Bintiland is playing with Fire!

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HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
No one's fighting my battles. I own my land and have the papers to prove it. You were illegally occupying homes or squatting on government property which is why you're no longer a factor in Kismayo. lol


No one's fighting my battles. I own my land and have the papers to prove it. You were illegally occupying homes or squatting on government property which is why you're no longer a factor in Kismayo. lol
@Somali_Tycoon my ancestors along with the Bajuuni founded Kismayo and historical documents prove this. No amount of Kacaan revisionism will change the truth. We are not guests in Kismayo or its surrounding areas, you are and for those few years you held the city, you were no better than the mooryaan of Marka.

So historical facts and reality have now become "kacaan" revisionism? Your "historical documents" are not taken serious by any academic outside of migiurtinia. Your people have no business in the South and and we will soon expel all of you along with your lackeys from our dominion. You've long overstayed your welcome. Once the federalism agenda is complete and balkanization is underway, it will be a death sentence for a majeerteen to wander outside of the hellhole known as Puntland. That is a day that will certainly come to pass and a day all Somalis should be happy to look forward to.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
So historical facts and reality have now become "kacaan" revisionism? Your "historical documents" are not taken serious by any academic outside of migiurtinia. Your people have no business in the South and and we will soon expel all of you along with your lackeys from our dominion. You've long overstayed your welcome. Once the federalism agenda is complete and balkanization is underway, it will be a death sentence for a majeerteen to wander outside of the hellhole known as Puntland. That is a day that will certainly come to pass and a day all Somalis should be happy to look forward to.

I ain't got time for your calaacal. Bring proof that Marehan have had a historical presence in Kismayo. I'll be waiting...

Even if you ally your souls with the Ogaden, you wont enter Kismaayo, neither will you govern the Jubba.
I mean, i understand Saxraha aint all that, and you're in search of fertile land. But honey you gotta get in line.
The geeljecel gotta get their share before you do, they got you beat in numbers lol SADE dont get jiggy with Darood card
.:wtfdis:The interior minister of Jubbaland is beesha and so is the mayor of Kismayo.

What world are you living in.:westbrookwtf:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
@Somali_Tycoon my ancestors along with the Bajuuni founded Kismayo and historical documents prove this. No amount of Kacaan revisionism will change the truth. We are not guests in Kismayo or its surrounding areas, you are and for those few years you held the city, you were no better than the mooryaan of Marka.

Alhamdulilah, all praise due to the most high. Justice has been served and halal has won over haram.:rejoice:
So Kenyan mass slaughter of Somali civilians and mass human rights violations in Jubbooyinka is the halal option? Who do you think Allah is pleased with more Christian Kenyans occyping Muslim lands or somalis who are native there? Your only there cuz of Nairobi and they won't stay forever I promise, their economy is already collapsing due to their fragile tourism sector and their people are growing more disgruntled at the bodybagsof their boys returning to Isiolo.

If you were rageedi as you claim you would be like General Morgaan and kick shabab out. but you have neither the courage or the numbers to achieve such a feat so sniffing kenyan balls is the only way you'll retain your current elevated status. Enjoy though, these are the game of thrones and your occupying helpers won't be able to sustain decades of occupation.
Of course we love and will continue to retain our assets in Xamar. We have many properties in my family alone, imagine other MX folks, I can estimate to say we have around 200, 000 presence there and Hold many high ranking positions. Mogadishu is the capital of Somalia and retaining close ties is a strategy that has benefitted us both political ly and financially

GAAJO cagdheer we are merely a Somali tribe and cannot tolerate the selling and landgrabbing of your beloved Kenya, But We are lions and resisting as Goobweyn troops whooped Kamboni ass and KDF still hasnt dislodge them :ftw9nwa:

Kenya is occupying Ceelwaaq and other areas in Gedo and they will be expelled too

Garissa Attack will be nothing compared to what ur Fufu nation will suffer
Keep dreaming its like 4 yrs till you folks claimmed you will create an insurrection.By yhe way who are you calling Gaajo lastime I knew Ghetto had a town called Gaajobaharey.Marexan only live in Gedo and that place is Gaajo 24/7 your livestock die of starvation and every drought yr we allow you folks under supervision to graze in Afmadow but as usuall you are always ungrateful people.
There is nothing you have in Xamar and thats a fact hutu took back most of the illgains you got from Xamar.Marehan are nothing in Xamar apart from cheerleaders. We are 200k in xamar buu kufanaya yet have no small degmo chief war wuxu xayawan sana.Hutus make fun of you folks and they just take a mick out of Kismaayo and the way you folks claim you will liberate it.
Could you still tell me if you folks love Xamar this way why was Marexan not fighting against the Ethiopian occupation in Xamar? Why didnt Bare Hiraale send people to fight in Xamar? Where was the Marexan intellectuals why didnt they not get involve in the worldwide campaigns or protests? All you folks do is talk and your love to see PL destroyed.Because at least mJ have a base.But do Marexan have one? Granpa aljajusi alkabir the reason why Marexan are in Xamar is just simply because when HG kicked you out of Galgaduud you guya flocked to Kismaayo.Now since you have nothing in Kismaayo you are back to Xamar filling up fadhi kudirir cafe shops talking about the Kacanka and how you will liberate Kismaayo once the Kenyans live.Why cant you fight them in Gedo and liberate Gedo first. Simply brcause Gedo Marexan want nothing to do with Isbaaro loving marexan from galgaduud.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Stop dividing Marehan we are one, Gedo Somalis are doing their part and the fight continueson the political front. Every dog has his day and we will await the exit of Kenyatta and the fleeing of KDF from kismayo,soon enough, on that day I will personally put a bullet in every garissan dog POW head.
There is a big difference between Gedo marexan and galgaduud marexan.
Someone from diaspora would go to Gedo if he has connections but someone from Galgaduud would go to Xamar.
Tell me you went to Nairobi and then Xamar why didnt you not go to Gedo? Cause damn well you are from galgaduud.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Nigga ur jingaad in Qabdridahare better be prepared, Kismayo is Marehan city whether you like it or not, Fufus won't be there forever when you can eliminate al shabab without the help of foreign forces like Maxamad Kaliil did in Garbaraharay, than Axmed madoobe got scared and begged ethiopians to contain him, yet amxaaro were still karbaashed, using foreign troops is all you got, when your mano to mano than come to me, gus kenyatti jecla bisinka

theres no point arguing with nigga like you, I can go to Gedo anytime I want, I have relatives in Dolow Beledxaawo and kismayu while your reer isaaq ass has absolutely no relavance in Jubbooyinka.

We will await ur master's retreat then will pounce, and that day alot of caanoboore will be spilled bi idnillahi tacla
Granpa stop flattering yourself.You guys are nobodys.
Marexan are the best dreamers they can dream they own anything under the sun. But in reality Marexan own nothing.Awalba langaab baad aheydheen MSB baa idhin soo ururiye iyo midgantii Marehan baa lagu soo buxiyo si tiradha ubuxisan.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You two are arguing about a city you're both a guessed in, there are Ugandan troops in xamar but it don't mean the land belongs to them. You are both forgetting the elephant in the HARTI, words won't change the fact that majority of the houses belong to them. OG's have always lived with us in the jubooyinka hoose but marehans are a Johnny come lately, historically they have never inhabited those lands, it's only thanks to hawiye who was backing barre huraale they captured it for a brief time, the tables has turned since then, now the rightful owners are heading back in droves, taking the bull by the horns & openly displaying their clout, soon when al shish kebab is defeated then you guys can take your beef to buaale the capital of jubaland state or gedo part of southwest state.
Tell me the Somalia you talk highly about wat part did Marexan do to fight for its independence? There is no historical evidence showing Marexan resistance.Secondly it was an Amhara Marexan aka MSB who is Ethiopian by birth and origin that led Somalia.So if an Ethiopian can become Somalia president why are you surprised?
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