Zombie Woman Sighted in Seattle

I think the fact is that the government needs to tell us if a zombie apocalypse is taking place. I am not at all interested in any possible arguments by zombie rights activist sjws. If a zombie outbreak does occur, I think the authorities need to shoot first and ask questions later. Society cannot afford to be soft on zombies. If we are seeing a zombie outbreak, if the zombies are not dealt with correctly, the zombie infection could spread. People you love and trust could suddenly be possessed with a desire to consume human flesh.

The other question that I think the medical and scientific establishment would need to answer is whether we are dealing with the classical, slow-moving zombies or with fast-moving zombies as seen in more recent zombie films.

The other question is whether Biden should nuke Seattle just to be on the safe side. If we are dealing with a zombie outbreak, the people of Seattle may be a liability. I am leaning towards he should nuke them just in case. Alternatively, the military could set up a perimeter around Seattle. Any cars or planes attempting to leave Seattle could be shot. Helicopters could drop cargo crates of swords, battle axes and ramen noodles on Seattle. The people could be forced to remain in Seattle and fight the zombies in hand-to-hand combat with medieval weaponry. Once an elite warrior class has gained sufficient xp points and purchased advanced skills, they could be used later to fight other outbreaks.


I have not seen any convincing non-zombie explanation.
for reference, here are some faces of meth people



now drug users can get pretty crazy looking.... I've seen a lot of "oh she's a drug user" explanation.... I don't buy it.

another theory I've seen is that she had been kidnapped and been in a dungeon or something or had been trafficked.... now if she is forced into prostitution- wouldn't the trafficker want her to look as good as possible? at least not ripping the face off.

I have not seen any convincing non-zombie explanation.
now I have been utterly fascinated with this case........

1- there is a media silence.... the US media is silent... why?

2- this is not drugs. I used to live in a neighborhood where I could walk outside and see people selling crack. I've seen drug people.

I think she is not a zombie. she is clearly scared and not aggressive. I think she has been severely tortured. however, I think it ties to the elite, which is why the media is quiet. pizzagate, epstein type stuff. that is my theory.


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