Women should not be working


I put Books to the Test of Life
Unfortunately, the plutocratic system has forced both genders to work for survival and to enrich themselves through taxation. Additionally, children are placed in what is referred to as indoctrination camps (schools). According to the Sunnah, if a man can provide for his wife and children, the wife should avoid working in a mixed-gender environment. In this perspective, participating in Western workforces is considered haram for women.

Imagine living in the west and having an Archaic thoughts like this and wanting to subjugate women to the Stone Age how can we as a community ever move forward with men/teens being taught such dangerous rhetoric Somali women have always been strong working Muslim women who have much more freedom than others and we will always no matter what men like you want because you are insecure.


Unfortunately, the plutocratic system has forced both genders to work for survival and to enrich themselves through taxation. Additionally, children are placed in what is referred to as indoctrination camps (schools). According to the Sunnah, if a man can provide for his wife and children, the wife should avoid working in a mixed-gender environment. In this perspective, participating in Western workforces is considered haram for women.

I don't wanna work either :damn:I want this lifestyle that come along with a maid.


I put Books to the Test of Life
Imagine living in the west and having an Archaic thoughts like this and wanting to subjugate women to the Stone Age how can we as a community ever move forward with men/teens being taught such dangerous rhetoric Somali women have always been strong working Muslim women who have much more freedom than others and we will always no matter what men like you want because you are insecure.
You're no different from those capitalists who exploit women to increase their wealth and power. I can assure you that my mother and stepmother, who have never worked in their lives and have relied on their hardworking Husband, are experiencing more happiness and peace than the wealthiest female CEOs who may have never had a family or leisure time to enjoy being at home.

Why bother with a home that's empty for 40 hours a week, devoid of your wife and kids? Coming home drained and feeling used. If all women decided to take a break from work, believe me, the economy would chug along just fine, and society wouldn't hit a roadblock. Look at Iceland – 100k women skipped work to make a point. Even with 20% of the population on strike, the economy and the country kept ticking along like nothing happened.
You're no different from those capitalists who exploit women to increase their wealth and power. I can assure you that my mother and stepmother, who have never worked in their lives and have relied on their hardworking Husband, are experiencing more happiness and peace than the wealthiest female CEOs who may have never had a family or leisure time to enjoy being at home.

Why bother with a home that's empty for 40 hours a week, devoid of your wife and kids? Coming home drained and feeling used. If all women decided to take a break from work, believe me, the economy would chug along just fine, and society wouldn't hit a roadblock. Look at Iceland – 100k women skipped work to make a point. Even with 20% of the population on strike, the economy and the country kept ticking along like nothing happened.
If your mother and stepmother want to be lazy fat hogs that is their choice you want all women to not work and be regulated to the kitchen and stay home and not go out it is not your choice as a man to say this.
The question I have for men is that if Labour has been increased two fold and has impacted the economy, why should a man take on the provider role in a society? Surely the expected outcome is that the dynamic involves into a partnership? Give me your takes.. Granted that one is seeking a family. Cuntada kariya walaayaal, dhulka masaxa, weelasha dhaqa, horumar ba la doonaya, too many lazy bruddas out here
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I put Books to the Test of Life
If your mother and stepmother want to be lazy fat hogs that is their choice you want all women to not work and be regulated to the kitchen and stay home and not go out it is not your choice as a man to say this.
My mother and step mother aren't poor and improvished Tax slaves like your cursed lineage you scumbag, nor are they qashin looking hence your women had to clean toilets or be out of the house 40hrs of the week getting hagged around by men for living whilst your lazy father was probably chewing Khat.

Your a Jahil of course you have no knowledge of your deen but Muslim by name, I promise you deep down every women wants to be a housewife and not get drained and exploited by men hence women are finally realising they have been duped.

And lastly look how a women unlike you commented on the thread agreeing. Your Just a cuck and a dayooth who would love his wife to be out 40hrs of the week getting bossed around by men and free mixing with all sorts, am sure you would love watching her get dominated in bed whilst you touch yourself.
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I put Books to the Test of Life
The question I have for men is that if Labour has been increased two fold and has impacted the economy, why should a man take on the provider role in a society? Surely the expected outcome is that the dynamic involves into a partnership? Give me your takes.. Granted that one is seeking a family. Cuntada kariya walaayaal, dhulka masaxa, weelasha dhaqa, horumar ba la doonaya, too many lazy bruddas out here
Men where paid more when women did not work or pay taxes, but now that they want to exploit both genders the pay for men decreased compared to when it was only one provider.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Unfortunately, the plutocratic system has forced both genders to work for survival and to enrich themselves through taxation. Additionally, children are placed in what is referred to as indoctrination camps (schools). According to the Sunnah, if a man can provide for his wife and children, the wife should avoid working in a mixed-gender environment. In this perspective, participating in Western workforces is considered haram for women.

He makes sense but he is speaking out of his own needs. Had he used Christianity as his reasons- then he will make a point. But this tells me he is just an in,.cel. who is jealous of the masculine successful corporate women.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Women have always worked. They just get paid now



I put Books to the Test of Life
Women have always worked. They just get paid now
They work Double now, 40 hrs of slavery for plutocracy and also their normal House duties. Before they never paid taxes and their side hustles weren't taken away and men's income was higher.
Unfortunately, the plutocratic system has forced both genders to work for survival and to enrich themselves through taxation. Additionally, children are placed in what is referred to as indoctrination camps (schools). According to the Sunnah, if a man can provide for his wife and children, the wife should avoid working in a mixed-gender environment. In this perspective, participating in Western workforces is considered haram for women.

You gotta work. We need the taxes.
I think women are more suited to having their own businesses which can function around the domestic environment.

A successful Muslim women's company could create a wonderful environment for mothers, where a nursery and infant school can be incorporated into the design.

Women are naturally creative and nurturing, these feminine qualities should be encouraged and fostered rather than trying to replace and squelch them out with masculine traits that look extremely out of place for females.
Men where paid more when women did not work or pay taxes, but now that they want to exploit both genders the pay for men decreased compared to when it was only one provider.
So why play by the same rules? I fully agree, the social contract has been broken. According to stats this is the biggest reason for divorce.
Working class Women have always worked. Only reason why men now have issues with women working is because women are now being paid an amount that allows them to be financially independent of men. The power dynamics that once existed in which women were beholden to men have lowered and now women can choose to leave or not be in situations that don’t benefit them.

Our nomadic great grandmothers unless your great ayeeyos were from the city, worked harder than any of us modern working women. They built the Aresh (accommodations) walked miles to the well, fed the animals and the list goes on whilst also giving birth with 0 modern appliances helping them. Now many of us women who are educated work in air conditioned offices and are actually on our feet less than our female ancestors.

Also, the vast majority of working class European women worked in 15 hour factories at the start of the industrial revolution and before that worked in the fields as peasants in the agricultural industry.

I’ve had enough of Muslim men’s obsession with working women especially in the light of today’s economic recession and families struggling to even pay for rising bills and rent.
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So why play by the same rules? I fully agree, the social contract has been broken. According to stats this is the biggest reason for divorce.
Social contract hasn’t been broken since women still give birth which is precisely why provision has been seen as the male domain and women are still the ones raising young infants.

