Why we Somalilanders need independence

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
I thing she is a women:francis:
I'm not im a man with a penis and nutcracker. U scandavian nigga be on khaniz time

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Nigga what? Why do you always act like every member of a qabil is responsible for the actions of a few?
I have family members who were killed for hiding isaaqs in xamar:mindblown:
The lies:damn: Nigga you guys where with him till the end. And you forget how his fellow clan men robbed the somali bank of millions before he run to kenya. All those niggas are rich in kenya now because of that robbery:francis:


Ok, when you all have a reason that is logically factual and backed by the world, when you have clear and precise boarders, when you show that you are capable of running a fair democratic election, when you have 90% or higher in every small district stating they want a secession from Somalia, and when you are considerably able to negotiate terms on how you will manage your country there after will there be room to talk and reach an agreement.


Reformation of Somaliland
Why are knofur niggas haters? When it comes to Somaliland independence they always say shit like "issaq land" or "no flag". When in reality all we fight for is independence for our nation. What gives Djibouti the right of its independence but disallows Somaliland for its independence. We Somalilander deserve our own nation. Somalia has genocides my people and still are our biggest haters till today. Why can u niggas leave us be??

We're already independent and have not been involved in anything "Somalia" since 91.

Our Independence is acknowledged just not officially recognised.

The IC knows this, geopolitics of the issue.

A recognised Somaliland will hurt allot of neighbours below especially now with the whole Berbera development that everyone laughed at saying DPW is a scam will not do anything but such the life.
dont see the problem. i view SL the same way I view djbouti an independent somali state in the horn that will, inshallah, one day be absorbed into a great somaliweyn state:wow1::rejoice:
Eastern waqooyi and western waqooyi are against secession. There is no such thing as "somalilanders" i have no connection to other Somalis except under the banner of Somalia.


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