Why we should accept arab culture and why i changed my mind on it


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Tbh i used to be skeptical but now i definetly agree we should implement arab culture into somalia ,


1. i have yet to see a man wearing those sheikh garments being a degenerate roadman its always someone wearing western clothes , when is the last time you have seen a man wearing khamis being a roadman or a drug dealer , wearing khamis you have a far better behavior than a roadman wearing a tracksuit or jeans

2. compare north african contries that wear more western clothes to gulf countries that wear khamis which one has lower crime rates and gang issues (muh wealth and gdp , thats not the question ) ,

there is an outlier here , iran wears western clothes but i havent seen much reports of gang or drugs to the level of other nations interesting discussion was wondering what you guys thought

Clothing = Gangster? Wax waalan bro first calm down and understand what you’re saying.
I think the people advocating for “Arab culture” wants an alternative to hood ratchet culture that some diaspora adopt.
Actual Arab kids also have a hood culture as well in the diaspora.
Im personally advocating for more Somalis to stick and incorporate the deen to their daily lives and stay away from haram. I think this this idea of “Arab culture” is a linear simplistic views on things
Because the thing is, you can’t have an alternative if these kids are being raised in the hood. I know Yemenis who are culturally no different to Saudis or other Khaleejis adopt a ‘hood’ culture because they’re being raised in a poor deprived area in the West. No amount of culture will change things. Also, by arguing that we should adopt Arab culture instead of a Somali one is creating the impression that Somali culture is one in which delinquent behavior is tolerated and that isn’t the case. It simply reeks of inferiority.

Also, what I’m going to say will piss off the anti-Arab brigade, but our culture is already incredibly similar to Yemeni/ Gulf Arab culture, believe me I’m someone who partially grew up in and is now back and living in the Gulf and they’re not that much differently culturally. Also, the little differences we have are good ones as we have less of the toxic aspects of their dhaqan.

overall tho yes I agree with you it all comes down to socioeconomic factors
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