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Lol............Shaking my head violently

What these children of immigrants fail to understand as they've clearly not been told this by their parents when they were raising them. Is that as a foreigner you don't get any do overs. Your mistakes and crimes reflect poorly on your community as a whole.

This is not somalia where only the family is shamed. This is the west where the entire race/ethnicity is disgraced by the actions of few. The sooner we start instilling these lessons into our children the better our public image will be.

Hopefully This Will Blow Over In Few Days Damn You Reer MN

Vi Middle Finger GIF by League of Legends


Tbh you guys are making a bigger deal of this than it is. some girls got into a dumb fight and it included a elderly bystander, terrible obviously but nothing insane.

Recording yourself doing it, and sharing it to social media in English and quoting far right talking points on the Tweets, is very retarded
She seems very bitter and miserable, some people here have sick obsession with madows for no reason.
I'm not the one signing up to madow forums, yet your ass is here, on a Somali one. Who's obsessed again? :pachah1:

Didn't know telling the truth made me "bitter" and "miserable"
How would you know? Twitter didn't exist 20 years ago. And you don't know about the horrors of the civil war.

Let go of your obsession with madows, you scapegoat them for every ill in our community.
Nobody is talking about the war idiot, of course people will behave violently then, I was referring to Somali culture BEFORE the war, show me an example of Somali kids even speaking to elders inappropriately, let alone attacking them in their own homes

"Scapegoat for every ill in our community?" You don't see me blaming them for odeys committing polygamy, or scamming gov. money and other problems. Its specifically the saqajaanimo like home invasions and attacking eedos that I blame madow influence on. Lets not act like they aren't known for having zero respect for their elders
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This is what happens when you give Somalis everything on a silver plate. This video has convinced me we are no different to the Negroes we like to disassociate with. Europe and NA diaspora are all dumb khasaaro. These kind of stupid retards deserve to be sent to a REAL dhaqan celis camp. Take their passport and everything and let them rot
China got it right. The west needs a point based social credit system.

My poor cousin who's been here since mid 2000's is struggling to get a passport while so many xoolu somalis that fucked up our name and are sitting in jail right now got their passports cus they came during the labour period.

We shouldn't reward degeneracy. Take their passports and give it to hard working immigrants that want to integrate in a civilised society. Seriously who's really stirring the pot in europe cus the solution is very simple.
Nobody is talking about the war idiot, of course people will behave violently then, I was referring to Somali culture BEFORE the war, show me an example of Somali kids even speaking to elders inappropriately, let alone attacking them in their own homes
I don't think it's in anyone's culture to behave violently towards elders. It would be dishonest to say that it's in 'madow' culture.

And 'cursed' is a bit far, no? you forget the state of our country sxb


:lolbron: yes put all the khasaaro in concentration camps and make them do the worst jobs available like picking up litter and cleaning the streets. Start from Ras Kamboni to Zeila and all that is in between. I estimate the amount of khasaaro will be in the millions :hmm: major cleanup needed.
Simple solution.

Send all the degenerates to socotra island and get them to labour there, the local meheri ppl win and we get a share of the profits. If the Uk can do it so can we. Human rights my ass.

One thing is for sure we need a social credit system like china.

I hate that how if any Somali does some dumb shit, every Somali in the world will hear about it and blow it out of proportion or speak on it for hours on end and not to mention making sure that everyone knows the person or people is/are Somali.

Prime example being that Sophia scammer situation, like there were literally Twitter spaces filled with Somalis for more than a day just speaking on it.

Are we really that jobless or just attention seeking? For a diaspora of no more than 3 mill we sure do make alot more noise than other ethnicities.

It’s getting out of hand we are literally trending every month for stuff that no one would care abt if they weren’t Somali authubillah. The nosiness has to stop.
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