Why the UAE Want to Buy this Remote Island?



Hope the UAE annexes it, so Somalia can have a first world neighbor.

No longer surrounded by third world countries. :mybusiness:

Hope the UAE annexes it, so Somalia can have a first world neighbor.

No longer surrounded by third world countries. :mybusiness:

I know, right? Why can't we have one bloody wealthy Nation in this God-forsaken continent?



It is what it is
Perfect timing as well.

Big brained UAE leadership got this right.

Siyaad Barre should have done the Ogaden war in either 1975 or 1985 when Ethiopia was on its knees.

1977-78 was horrible timing.

Actually, the whole reason Barre attacked in 77 was because it looked like the peak of turmoil in Ethiopia.

He thought that invading would be the icing on the cake but it in fact united Ethiopia against a common enemy.

Funny thing is not long after tensions were resolved, Ethiopia slid back into turmoil and dragged Somalia with it.


Actually, the whole reason Barre attacked in 77 was because it looked like the peak of turmoil in Ethiopia.

He thought that invading would be the icing on the cake but it in fact united Ethiopia against a common enemy.

Funny thing is not long after tensions were resolved, Ethiopia slid back into turmoil and dragged Somalia with it.


Bantu Liberation Movement
We should give them a stern warning that if they don't give us annual tribute to develop our economy along our coasts, we will migrate there in mass and there's nothing they can do about it.