Xalimo divorced on wedding night after husband found out shes not a...

@Bundasliga @Angelina @TekNiKo

You guys should show maturity and debate without trying to hurt each other with children like insults. Be civil in your debates an never get personal.

you don't know each other. It's fine to disagree on a topic, but no need to be savages about it and attack each other like this.

Somali people really need a class on emotional control.

as for the topic, both are wrong. This is something he could have found out before the marriage, so he's partly to blame for not doing his due diligence, especially if it was that important. With that said, he didn't have to make it a public information, he could have divorced her and move on. Embarrassing her like that brought him no gain, if anything he embarrassed himself just as much.

she's also at fault for withholding sensitive information like that. She should have married someone who is okay with it, and there are plenty of men who are.
Why you tagging me?

I didn't even debate or tried to.
Whats bs is thinking her vagina will change depending on the size of the guy with that logic explain why the vagina goes back to its normal state after childbirth
A woman who has given birth is definitely not the same as a virgin. I'm not saying that women who had children without a c section are completely loose but there's a difference
A woman who has given birth is definitely not the same as a virgin. I'm not saying that women who had children without a c section are completely loose but there's a difference
It wouldn't be the same, but it'll probably go back to 90% of it's orginal "tightness" if she does kegel excerises and strenghtens her pelvic floor muscles :manny:
People like you use religion as a jacket.

A xalimo in love "And He created you in pairs"

A xalimo who has waken up to the reality that feminism lied to them
"And He found you lost and guided you".

You are shameless because you want to equate male sexuality with female. It don't work like that B.

A woman's value in a secular and non secular society is still the same: Youth, fertility, beauty and purity. This has always been the case because one woman can carry a seed for 9 months but she'd better lock her partner.

That same partner can impregnate the entire village and still retain his value. Its simple maths b, the egg is valuable and the sperm is not.

You spend your peak years hopping but by the time you hit 30, your washed and the man is just entering his prime.

If you want to *** around, just say it. The sin is the same but the life outcomes are different. You can't have it all b, you just gotta be real
Don't argue with her saxib ,it doesn't go anywhere .
You're actually dumb. Actual fatwas by knowledge middle age scholars literally say the exact same thing. Learn your deen. I'm sick and tired of ignorant people like you. Are they millianial inspired when they mention physical activities and the like which I actually didn't!

Also, women hardly not bleeding isn't even that rare. Obviously, in most cases things are different for a virgin the first time, but my whole point is, if you have no proof, you have no right to accuse anyone male or female of zina. So why lie about the points I made?????!

Funny how you target myself and the other female poster and try to argue that our arguments are millennial kufr inspired,when my takes were pretty clear cut and in line with Islamic views and many of the other guys here were saying the same things.

Don't lie about me or target me and don't @ me. I'm done with his topic and you sexist Faraxs.. A man can literally say the exact same thing and you'll try to come for me?! And then have the audacity to twist my words.

You are deranged nayahee - no one came at you for you to be this defensive.

Read my last paragraph doqonyahay - it's actually in agreement with you. My whole point is to not sway too much to the other side.

If you weren't a jumped-up cur who fruitlessly debates obvious trolls and uses the deen as a paddle you would've noticed the tone of my comment.


a Virgin, he divorced immediately after founding she was already used by another man. Her family was shocked! Faaraxs of sspot would you do the same or have patience?

Confused Daily Show GIF by CTV Comedy Channel

I'm not going to lie, what did she expect coming into the marriage with such a big secret? Would The guy still marry her if she had been upfront about it? Most likely not. I can not blame the guy at all, for if the roles were reversed we ladies would also appreciate a clean guy.
Not sure what I’m more surprised about, the fact he didn’t sample or he believed she was a virgin. Not sure what the big deal is.


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