You Shouldn't Want To Have Friends....

Trust me, don't worry about having friends. Focus on building a life for yourself and resources will come. Worry about friends will only take your focus off your objective that you have to achieve. Earn certifications and try to improve your education and finances. Forget friends, get acquaintances and people who can better your life. These so called friends will get you killed off, trust me.

I'm focusing on networking, hell with a friend. They will keep you BROKE.
Just get a couple of genuine friends that you can have deep meaningful relationship with and keep the rest at length; not that difficult.

Life without friends is fucking sad to me.
Did you see the part about acquaintances and associates? Relationships are transactional.
Well I do have acquaintances and associates as well but they are not my friends. You need friends that you can have deep connections with, if you can live without those,then more power to you.