BREAKING NEWS: Somali refugee terrorist DEAD after he stabs 10 at Ohio State University

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Classic attempt of deflection a poor attempt at that! :comeon: times when you can deflect things are over, it's getting more apparent day by day Somalis not all but a lot of them are not right in the head and are a ticking time bomb that can explode at any second if Somalida don't do something drastic about their ever growing list of terrorist's and psychopaths I'm afraid something nasty is just down the road in store for them, you can say but aah see look he/she is doing the same thing and at a greater rate but trust me on this nobody gives a shit, Somalida don't have that white men clout to get away with shit, A your black Aka a B your a Muslim your a Muslim even worse !! your a Somali Muslim in the eyes of others and the system, one of the most loathed being to ever grace this planet, and top that of waxaad raabta inaad iis washiid in the host country that welcomed you into their bosom you must be out of your mind Geeljiire :heh:

Adeer somalidu waali cas bey ku socota. They don't understand that they are viewed even more disgustingly then the traditional hate victim, the American madoows.

We are on the road for one major massacre


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Classic attempt of deflection a poor attempt at that! :comeon: times when you can deflect things are over, it's getting more apparent day by day Somalis not all but a lot of them are not right in the head and are a ticking time bomb that can explode at any second if Somalida don't do something drastic about their ever growing list of terrorist's and psychopaths I'm afraid something nasty is just down the road in store for them, you can say but aah see look he/she is doing the same thing and at a greater rate but trust me on this nobody gives a shit, Somalida don't have that white men clout to get away with shit, A your black Aka a B your a Muslim your a Muslim even worse !! your a Somali Muslim in the eyes of others and the system, one of the most loathed being to ever grace this planet, and top that of waxaad raabta inaad iis washiid in the host country that welcomed you into their bosom you must be out of your mind Geeljiire :heh:

''Somalis are not right in the head'' along with the convenient'' ''NOT ALL"" :childplease:. Yeah putting '''NOT ALL''will make it more correct and not a gross generalization.

Do you have any statistics , or psychology survey on Somalis to get to that? Anecdotes don't tell you nothing.

By the same token i could brand Cadaan youth ''Not All'' :ummhmsmiley: as growing list of terrorists and pyshopaths. Ask yourself why are they not all branded as lunatics,terrorists in the same fashion.

Deflecting? Kulaha, i am speaking common sense you overactive turd. This guy is an isolated lone wolf, regardless of the backlash we will receive, Somali/Muslim community should not get the blame for this and we should not apologize for anything.

You are 90%% more likely to be shot by an cadaan kid in the street than stabbed by a Somali and Muslim.

But how come every hate crime, mass shooting and bomb attacks done by Cadaan people they are excused and humanized.

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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Let us begin treating facts as opinion

1) Let us dismiss the fact that there is no violent mass killing history or culture in the Somali community in the west, which just contradicts the myth of mental illness in the community being the cause. These isolated lone wolfs are a result of the recent Warmongering, hatred and marginalization of Muslims and bombings of Muslim countries. Something which automatically results in breeding of hate and backlash.
FBI: Hate crimes against Muslims in US surge 67 percent

2) Let us dismiss the fact that there is no statistical basis for Immigrant/Refugees being more criminal or violent then natives.
. Immigrants are Less Likely to be Criminals Than the Native-Born
Higher Immigration is Associated with Lower Crime Rates

3) Let us forget the fact that White supremacists are the Nr.2 leading cause for domestic terrorism in the US and its increasingly growing with all the Hate crimes against Jews and Muslims. Attacks by muslim fall way behind everyone with the exception of communists.

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America



Do you know what happened to most of them don't covered on the news and the news excuses them with different usage of terms like ''Militia men'' ,''Troubled people'' and ''Lone wolfs''. Do people brand the whole Cadaan race as lunatics psychopaths and terrorists much like what @Lucifer did by branding his own people in the same manner.

4) Let us ignore the fact that most of less than 1/% of all terrorits attacks in europe are made by people with muslim background.
Updated Europol Data: Less Than 1% of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims


Let us forget the hard data and facts available cause these are just opinions.. Let us spew propaganda and spew hatefilled rhetoric that adheres to people emotions.
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
People who are surprised by this have you even read the report on the Somali Ohio students posts on Facebook?. The Anti-Muslim hatred he experienced on campus allegedly made him lash out.
Ohio State suspect spoke of Muslim faith, said he was 'scared' on campus

This guy was no lunatic or psychopathic person he was an educated man who just received his degree with honors.
A graduation program for Columbus State Community College said that the student earned an associate’s degree with honors earlier this year, and a piece published in August by the campus newspaper, The Lantern, said he became a logistics major at Ohio State.

No i don't condone what he did , killing innocent people is morally reprehensible and not right under any circumstance. But the fact of the matter is that we need to examine the roots and be sympathetic to the background,( not the actions carried out), but the background.

We cannot expect to; marginalize people, persecute them, prod and poke at them for their religious lifestyle and then complain when they retaliate: No free human being sits quiet while their rights to their own land, resources and lifestyle are infringed upon. People with any form of identity (ethnic and/or religious) will resist by all means, anything which tries to challenge self.

To make exploitation easier dual containment must be deployed; 1 to curb the potency of religion/identity and pacify it, 2nd to demonize it and fight it directly.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
They still haven't found a motive?

The motive is allegedly him lashing out against the hatred he experienced for being Muslim. According to his facebook status, he was talking about how he was scared on campus and complained about the constant demoralization and oppression of Muslims world wide.

But the Feds haven't confirmed anything as of yet, still under investigation.
The motive is allegedly him lashing out against the hatred he experienced for being Muslim. According to his facebook status, he was talking about how he was scared on campus and complained about the constant demoralization and oppression of Muslims world wide.

But the Feds haven't confirmed anything as of yet, still under investigation.

Minnesota mall killer had complained from racism also


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Minnesota mall killer had complained from racism also

That is the thing. I am very sympathetic to the background of these offenders. People here act like they suddenly wake up one day and decide to slaughter someone, just because they feel like it.. I am actually surprised there are not more Somalis snapping by attacking people, considering the amount discrimination, hatred and hate crimes we receive.

Like i said: ''We cannot expect to; marginalize people, persecute them, prod and poke at them for their religious lifestyle and then complain when they retaliate: No free human being sits quiet while their rights to their own land, resources and lifestyle are infringed upon. People with any form of identity (ethnic and/or religious) will resist by all means, anything which tries to challenge self.''
''Somalis are not right in the head'' along with the convenient'' ''NOT ALL"" :childplease:. Yeah putting '''NOT ALL''will make it more correct and not a gross generalization.

Do you have any statistics , or psychology survey on Somalis to get to that? Anecdotes don't tell you nothing.

By the same token i could brand Cadaan youth ''Not All'' :ummhmsmiley: as growing list of terrorists and pyshopaths. Ask yourself why are they not all branded as lunatics,terrorists in the same fashion.

Deflecting? Kulaha, i am speaking common sense you overactive turd. This guy is an isolated lone wolf, regardless of the backlash we will receive, Somali/Muslim community should not get the blame for this and we should not apologize for anything.

You are 90%% more likely to be shot by an cadaan kid in the street than stabbed by a Somali and Muslim.

But how come every hate crime, mass shooting and bomb attacks done by Cadaan people they are excused and humanized.


@Dhabaal aka Geeljiire I see your still zealous as ever in your approach, and still got that comprehension difficulty on lock, ofcourse there is no survey on the well being and psyche of Somalis that's because Somalia is in tatters, your talking about a mental health survey when large portions of the Somali populous don't even have a birth certificate let alone such a survey, just because you are trying to deny or ignore of the fact that a large portion of the Somali populous suffer from mental health problems won't make it any less true and if your trying to say they are not suffering from mental health problems just because a survey hasn't been carried out your even more delusional then I thought.

And I see your still on that "circulus in probando" ie circular reasoning and the logical fallacy galore your so infamously known for, no matter how much your trying to deflect and try to reason it away the problem will not go away no matter how many times you parrot the word lone wolf, there will be more of the same untill attitudes in the Somali community changes and they stop being in denial of reality a practice your so fond of, and as i said before our people have no clout to get away with this kind of shit get that through your thick skull.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Loose the ad-hominems,religious biased insult like ''Zealous'' wont' make a convincing arguments for you. Birth certificate:mjlol: Does this somehow prevent you from giving me a study? There are many academics studies and surveys done on Somalis that span across variety of issues

There is no survey that shows causation between mental illness in Somali community and these isolated lone wolf attacks. Show me these study for that link mental health as the motive.

Somalis have been in the west for more than 25 years if this was driven by simple case of existing mental illness this would not have happened long time ago. The fact there is no culture or history of Somalis in the west going on a killing spree contradicts what you are saying

And I see your still on that "circulus in probando" ie circular reasoning and the logical fallacy galore your so infamously known for, no matter how much your trying to deflect and try to reason it away the problem will not go away no matter how many times you parrot the word lone wolf, there will be more of the same untill attitudes in the Somali community changes and they stop being in denial of reality a practice your so fond of, and as i said before our people have no clout to get away with this kind of shit get that through your thick skull.

Circular logic:bell:. I use deductive logic there is no fallacy in that. It's not my fault .You and your Atheistic crew cannot differentiate between Deductive reasoning and reliance on facts & information from objective credible organizations and academics VS half the nonsense you get from Anti-Islamic websites and Sam Harris & Ayaan Hirsi.

That he is a lone wolf. Is a fact!! I will not be surprised if there is more attacks made by people of Somali or muslim background, but i will tell it like it is that its due to the are a result of the recent Warmongering, hatred and marginalization of Muslims and bombings of Muslim countries. Something which automatically results in breeding of political hate and backlash.

I will not scapegoat religion or blame things on innocent communities that do nothing to encourage such things.
@Dhabaal aka Geeljiire I see your still zealous as ever in your approach, and still got that comprehension difficulty on lock, ofcourse there is no survey on the well being and psyche of Somalis that's because Somalia is in tatters, your talking about a mental health survey when large portions of the Somali populous don't even have a birth certificate let alone such a survey, just because you are trying to deny or ignore of the fact that a large portion of the Somali populous suffer from mental health problems won't make it any less true and if your trying to say they are not suffering from mental health problems just because a survey hasn't been carried out your even more delusional then I thought.

And I see your still on that "circulus in probando" ie circular reasoning and the logical fallacy galore your so infamously known for, no matter how much your trying to deflect and try to reason it away the problem will not go away no matter how many times you parrot the word lone wolf, there will be more of the same untill attitudes in the Somali community changes and they stop being in denial of reality a practice your so fond of, and as i said before our people have no clout to get away with this kind of shit get that through your thick skull.

There are 1.6 billion shared same religion aka practice with the Somalis

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
It's because they can't stop being a fucking danger to others

And I was thinking of visiting Columbus:mjcry: Wont happen now:ohdamn:
I was planning on visiting some friends in Toledo next week but my plans have changed as well. I think we all need to be careful about our safety until things cool down.
We cannot expect to; marginalize people, persecute them, prod and poke
at them for their religious lifestyle and then complain when they retaliate

:draketf: there would be no reason to to prod and poke them as you say if they went about their life with out no problems, but the truth of it is Somalida are riddled with problems from kids joining terrorists cells, to gang banging, to marriage fraud, benefits fraud the list goes on and now this lone wolf attacks, after all of this you expect to be left alone on what planet do you live on ?:draketf: and about retaliating they are already doing that and kids are getting football numbers kind of sentences ripping families apart in the process for those in the west, and the once abroad are getting picked apart by UAV's or ta ken to undisclosed forsaken place on this planet to get tortured and water borded to death when will these s ever learn :draketf::snoop:


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
We cannot expect to; marginalize people, persecute them, prod and poke
at them for their religious lifestyle and then complain when they retaliate

:draketf: there would be no reason to to prod and poke them as you say if they went about their life with out no problems,
Somalis went on with their life ,in fact wast majority of them do just that. How are you gonna expect people to watch as their homeland invaded and bombed , their fellow muslims being oppressed and then see the media demonize their very humanity and then get shit amount of discrimination then watch them lean over.:childplease:

No free human being sits quiet while their rights to their own land, resources and lifestyle are infringed upon. People with any form of identity (ethnic and/or religious) will resist by all means, anything which tries to challenge self.''

Europeans, Asians, Arab, Other Africans etc join gangs, do marriage frauds, live of benefits and become terrorists.
Get the f*ck out here thinking Somalis are the only ones with these issues.:camby:

lone wolf attacks, after all of this you expect to be left alone on what planet do you live on ?:draketf: and about retaliating they are already doing that and kids are getting football numbers kind of sentences ripping families apart in the process for those in the west, and the once abroad are getting picked apart by UAV's or ta ken to undisclosed forsaken place on this planet to get tortured and water borded to death when will these s ever learn :draketf::snoop:

Explain to me how these are not lone wolf attacks? :comeon: How is it incorrect to call it what it is? Tell how me why cadaan men who commit mass shooting 63% of all and is expected to be left alone, while muslims,blacks deserve fearmongering hatred aimed at them?

Single autonomous person: the self-motivating disconnected terrorism. And their only uniting characteristic is Islam? really?. The educated, uneducated, rich, African, Arab, Russian, Eritrean everywhere in the world is now wrapped into the theater of terror wars

Everyone is a potential terrorist—everyone can be watched. That is logical and rational to you?
Loose the ad-hominems,religious biased insult like ''Zealous'' wont' make a convincing arguments for you. Birth certificate:mjlol: Does this somehow prevent you from giving me a study? There are many academics studies and surveys done on Somalis that span across variety of issues

There is no survey that shows causation between mental illness in Somali community and these isolated lone wolf attacks. Show me these study for that link mental health as the motive.

Somalis have been in the west for more than 25 years if this was driven by simple case of existing mental illness this would not have happened long time ago. The fact there is no culture or history of Somalis in the west going on a killing spree contradicts what you are saying

Circular logic:bell:. I use deductive logic there is no fallacy in that. It's not my fault .You and your Atheistic crew cannot differentiate between Deductive reasoning and reliance on facts & information from objective credible organizations and academics VS half the nonsense you get from Anti-Islamic websites and Sam Harris & Ayaan Hirsi.

That he is a lone wolf. Is a fact!! I will not be surprised if there is more attacks made by people of Somali or muslim background, but i will tell it like it is that its due to the are a result of the recent Warmongering, hatred and marginalization of Muslims and bombings of Muslim countries. Something which automatically results in breeding of political hate and backlash.

I will not scapegoat religion or blame things on innocent communities that do nothing to encourage such things.

Comprehension difficulty: hominems,religious biased insult like ''Zealous

Seems I have to take you back to school alrighty then.

adjective: zealous
  1. having or showing zeal.
    "the council was extremely zealous in the application of the regulations"
    synonyms: fervent, ardent, fervid, fiery, passionate,impassioned, devout, devoted; More
    committed, dedicated, enthusiastic,eager, keen, avid, sincere,wholehearted, hearty, earnest, vigorous,energetic, zestful, purposeful, forceful,intense, fierce, single-minded;
    informalgo-ahead, pushy;
    "he is a zealous worker"
The word zelous in the context that I used has nothing to do with religion, okay school lesson over.


That is the thing. I am very sympathetic to the background of these offenders. People here act like they suddenly wake up one day and decide to slaughter someone, just because they feel like it.

There is no survey that shows causation between mental illness in Somali community and these isolated lone wolf attacks. Show me these study for that link mental health as the motive.

That he is a lone wolf. Is a fact!! I will not be surprised if there is more attacks made by people of Somali or muslim background

And then you want to cry wolf :bell:
Just because your getting bullied and insulted don't give you the right to take some ones life! you will be rained upon with
bullets and you will rip yours and other family and community apart.

result of the recent Warmongering, hatred and marginalization of Muslims and bombings of Muslim countries. Something which automatically

Niin yahow sheekadi muh ummah baad billowde, who's bombing Somalia fk is you talking about ? you been welcomed in by host country since your parents were fleeing civil war live in peace how hard is that ? :childplease:

VS half the nonsense you get from Anti-Islamic websites and Sam Harris & Ayaan Hirsi.

Show me where exactly i posted anything relating to Sam Harris and Ayaan Hirsi :childplease:

I had to half edit as I realised where I was wrong in the argument that these attacks are due to mental illness i was wrong in that I give you that, but then that means these attacks are done by people with sane minds and they have no excuse absolute zilch, and I see you half hearted support these attacks just because they are getting marginalized and bullied boohoo, damn and here I was unbeknownst to me making excuses for these scum bags :ivers: may these terrorists REST IN SHIT and I hope the full might and every intelligence services puts a camera so far down the throat of the jilbaab wearing and abu neck beards Somalis that they can hardly breath marginalized kulaha may they forever get marginalized :ivers:

That is the thing. I am very sympathetic to the background of these offenders.

Your sympathetic to these scum bags may you rest in shit as well hopefully soon Jihadi scum bag :ivers: and here I thought I was talking to a reasonable human being ileen waa dugaag asal aah :camby:
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