YAAB two hijabis arrested for looting in MN for antifa /blm

Around 90 percent of adult males in Somaliland chew the narcotic plant khat. They’re after 'mirqaan,' the Somali word for the buzz that it can give. Somalilanders spend a total of more than $1 million (930,000 euros) a day on khat.”

instead of spending that much money on this trash u guys could build/spend on educations or other sort things that u guys lack like roads :pachah1:

acuudubillah 90%


Chewing khat in Somaliland | DW | 09.04.2015
The narcotic plant khat is so deeply embedded in Somaliland's local culture that it has become a factor in the economic life of the country. Critics lament the disruptive effect on families.

Somaliland khat
Narcotic plant is a huge tax-revenue earner that bolsters the region’s economy, but also disrupts family life.


Khat in Somaliland: economic cure or curse? - African Business
In Somaliland the narcotic plant khat forms the basis of an industry that generates jobs, income for the government, export revenue for Ethiopia - and
And the uk could outlaw pubs but they arent doing that any time soon