Atheists, y'all celebrate eid?

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You take pleasure in our impending eternal torture? :ileycry:
I sure do and will, u mock Allah and Islam, I won't do anything to anyone here, but comes judgement day and inshallah I pass with the Muslims, I'll come to u and say "I told u" and laugh and visit u in 10million yrs, I'll keep doing this forever inshallah.


As i live and breathe
I sure do and will, u mock Allah and Islam, I won't do anything to anyone here, but comes judgement day and inshallah I pass with the Muslims, I'll come to u and say "I told u" and laugh and visit u in 10million yrs, I'll keep doing this forever inshallah.


I didint peg you for the triggered type :ohreally:


Accomplished Saaxir
I sure do and will, u mock Allah and Islam, I won't do anything to anyone here, but comes judgement day and inshallah I pass with the Muslims, I'll come to u and say "I told u" and laugh and visit u in 10million yrs, I'll keep doing this forever inshallah.

And the Southern Baptist is also eager for the day you're punished for not accepting Christ as your saviour...
And the Southern Baptist is also eager for the day you're punished for not accepting Christ as your saviour...
Look I know it seems unfair, but if u die as a kuffar/munafiqn ur eternal home is jahannam, I didn't choose this for u, Allah (swt) promised this if u die as a kuffar, and if u don't believe it, continue to live like u are now and don't worry about it.


Accomplished Saaxir
Look I know it seems unfair, but if u die as a kuffar/munafiqn ur eternal home is jahannam, I didn't choose this for u, Allah (swt) promised this if u die as a kuffar, and if u don't believe it, continue to live like u are now and don't worry about it.

Allah didn't promise anything saaxib, a 7th century Arab merchant named Muhammad did.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I pretend to fast and pray. And boy does the struggle get real at work as I am usually hungry as f*ck.
Hypocrites like you I truly despise, Imagine this creature's poor mother buying her new eid clothes and making delicious sambuus only little does she know her daughter is a atheist who dates black man


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
You take pleasure in our impending eternal torture? :ileycry:
I certainly do, you folks deserve this because you are so arrogant to deny the clearest truth. You rejected Allah, when you yourself when extracted from the loins of Adam admitted that he is your Lord. You reject a fundemwntal truth and your natural fitra knows that your only lord is Allah, deep down inside every atheist knows the truth, they just cover it up with extreme snobbish pride to pursue the pleasures of Satan's playground

On the day you die you will see the dire consequences of your arrogance


Accomplished Saaxir
I certainly do, you folks deserve this because you are so arrogant to deny the clearest truth. You rejected Allah, when you yourself when extracted from the loins of Adam admitted that he is your Lord. You reject a fundemwntal truth and your natural fitra knows that your only lord is Alkah, deep down inside every atheist knows the truth, they just cover it up with extreme snobbish pride to pursue the pleasures of Satan's playground

On the day you die you will see the dire consequences of your arrogance

Source: 7th century era illiterate man


Somaliweyn Unionist
Fasting during ramadan? Hell no. Ramadan feasts? Hell yes. Eid Prayer? Nope. Eid Celebration? Hell yes.

This said, I am Christian but I assume you mean non-Muslims.


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
Hypocrites like you I truly despise, Imagine this creature's poor mother buying her new eid clothes and making delicious sambuus only little does she know her daughter is a atheist who dates black man

I help my mom you filthy animal


Somaliweyn Unionist
Hypocrites like you I truly despise, Imagine this creature's poor mother buying her new eid clothes and making delicious sambuus only little does she know her daughter is a atheist who dates black man
Don't talk to women that way weceel tahay waas.
No i don't celebrate Eid because it's not fun like it used to be as a kid going to theme parks etc. i havent decided if i will fast, depends on how hard it will be this year.


As i live and breathe
I certainly do, you folks deserve this because you are so arrogant to deny the clearest truth. You rejected Allah, when you yourself when extracted from the loins of Adam admitted that he is your Lord. You reject a fundemwntal truth and your natural fitra knows that your only lord is Allah, deep down inside every atheist knows the truth, they just cover it up with extreme snobbish pride to pursue the pleasures of Satan's playground

On the day you die you will see the dire consequences of your arrogance

I "reject" a lot of Gods sxb. The God of the Quran is simply one of many. He's not anymore special to me than Zeus or Thor. But it's all cool, you do you and i'll do me. Live and let live :siilaanyosmile:
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