevance to spite them till eternity.


soon enough that wont be the case anymore. “Somalia” doesn’t exist, there is no Somalia. Wake up to reality.

liberate your land instead of talking about a mooryan free state nacala ku dashay. We gave you dowlad, we saved xamar when you where chipping out in xamar. We saved Somalia and we will destroy it. we will push the hutu border to Dhusomareeb and squish all hutus in 1-2 xaafads like Gaalkayo saqajanyahow.

and if Somasaland is independent send me SL emoji. Oh wait, you can’t Nacas. Stop dickriding Somaliland and liberate galgaduud and Hiran.
That was the biggest mistake Abdullahi Yusuf and Majeertenia made, wasting soldiers and resources on the cursed South. He should have focussed on Puntland and worked towards independence but the old man just wanted to sleep in Villa Somalia once before he died.
I said that to be fitting of @Dowlad small IQ, but let me ask you something citizen of the independent sovereign state of Somaliland.

kursigiina aaway? Where’s your UN seat saqajan 1door? Let me sit on it to determine if it’s as warm as the one Muse Bixi is sitting in.
Look at my little doofaar adoon chimping out. Relax, abaayo - you said something moronic, just own it and move along.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
who’s this “some guy” this gold was passed down and used for years now and nobody tried to debunk it :mjlaugh:
Dude I’m telling you he’s not a ii door. A poorly edited screen doesn’t prove anything you moron. Any normally functioning person would that screen is edited are you that stupid ? :mjlol:

this is his twitter wouldn’t he not say his parents fled from somaliland instead of Somalia :russ: man ur an amateur Gerrara here man



Bosaaso iyo Qandala
Dude I’m telling you he’s not a ii door. A poorly edited screen doesn’t prove anything you moron. Any normally functioning person would that screen is edited are you that stupid ? :mjlol:

this is his twitter wouldn’t he not say his parents fled from somaliland instead of Somalia :russ: man ur an amateur Gerrara here man

View attachment 237519
There’s many flaws here, this nigga is an ciyaal say Wallahi diaspora, he could’ve meant somaliland as somaliland isn’t even recognized

and secondly, he literally has deleted half of his tweets some of whom he was talking about him working in Somaliland.

take the L Sxb, your autistic cousin @Dharbaaxo Jin been calling me and grown men alike Abaayo or naaya khaniiskisa Cuun.


Bosaaso iyo Qandala
Lol, this dude has fag conversations screenshot and has the audacity to accuse others of being gay?

It's ok warya, there is conversion therapy for your kind these days. There is easier ways to seek that, than begging on an internet forum.
I like to see the progress in gender appropriating love to see it. But did you expect me to sit back and watch you degrade me by calling me abaayo? Has to be the 3rd time too.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
There’s many flaws here, this nigga is an ciyaal say Wallahi diaspora, he could’ve meant somaliland as somaliland isn’t even recognized

and secondly, he literally has deleted half of his tweets some of whom he was talking about him working in Somaliland.

take the L Sxb, your autistic cousin @Dharbaaxo Jin been calling me and grown men alike Abaayo or naaya khaniiskisa Cuun.
Dude all landers in Uk proudly say somaliland even the say wallahi group. You are just trying to push this on to us with no proof but a photoshopped screen while you have Abdi maroodi a proud puntlander :susp:
I like to see the progress in gender appropriating love to see it. But did you expect me to sit back and watch you degrade me by calling me abaayo? Has to be the 3rd time too.
Nigga, I don't who the f**k you are. You're some idiot posting moronic shit on the internet and when you got called out for the utter stupidity you posted, you started spazzing out. I have no way of knowing if you're male or female.

Abaayo is not an insult term. the fact you get all spastic about it suggests some sensitivities that you are harbouring. The fact you are saving screenshots of fag conversations tells us all where your tendencies lie for sure. Khaniis behaviour if I ever saw it.


Bosaaso iyo Qandala
Nigga, I don't who the f**k you are. You're some idiot posting moronic shit on the internet and when you got called out for the utter stupidity you posted, you started spazzing out. I have no way of knowing if you're male or female.

Abaayo is not an insult term. the fact you get all spastic about it suggests some sensitivities that you are harbouring. The fact you are saving screenshots of fag conversations tells us all where your tendencies lie for sure. Khaniis behaviour if I ever saw it.
*know, and Are you seriously trying to justify calling grown guys abaayo by saying it isn’t insulting? It’s quite clear you say that in order to degrade one’s arguement which is sad. Maybe your right I am dragging this, but nonetheless still weird if you ask me.
Somalis and their love for war! waqooyis are running away from the south because of crimes committed against them by a government, and u think another genocide is the solution? somalidu waa dad futada caqliga ka galay.
There wont be no war between Somalia vs somaliland . Somaliland will get its independence sooner then later . The jebertis need to own up on dismembering the somali republic and destroying the somaliweyne dream . I say charge it to the game and let them have their succession and live as good neighbours .