Xalimo gets ewayed

Such rapey behaviour how does he justify this?

Good on her for walking! She should report him to the police because he will do it again.
Justify what? its his car...a person can say to you leave my car any moment for any reason they want. Its his car. This happens with certain type of girl who gave certain type of idea and then started to play games. So he kicked her out.
Such rapey behaviour how does he justify this?

Good on her for walking! She should report him to the police because he will do it again.
Nothing's free in this world, if you don't want to suck the fella then get out of his car!

I don't know what trash can you reared your ugly head from or who raised you but my male relatives give women rides after an aroos who they barely know. It's called raagnimo, you might want to try it. If he wanted a sexual act in return for a lift he should have proposed that before she got in his car. The way you men defend psychopathic behaviour like this is astonishing. And you only view women as human when you are reminded that they are human beings just like your sisters or mothers.
I don’t get rides from men. I always have my car. You can never be too trusting nowadays wallahi. Girls need to get their licenses and lives together. Always make sure you have a ride to and from your destination; stop begging for rides because it’s ceeb and you look cheap.


Such rapey behaviour how does he justify this?

Good on her for walking! She should report him to the police because he will do it again.
Yes but if certain men are rapey like Cosby and Weinstein.....

Then why do women go near them? I thought you guys had woman's intuition? Or does that only work on simps.

My advice would be to stay away. Do you know how many serial killers thrive on young gullible women's ignorance?
I don't know what trash can you reared your ugly head from or who raised you but my male relatives give women rides after an aroos who they barely know. It's called raagnimo, you might want to try it. If he wanted a sexual act in return for a lift he should have proposed that before she got in his car. The way you men defend psychopathic behaviour like this is astonishing. And you only view women as human when you are reminded that they are human beings just like your sisters or mothers.
The one thing is that as a woman, how comfortable are you to accept a ride from a strange man? Why would you not have your transportation arranged prior to leaving your house? The situation could’ve ended badly for her. He’s a saqajaan for even suggesting to receive sexual favours.
Yes but if certain men are rapey like Cosby and Weinstein.....

Then why do women go near them? I thought you guys had woman's intuition? Or does that only work on simps.

My advice would be to stay away. Do you know how many serial killers thrive on young gullible women's ignorance?

True some people are naive and they often learn the hard way but this doesn't excuse this foul behaviour. I remember a disabled woman asked me to help her carry her shopping bags home, I said yes and it never occurred to me that I could somehow use this opportunity to get something from the old lady. I guess we have some very sick people out there.
He shoudlve been clear with his intentions from the start instead of dropping her off on the highway. She probably thought his intentions were good, then randomly he wants head :ohlord:
The one thing is that as a woman, how comfortable are you to accept a ride from a strange man? Why would you not have your transportation arranged prior to leaving your house? The situation could’ve ended badly for her. He’s a saqajaan for even suggesting to receive sexual favours.

lol this is true but it doesn't negate the fact that his behaviour is rapey. I remember a xalimo jumped in the back of my brothers car after a wedding but he didn't drag her out or ask for sexual favours lol. Some people are truly disturbed, I have noted that this happened in Canda so I shouldn't be too shocked.


I find this eway thing very disturbing, I hope it's just for internet lulz, I have on many occasions gave random somali women rides with no strings attached. I remember I came across a teenage xaliima who got off work late night and missed her bus (the last one), her phone was dead and she was in complete tears. I was very happy to take her home and even waited until she got in the house. Everything in life is not a favor for a favor, sometimes you just help out ur fellow person for the sake of it :)
The one thing is that as a woman, how comfortable are you to accept a ride from a strange man? Why would you not have your transportation arranged prior to leaving your house? The situation could’ve ended badly for her. He’s a saqajaan for even suggesting to receive sexual favours.
The average xalimo is more trusting and naive than women their age. They live sheltered lives and ate too trusting. she should be lucky thats all she got and learn her lesson. Instead of recording herself and looking for sympathy and bunch of people tell her how bad he is. i doubt she learned anything


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
lol this is true but it doesn't negate the fact that his behaviour is rapey. I remember a xalimo jumped in the back of my brothers car after a wedding but he didn't drag her out or ask for sexual favours lol. Some people are truly disturbed, I have noted that this happened in Canda so I shouldn't be too shocked.
What did he? It's so weird that she got into his car without asking.
lol this is true but it doesn't negate the fact that his behaviour is rapey. I remember a xalimo jumped in the back of my brothers car after a wedding but he didn't drag her out or ask for sexual favours lol. Some people are truly disturbed, I have noted that this happened in Canda so I shouldn't be too shocked.
At the same time we don’t know what happened. Plenty of guys give girls rides without expecting anything in return. She could’ve offered it exchange for a ride or even a smoking session but reneged and changed her mind. Doesn’t excuse him leaving her to die lol but we don’t know the details of what happened between them.

It was actually reer Minnesota:idontlike:

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
I don't know the full story but apparently she took a lift from him and he told her to give him head or get out of the car in the middle of the snow.
Or maybe she promised to give head and betrayed her promise, we don't know the full story so we should not assume things.
At the same time we don’t know what happened. Plenty of guys give girls rides without expecting anything in return. She could’ve offered it exchange for a ride or even a smoking session but reneged and changed her mind. Doesn’t excuse him leaving her to die lol but we don’t know the details of what happened between them.

It was actually reer Minnesota:idontlike:

You're right but I'm assuming she wouldn't have made a video about it if she goes around offering head for lifts. It's not something you want to publicize. Moral of the story there are some crazies out there don't accept a ride unless you know the person very well. And for men its don't be a rapey shit bag.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I don't know the full story but apparently she took a lift from him and he told her to give him head or get out of the car in the middle of the snow.
I'm talking about your brother.. Did he kick her out?

I remember pumping gas last summer and a random guy got in my car and demanded that I give him a ride, lucky the gas station clerk saw it and came out, he ran away.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
the girl shouldn't gotten into his car no matter how well she knows the person

if she needs a ride late at night she should call her girlfriends or get a uber