Word of the day: How to say ‘trend, trending’ in Somali language?

how to say ‘trend, trending’ in Somali language?

In Somali language, trend is called ‘shaac’.

shaac (n, masc.) => trend

shaacaya => trending



Shaaca jimicsigu wuxuu u roonyahay bulshada.

The fitness trend is good for society.

Beenabuurka ha shaacin.

Don't spread fake news.

N.B. another meaning for shaac is the sail of the boat (similar to shiraac), the fabric used for tents, or draperies; folded fabrics that expand once opened.

more vocabulary

shaackac* => upward trending

shaacdhac* => downward trending.

shaacnaq* => trend reversal

shaacbeel* => trend loss

shaacla'* => lacking a trending signal

Citation: mahmud_
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